[OOC Thread] The Matrix [Anathema Ascendant]

Sherwood said:
On our list of what characters are in what game, can we add which Deathlord they serve? I don't want to act like I've never seen someone before if we have the same boss, and it will save us time from having to hunt through character sheets to see who it is they serve.
Can do.

EDIT: Deathlords added to Cast.
Axelgear said:
I think it'd be interesting to play "infant" Primordials some time. I may just have to add that to the Games You'll Never Run thread.
It'd not be difficult. Start out with a simple concept (a small one, since they're still infants, that can grow into a larger one. For example, start with flowers, which develops into plants, which develops into life itself) and develop a being based upon it. Then, create a group of starting Noble Raksha, one for each Grace, all of whom are immune to the calcifying effects of Creation and have triple the normal essence pool.

Then give them the ability to take Excellencies on par with those of Infernals, realize you're a madman, smile and let loose your ridiculously overpowered newly formed Primordials on Creation.
I am Danakir and I approve of this message.
Axelgear said:
I think it'd be interesting to play "infant" Primordials some time. I may just have to add that to the Games You'll Never Run thread.
It'd not be difficult. Start out with a simple concept (a small one, since they're still infants, that can grow into a larger one. For example, start with flowers, which develops into plants, which develops into life itself) and develop a being based upon it. Then, create a group of starting Noble Raksha, one for each Grace, all of whom are immune to the calcifying effects of Creation and have triple the normal essence pool.

Then give them the ability to take Excellencies on par with those of Infernals, realize you're a madman, smile and let loose your ridiculously overpowered newly formed Primordials on Creation.
Still interested, yes, though I can't much comment, character-wise, until you have some backstory up.

Again, sorry for the slowness, everyone.
Aww, nobody's going to recognise me. :cry:

Unless, of course, the Walker's had someone keeping an eye on developments with that impatient idiot known as the Mask of Winters... :twisted:
"A blasphemous... hmmmm..." Here, Romana had to think on what she had planned if it was one of those, before she shrugged. "I supposed we could just do what I've always done in the face of enemies."
Here the fire aspect smirked, one might almost say dashingly in a cock-sure manner and which bode ill for those she was going to face.

"I believe in going beyond the impossible and kicking reason to the curb. To touch the untouchable, see the invisible, do the impossible, and break the unbreakable. That's my way."

Standing up as she paused for a moment, she slipped on a pair of sunglasses, crimson as the fires of the South. The afternoon sun flared off the glasses, and for a moment... the merest of moments, one could believe that Romanatali could and would do exactly just that. Because she was an exalt and that was the way they did things.
This is why one shouldn't watch anime... things get stolen.
danakir said:
I didn't want to mention it, but it was pretty much a rip-off. :P
The Captain of the Wyld Stallyn is hardly much better, heh heh.


Thank goodness for the new Youtube tag.
Use the 'rating' tag.

It goes something like this...

rating:explicit keyword

I'm sure you get the idea.
xarvh said:

Is there a link to exclude images that are NOT NSFW!?
Grammar Nazi here. NSFW is Not Safe For Work. Not Not Safe For Work is a double-negative.

SFW is an appropriate way to describe it.
Axelgear said:
Grammar Nazi here. NSFW is Not Safe For Work. Not Not Safe For Work is a double-negative.
The parsimony rule is not part of English grammar.

You are a puny Parsimony Nazi at best. =P

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