[OOC Thread] The Matrix [Anathema Ascendant]

knightfall said:
MorkaisChosen said:
In the main book, it mentions that the first solar eclipse for AGES happened when the Prison was broken and the Solar Shards freed. That doesn't seem quite so appropriate when they were all nicked and corrupted- so should there have been an unnatural, blood-red moon?
Lunar eclipse, ala moonshadow.
That was my thinking. Good to see my faculties are attuned to the mystic essence-flows of the Mighty Storyteller...

The extra Abyssals and Infernals are on account of the Deathlords nicking all of the Solar shards, not just half of them.
MorkaisChosen said:
The extra Abyssals and Infernals are on account of the Deathlords nicking all of the Solar shards, not just half of them.
Ah, I must have missed that in the write up somewhere O.o

Edit: Found it on the original write-up. ^^;;
Hence the name- Anathema Ascendant...

It all seems to be kicking off... It'll be interesting to find out which Blasphemous is being followed! Oh, and who's following me. And what this Beast is. And where baby Raksha come from.

Wait, strike that last one.
Well now you see, when a lady Raksha and the Wyld love each other very very hard in a night of primal passion the mere sight of which would rend asunder your sanity as if it was naughty but paper...
danakir said:
Well now you see, when a lady Raksha and the Wyld love each other very very hard in a night of primal passion the mere sight of which would rend asunder your sanity as if it was naughty but paper...
Now then, that typo raises a very interesting question- did you mean naught but paper, or naughty butt paper?
Yes, yes! That we do. We certainly need her. Where is she, the one who served the Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears mm? Is she gone? Is she there? Oh, tell me!
Whoopse. I could have sworn I posted... days ago xD Though apparently I hadn't. Been quite frantic this week and I think I'm losing my mind. So uh... if you see a mind running around without a person please return it to me, thanks :P
Well... I think I've seen someone's mind stuck in a cat as well as a dog... mabbe. :lol:

But no worries... we is able to wait...
Haku said:
*bats at a ball of yarn and wonders if Knightfall is alright...*
*joins in the batting of yarn and wondering*

Also, in case I didn't post in here about it, I am going to be out of pocket from Thursday through Sunday this week, as I am going to an Anime Convention. I *might* be checking my computer Thursday morning and Sunday evening, but I doubt more than that, if that.
*Broods darkly.*

Wait, no, I can stop, we're out of character.

Good thing, or I'd start brooding all the time, and become all dark, and mysterious, and... attractive...

Never mind out of character, it's got to be worth a shot!

I've made my posts here, Fire and Water, and in Go West. I'm just waiting on the ST's to post.
Axelgear said:
Maybe we should design a Sidereal Martial Art based around game stagnation?
Web of Distracted Neglect style? Distracts the Pattern Spiders and slows the Loom, so time starts slowing down for your enemies.
Once, there was a distracted Maiden...

We could do this. We might as well while we're waiting for Knightfall to sort out whatever is going on. Maybe we'll get bonus xp for being awesome.
I will hold out hpe for this game... it's... rare for me to play. As I usually get trapped as an ST.

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