[OOC Thread] The Matrix [Anathema Ascendant]

I just want to be sure I've got the priority right since we're about to have tons of fighting occur.

The beast is assumed to have gotten a 3 suxx on join battle as trinity is on tick 1 with 2 suxx.

tick 0 beast (attacked - speed 5)

tick 1 trinity (attacked back - speed 5)

tick 5 beast (attacked again - speed 5) / trinity (not doing defensive stuff beyond declaration of reflexive charm use against next attack on her and 1 mote anima flare)

tick 6 trinity (next action)

tick 10 beast (next action)

Please note that unless it says that reflexive charm occurs on a step (something), it can be used at any time as long as no other charms have been used outside of a combo with the charm in it (for a celestial exalted).

And Dread Lord's Demeanor is a step 2 reflexive charm, which means it CAN be used in response to an attack on an abyssal. Say like on tick 5?

Which could force it to make a valor roll (difficulty 1) or willpower roll (difficulty 2) -per- attack it wants to make on you, depending on how you set the resistance roll when you bought the charm. Or force the attacker to spend 3 willpower to resist for the scene and add a limit break point.

And take essence dice in damage per attack.
Assuming the creature isn't already in limit break. Or constantly in limit break.

>_> Not that I'm saying it is. Or that it isn't.

But, yes, that's perfectly valid.
So, we just need to wait for ze ST to get all the join battle rolls and to calculate when we show up and in what order... :D
I really need to get Heart-Stopping Mien. It's nearly as cool as combining Illustrative Overkill Technique with Killing Words Technique.
Join Battle Suxx and just how many people are running around here?!?! o_o

3 suxx - The Beast (NPC) (in theory 3 suxx)

2 suxx - Trinity ( Myllinnia)

6 suxx - Leoria (NPC)

4 suxx - Izumi (Dakanir)

2 suxx - Romanatali (Haku)

5 suxx - Arishat (Luck)

4 suxx - Bloodseed Soldier 1 (NPC)

1 suxx - Bloodseed Soldier 2 (NPC)

2 suxx - Bloodseed Soldier 3 (NPC)

3 suxx - Bloodseed Soldier 4 (NPC)

4 suxx - Bloodseed Soldier 5 (NPC)

2 suxx - Prophet (MorkaisChosen)
I am a little fuzzy. I have a post lined up regardless, but is it Trinity's action? (and sorry if it is, and I have slowed us down. Again Oo)
It IS Trinity's action.

tick 0 beast (attacked - speed 5)

tick 1 trinity (attacked back - speed 5)

tick 5 beast (attacked again - speed 5) / trinity (not doing defensive stuff beyond declaration of reflexive charm use against next attack on her and 1 mote anima flare)

tick 6 trinity (next action) <- now

tick 10 beast (next action)
We should have a tick tracker thread ^_^ ;

tick 0 beast (attacked - speed 5)

tick 1 trinity (attacked back - speed 5)

tick 5 beast (attacked again - speed 5) / trinity (not doing defensive stuff beyond declaration of reflexive charm use against next attack on her and 1 mote anima flare)

tick 6 trinity (attack again - speed 5)

tick 10 beast (next action) <- now UNLESS someone joins in prior to tick 10

tick 11 trinity (next action) / Romanatali (a new challenger appears!)

Also for your DV, it looks like that is correct. It's a -2 to your DV...
Anyone who gets more sux than the Beast would act exactly on the tick on which they do the Join Battle action. Just so everyone's clear on that. ^^
How does flurrying interact with a Dash? If I flurry Ready Weapon with Dask, is it a 5 -tick-long Dash moving 6+Dex-mobility each tick, or 3 ticks of Dash and 2 more ticks before the next action, or what? Also, do multiple action penalties affect the move speed?
Note: this is my understanding of the RAW.

Every tick you dash, up to 5 ticks, you move Dex+6-mobility yards.

You do not have to dash for all 5 ticks, but your DV refreshes only after 5 ticks, so if you dash for more than 3 ticks, your DV gets penalized again.

multiple action penalties do not affect move rate, which also means you cannot flurry several dash actions at the same time.
That seems reasonable, but I'm not sure about the DV being penalised again. I'll probably play it safe and just take 3 ticks dashage; Knightfall's word, as always, is final.
Dashing is a 3 tick and -2dv action The does not allow you to parry unless you stunt

Readying a weapon is a 5 tick -1dv action

When flurying, drawing your weapon uses the speed of the weapon instead of 5 ticks and just piles on it's DV penalty.

So there are two ways to go.

1) For three ticks you move at Dex+6-Mobility-Wounds (Min 2) Per tick at each tick. with a total -3 dv penalty and no ability to Parry without a stunt.

2) You flurry, you do not get an Action until 5 ticks later, you have -3DV until then but only get to Dash for the first 3 Ticks, and the last two you get regular reflexive movement.
OK, thanks (for reference purposes, it's Razor Claws, so Speed 5 anyway).

And parrying? Why bother parrying? WOUNDS MEAN NOTHING! :twisted:
This is why I is taking some time to get there, a minimum of speed 6? From join battle? Enough time to ride and draw weapon and not have to y'know flurry and stuff. :lol:
Having technical difficulties. Posting from McDonalds wifi. Will try to post later tonight; failing that, I'll post tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.

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