[OOC Thread] The Matrix [Anathema Ascendant]

The next game I run I'll make sure to send you a special invite to it first. It sucks never getting to play.
danakir said:
Patience is a virtue ^^
Temperance, I think, possibly with a touch of Conviction.

I'd help with the Web of Distracted Neglect style project, except I have literally no knowledge of Sidereal MArtial Arts beyond reading some stuff on the Exalted Wiki. However, I may be able to provide ideas...
Actually, Xarvh, you're being a tad too harsh. I've been in touch with Knightfall over AIM. He's just waiting on Lochar, that's all. He's going to advance the game soon if he doesn't receive a response.
Yes! Someone has coms with the ST!! (Ahem... just makes me feel better to hear that is all xD )
If someone had actually told me that a response by me was required, I would have said something earlier.

Seeing as how Scars basically got vetoed on the oath idea, he just shut up. However, I've now posted.
Sorry, Lochar, didn't mean to make it seem like this was entirely your fault somehow. Just a simple misunderstanding.
I'm sure everything'll be alright, no need for anyone to feel bad. ^^

Not posting due to a misunderstanding happens to everyone, happened to me just a few days ago even!
Welcome back knightfall. :)

Nice post, and I'll respond on Sunday when I can get back to a computer for more than a couple of minutes.
Perhaps we should have our ST and other players indicate if they're waiting for a response or some such? Especially if it's several days after the last post?
Hello everyone.

I am sorry for any inconvenience I might be causing, but I'm dropping out of the game. Real life has gotten way too hectic for me lately and my free time has practically vanished. I'm struggling to keep up with just one game I've been playing for quite some time because I don't want to disrupt it and that's already too much. Cannot handle anything more right now and would not like to delay the development of the story.

It has been a pleasure, even if my participation was short.

Thank you all and have fun playing!
Thanks for letting us know instead of just vanishing. Best wishes.
:shock: Ho crud.That was unexpected.

:oops: Sorry Haku. Thought I hit Quote...


Back to what I wanted to say.

When Is it NOT time to play star trek fight song. ;)
Wuffy said:
Ho crud.
That was unexpected.

Sorry Haku. THought I hit Quote...

Back to what I wanted to say.

When Is it NOT time to play star trek fight song. ;)
Easily fixed, no worries... :lol:
Personally I favour Dragonforce for high-octane fight music, generally. In this particular case, maybe something a bit spookier, though? A little chilling?

Fear of the Dark, I'm thinking...
So we must save the anathema from the chimerae? Will someone flare anima already? :lol:
Meh, I could take that hit without breaking a sweat.

OK, yes, the Prophet's abilities are kinda focused on being WELL HARD at the moment. Just spend a load of Essence and I can come and show you exactly how hard... :twisted:

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