[OOC Thread] The Matrix [Anathema Ascendant]

This appears in the MoEP: Dragon-Bloods, under the heading for each Aspect.
See pages 112-121.
Actually, it doesn't... it only mentions the spending of essence to activate the ability. Not the default activation when anima banner is at X level that you see with assorted exalted in core book and their splat.
Haku said:
This appears in the MoEP: Dragon-Bloods, under the heading for each Aspect.
See pages 112-121.
Actually, it doesn't... it only mentions the spending of essence to activate the ability. Not the default activation when anima banner is at X level that you see with assorted exalted in core book and their splat.
Didn't notice that till now... weird...
So, when are we going to be starting with this shindig? I'm interested in spreading the works of the Neverborn to Creation.
knightfall said:
CrazyIvan said:
Since there aren't actually stats for them that I can see, I'm using the two-dot stats from a Monofilament Scourge (MoEP: Alchemicals) to represent the bladed soulsteel whip Lily uses.
You can use that, the Thorn Thrower whip from Scroll of Fallen Races, or an Essence Lash with Laughing Wounds.
I'll stick with what I have. The Thorn Thrower is more expensive, and I like the physicality of an actual weapon.
I'm still working on Romanatali... but the incompleted stuff should be enough to give a good idea of what she'll be like. ^_^
Actually, that Dragonblood question reminds me:

According to the Abyssals book, at 11+ mote expenditure, the Midnight Anima power to summon zombies becomes reflexive- and automatic. Am I correct in assuming this happens even if you don't want it to?
MorkaisChosen said:
Actually, that Dragonblood question reminds me:
According to the Abyssals book, at 11+ mote expenditure, the Midnight Anima power to summon zombies becomes reflexive- and automatic. Am I correct in assuming this happens even if you don't want it to?
I personally always went with common sense (just like the burning bodies one with Zenith), and assumed that you had to mentally invoke it.

Though I guess if you want things to be crazy, you could do it the way you mention...
I'd say it's automatic, but you could actively suppress it, just as a Night Caste could choose to actively suppress their anima power if they wished to be noticed, or a Twilight could if they wished to be struck.

Also, I don't think the whole burning bodies thing becomes automatic when a Zenith hits the 11 mote level.
Axelgear said:
Also, I don't think the whole burning bodies thing becomes automatic when a Zenith hits the 11 mote level.
Hm, the main book says 'this effect comes into play automatically...' but doesn't specify if it is all of the anima ability or just the part about CoDs...I would guess the latter...

So I'll go with you were correct on that.

Page 93-94 of the core book, for reference.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Ultimately it's up to the Most Noble and Worthy Storyteller, but I'd incline towards making it automatic just for the explaining you'd have to do.

"What? Oh, yeah, that happens. Just ignore them, they're housetrained."
Official Errata has this to say on the matter:

Creating a zombie by touch is a (Speed 5, DV -0) diceless miscellaneous action. Smiting a mortal, natural animal or ghost is an unblockable, undodgeable (Speed 3, DV -1) attack that inflicts (Essence rating) levels of aggravated levels. If the target is protected by a Defend Other action, the midnight must smite the guardian instead (if a valid target) or remove that guardian before the ward may be attacked with this power.
Okay, everyone, as far as I understand it, it looks like the groups are:

Abyssal Circle:

Axelgear: Abyssal (loyalist, Dusk caste)

CrazyIvan: Abyssal (loyalist... ish, Moonshadow Caste)

Lochar: Abyssal (loyalist, Daybreak caste)

Melcairiel: Abyssal (loyalist... ish, Midnight caste)

Sherwood: Abyssal (loyalist, Daybreak caste)

Xarvh: Abyssal (loyalist...ish, Day caste)

Shadow Red Claws: Lunar (Sun King Seneschal, Full Moon caste)

Infernal Coven:

Feantari: Green Sun Prince (Defiler caste)

Grey: Green Sun Prince (Fiend caste)

Mnemonsyne: Green Sun Prince (Fiend caste)

Noisy Cricket: Green Sun Prince (Scourge caste)

Gryffon: Sidereal (Chosen of Battles)


MorakisChosen: Abyssal (renegade, Midnight caste)

Myllinnia: Abyssal (renegade, Midnight caste)

Luck: Lunar (No Moon caste)

Danakir: Raksha (Luminary caste)

Haku: Terrestrial (Fire aspect)

If I'm in error, feel free to clarify for me.

The Abyssal Circle can expect for the action to start in the South (for those of you who serve the Lover or the Walker, there's a good reason for it, trust me, everything will be explained when the game starts).

The Coven's initial focus will either be in the North or in the South-- either is workable as far as I'm concerned.

It's uncertain where Karregan and Myllinnia will be right now, but MorakisChosen, Luck, Danakir, Haku, any preference for direction?
knightfall said:
Official Errata has this to say on the matter:
Creating a zombie by touch is a (Speed 5, DV -0) diceless miscellaneous action. Smiting a mortal, natural animal or ghost is an unblockable, undodgeable (Speed 3, DV -1) attack that inflicts (Essence rating) levels of aggravated levels. If the target is protected by a Defend Other action, the midnight must smite the guardian instead (if a valid target) or remove that guardian before the ward may be attacked with this power.
Yeah, it's nice and clear on by touch, it's when you get to the automatic bit where your anima reaches out and does it reflexively that it gets interesting.

Directions- well, I'd go for Scavenger Lands somewhere, simply because it's easiest for the Prophet (I did change his name, it's better...) to get there, but I'm fine with going somewhere else instead.
Well, Haku requested that I perhaps should pick another caste for what he has in mind for his ally. Aside from that, I don't really have any preference myself as of now, since my character is mostly unformed due to not knowing exactly what I'm working with here. :)

I'll get to work on building a sheet as soon as I have all the answers I need. ^^
Question on Infinite Resplendence Amulets...

I know normal Armor provides Aggravated Soak equal to its Lethal Soak, do these provide that as well?

All armor is assumed to, so it's never in stat blocks, but this is pseudo-armor (it gives you soak, but doesn't count as armor for charm purposes, and it stacks with armor as well).

I'll leave this one up to you knight, but either way, I have all but the fiction posted, please let me know if you want more of anything (descriptions of him, of what he's done, etc.) beyond that.
Agrravated soak is soak as lethal damage. The only difference is that that it's harder to recover from aggro damage and you can't soak it with stamina.
A question for our ST. There are some first circle demons that I'd like to have summoned. Do I need to wait for the game to start or just say that I have the following demons on retainer?

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