[OOC Thread] The Matrix [Anathema Ascendant]

Romanatali will show up on tick 9 and we will discover the source of her silly levels of reputation... :lol:

Yeah... got tired of waiting... :twisted:
knightfall said:
MorkaisChosen said:
[OOC:]The Prophet's going to take a bit longer about things- he'll ready his Razor Claws before arriving. Should I assume he's got enough move to turn up after five ticks of movement, or will it take a bit longer than that?[/OOC]
OOC: You can flurry drawing/readying your weapons and dashing as a -3 DV, Speed 5 action, or have them separate, as a Speed 5, -1 DV action and a Speed 3, -2 DV action respectively.
Recommend flurrying...
It doesn't hurt to post now, but it won't take effect-- if the anathema survives until that tick-- until everyone else has acted.
knightfall said:
OOC: Stunt level one. Also, strangely, the fact that her anima is "azure white" is possibly more Wyld than anything I've done with the moon mad so far. :lol:

clickie for the wiki

In a laboratory under normal gravity conditions and with a closed oxygen valve, a Bunsen burner burns with yellow flame (also called a safety flame) at around 1,000 °C. This is due to incandescence of very fine soot particles that are produced in the flame. With increasing oxygen supply, less blackbody-radiating soot is produced due to a more complete combustion and the reaction creates enough energy to excite and ionize gas molecules in the flame, leading to a blue appearance. The spectrum of a premixed (complete combustion) butane flame on the right shows that the blue color arises specifically due to emission of excited molecular radicals in the flame, which emit most of their light well below ~565 nanometers in the blue and green regions of the visible spectrum.
Azure (blue) white flames.

Only a single die? mou, tough crowd tonight. I would have thought incomporating the anima, background and others would have gotten me more die, ah well. Guess my post wasn't cool enough. :lol:

So, is up to the bloodseed soldiers to act... and then Izumi/Leoria combo who were with Romana... so not sure how that'd going to turn out.
If they were connected with a hypen, it'd be one color. As it is, grammar dictates it's both colors. xD

/English-major :twisted:
but they are two colors. :lol:

Blue flames, white flames mixed together to form hot flames. :D
Pity you didn't draw your weapon when you did Join Battle earlier. You could have flurried join battle with drawing of weapons... :wink:
You can do that? I didn't know you can do that.

Also, it would've left me a couple of dice down on Join Battle, wouldn't it? Probably wouldn't have got me in ore than one or two ticks sooner...
Nope. Wouldn't have eaten your JB die.

Also... did some edits to my post. Like rolling attacks and pasting them in.

It would be nice to know what DV or soak we're looking at. But such is the discretion of our almighty ST.
I can assure you, young man, that Othar Tryggvassen (Gentleman Adventurer) inspired part of Romanatali. :lol:
Haku said:
Nope. Wouldn't have eaten your JB die.
How does one Flurry Join battle with anything else?

I thought Join battle was purely to know when you got to act, sure some actions trigger Join battle, like swinging a punch.

I'm just curious. I've only played Exalted in one game so far and we seem to be dropping some rules around the place. Most frustrating to my night Caste mobile movement crazy dude, since we are only getting movement on our actions. [insert rage smiley]
drawing weapon is a miscellenous action (speed 5), as is join battle (speed 0). You can always flurry. :lol:
Funky. I always treated Join battle same as movement, Reflexive Thing that happened.

Now the thing about drawing a weapon is that when drawing it you could flury it right into attacks for just an added -1dv.
Haku said:
heh... movement are also speed 0 actions...
True but it's not an action that you flurry, it's something you get as long as you are standing and mobile.

Attacking doesn't require you to flurry moving closer and swinging at the enemy
It is speed 0, but that doesn't mean you can't flurry with it. Or before it. Or just wait til you have to act and just draw weapon to attack...
So whose going to post for the bloodseed soldiers in PnP? Luck who owns 'em or the ST?
Luck has already declared their actions, as Arishat controls them.

Danakir, does Izumi have anything that shortens social attacks from long ticks to short, or am I missing something in the rules that allows her to do that?
Wait... so that means that everyone who could act on tick 8 has acted, and it's now the start of tick 9.

Spidergirl observing

bloodseed soldiers on guard action

Izumi + Leoria popping up on same tick as Tali

Prophet still charging...
Updated the tick tracker ( link ) and we're now on...

tick 11

- Prophet (on the scene with weapon drawn!)

- trinity (next action)

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