[OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

A note about Ox-Body and wound penalties:

Lunars have the choice of two -1 health levels or four -2 health levels from their Ox-Body (both choices come with 2 additional dying health levels).

Wound penalties are Internal Penalties (see page 121). This means they subtract dice before you roll them and they subtract from static values at the same level Attributes and Abilities effect those values. Below are some examples at -2 wound penalty, Str 4, Dex 4, Dodge 4, Athletics 4, Wits 4 and Awareness 4, Essence 4:

Stealth: [Dexterity+Stealth-Wound penalty] dice -> 4+4-2=6

Dodge DV: [(Dexterity+Dodge+Essence-Wound penalty)/2] static value -> (4+4+4-2)/2=5

Feats of Strength: [strength+Athletics-Wound penalty] static value -> 4+4-2=6

Crazy Charm I can't think of right now: [(Wits+Awareness-Wound penalty)X2] static value -> (4+4-2)X2=12

You must weigh for yourself whether you think the additional health levels are worth the wound penalty (when you get down to those health levels). I just want to make sure you are all aware of the choice.
So, update. My mother in law is in town, so while I've been glancing at your sheets I haven't gotten elbows deep like I'd like to. Expect more comments shortly.
I would just like to say that Impervious Sphere of Water looks like an extremely useful spell. Good pick, Shru. I added the page reference on your char sheet.
So here's what I'm going to do about your familar, Shru. The war dog entry with the sense sharing and 5 motes is a good space for a 4-dot Familiar as written. At 5 dots he needs to be spiffed up. He needs to be able to take down a tiger and then gloat to you about it. Here's what I'm going to add:

Exalted Stamina

Exalted Healing

Exalted Disease Resistance

+1 all physical Attributes

+1 Perception

An additional attack - claw

+ 3 to martial arts

1-dot martial arts specialty - when following Douser's commands

+1 Dodge

Immunity to NMI that doesn't come from you. Automatic success on NMI that comes from you.

Motivation: Serve Douser

Valor 3

WP: 5

Let me know how this sits with you. These buffs do not interfere with Nature-Reinforcing Allocation in any way, should you choose to get that Charm in the future.
Chargen exp checking is complete! Please tell me if you change anything, I've posted the remaining (all minor) issues on your individual char sheets.

Now on to heart's blood forms and spirit forms. But that will come another day.

In the mean time! Should any of you show interest in walking through the motions of some mechanics in a kind of X-men danger-room halicinatory not-really-real thread between now and 6/1 (when you will no longer be able to change your character except via earned xp) just start a thread and I'll throw some zombies at you to simulate combat mechanics, simulate spell mechanics, crafting mechanics, insert-other-category-of-mechanics-here.
Updated my sheet: I pulled a point from Conviction to free up some slush and put one dot in athletics and an extra dot in resources. I also updated the affected numbers in the resource chunk, the essence chunk, and in my jumping movement calculation.

You suggest with resources 2 I should could better/more stuff. Suggestions?

For intimacies, do I have to start with 2 intimacies? I'm not entirely sure what she cares about at this point, so I was going to leave it blank and fill it in once I found something fitting (going off pg 76 of the core with this one).
Anyet said:
Updated my sheet: I pulled a point from Conviction to free up some slush and put one dot in athletics and an extra dot in resources. I also updated the affected numbers in the resource chunk, the essence chunk, and in my jumping movement calculation.
K. I'll check that later.

Anyet said:
You suggest with resources 2 I should could better/more stuff. Suggestions?
"At character creation you may make purchases of mundane equipment / land / slaves / mercs at your Resources+1 background in cost free of charge."

"The cost of feeding and sheltering one adult human adequately in the style of the lower class of the Second Age for 1 season is Resources 1 under normal demand for food/shelter.

Fine mundane equipment costs 5X the listed price. Exceptional 10X and Perfect 100X.

All mundane armor has their listed Resources value divided by 2 then rounded up."

See page 365-366 to see what fine, exceptional and perfect equipment can do for you. At Resources 2 you start out with 1 hit of Resources 3 to spend at chargen (or 10 hits of Resources 2 or 100 hits of Resources, as you know).

Anyet said:
For intimacies, do I have to start with 2 intimacies? I'm not entirely sure what she cares about at this point, so I was going to leave it blank and fill it in once I found something fitting (going off pg 76 of the core with this one).
Sure, I can hold off on your last Intimacy.
Re: Most Excellent Additions

I would love to do a practice scene, though I don't anticipate ANY free time until Thursday evening.

Thursday and Friday are pretty open, though.
Re: Most Excellent Additions

My Friday is currently full (Anime night at Rob's!) and this Thursday my father in law will be in town. One or both of these could get moved or cancelled, however, so we can figure this out.

Also, with the 9 abilities xp - that was me making an excel error (my sum did not include the last row, which was a 3 dot unfavored - 9 exp) and I edited it out about an hour after my post. Sorry to confuse you, but as written you are now 74/65 with 11 slush. Just undo the changes you listed and you should be good.
Re: Most Excellent Additions

Alternately, if you don't mind it happening 10 or so minutes at a time when there's the opportunity, I could start giving it a shot whenever. >.> Or I can go all Trial by Fire and such.

I'll undo the changes later tonight.
Shru, I left you a message regarding this. In case you can't glean my intent from my ramblings (or if you happen to check here first) this is what it contains:

What kind of scene are you hoping to do? (i.e. what kind of mechanics are you hoping to explore?) I'm certain we'll run across someplace that spell of yours will be useful (because it just has lots of uses) but outside of sorcery I don't really know what you want to test out.

Some choices, just in case you don't know what I mean by 'mechanics':


Your specific Charms


Stealth and counter-stealth


Mundane Crafting i.e. Cooking i.e. Craft: Water

Artifice (you actually have the pre-reqs to make Level 1 Artifacts)


Social Combat (of the tickless or full-blown variety)

Mass Combat

Mass Social Combat


The pbp option seems like our best bet. I already check the forums at least 5 times daily on weekdays, so if you're up for it I'm sure we can walk through a good many things. As soon as we get the type of scene settled (hopefully tonight) I can set up the world by the next day and we can run the scene until 6/1.
I actually picked up Craft Water for the potion-making to aid the medicine rolls I've got. >.> I wasn't sure how Cooking would display as useful unless I was stuck without money and actually paying off a debt to an inn or something.

I can think of three or four basic things that the water bubble is useful for, I'm sure I'll work it into play. :D

My charms are mostly prereqs for getting me a pet, so I think I'm OK on that front. I'd love to get a chance to throw my WolfFace at something in combat, though. Or to see what social combat does.
Shru said:
I actually picked up Craft Water for the potion-making to aid the medicine rolls I've got. >.> I wasn't sure how Cooking would display as useful unless I was stuck without money and actually paying off a debt to an inn or something.
I can think of three or four basic things that the water bubble is useful for, I'm sure I'll work it into play. :D

My charms are mostly prereqs for getting me a pet, so I think I'm OK on that front. I'd love to get a chance to throw my WolfFace at something in combat, though. Or to see what social combat does.

Mundane Crafting: potions

Sorcery of middling interest

Charms of middling interest


Social Combat

This I can do. Check the forums tommorow or perhaps late tonight for a scene all your own.
Oh -- since I dropped the entirely random extra Ability points, my craft is only 2 again -- is that still enough to make artifacts? >.>
Fanfic added. Any chance I could get a thread to play with? I'm interested in seeing how social combat works (and how to make myself effective there). And possibly a combat scene to see just how useless I'll be there.
Anyet said:
Any chance I could get a thread to play with? I'm interested in seeing how social combat works (and how to make myself effective there). And possibly a combat scene to see just how useless I'll be there.
Expect a thread for this by midnight.
Tikor said:
Expect a thread for this by midnight.
Also, the rails on the intro thread will be a bit more apparent than usual. Bear with me, they be intro threads.
For Meip, from the houserules thread:

Tikor said:
Charm tweaks and Errata:
Irresistible Silver Spirit

This Charm’s duration is (Essence x 2) actions. See Manual

of Exalted Power: Lunars, p. 177.
Douser: excellent trial of fear fanfic! I felt the fear, it was awesome.

Just make a note in your background somewhere about the other trials, and I'll grant you your background slush xp. That is the absolute minimum, though, if you want to do amazing fan-fics like that for all 5 trials, be my guest!
Edited in present tense to Miep's scene....

How are you two doing? I see you both on the forums!
Doing quite lovely. Fighting our special internet to get things to load. Consistently. And attempting to finish my post for my thread.
Aside from having a serious thing for stabbing the work computer (and everything else) -- pretty good. ZOMG, POSTINC.
Everyone has amusing side scenes but me =( I'm jealous!

I'll just be satisfied with Balthazar for the time being.

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