[OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

kaliket said:
(got any good pictures of a guy without a nose handy?)


Will this guy work?

Arnuk, I think all that's left is for you to fill out your virtue descriptions and do one of the 3 bonuses to get the 5 extra slush you spent.
I'm actually very interested in pursuing both Celestial and Terrestrial Sorcery -- what do I need to know/do/have/create? :D

>.> Also, I was looking at the Familiar background. It sounds like something that would be fun to play with (expensive, to make it useful, but that's part of the point) -- but the Lunar definition of it says something about needing a familiar compatible with one's true form.

<.< I can't think of any creature that would be useful that could be with both dolphin form and human form Lunar. I'm not opposed to scrapping my totem creature to make this work, but if you can think of anything that might work, I'm down with that, too.
@ Shru: A bird of some kind perhaps? Dolphins stay relatively near the surface (breathing and all that). It wouldn't be a constant companion in aquatic mammal form, but it also wouldn't be useless in the far East.

Thanks for the pic, but I was thinking my character is a whole lot uglier. =P
Shru said:
I'm actually very interested in pursuing both Celestial and Terrestrial Sorcery -- what do I need to know/do/have/create? :D
TCS you have to have Int 3, Ess 3 and go read the White Treatise on the Trials and put them in your backstory. (Arnuk, you should do this too)

CCS you have to have Int 4, Ess 4 (which isn't possible in my chargen rules, or the published ones) and just complete the sacrifice trail again.

Shru said:
>.> Also, I was looking at the Familiar background. It sounds like something that would be fun to play with (expensive, to make it useful, but that's part of the point) -- but the Lunar definition of it says something about needing a familiar compatible with one's true form.
<.< I can't think of any creature that would be useful that could be with both dolphin form and human form Lunar. I'm not opposed to scrapping my totem creature to make this work, but if you can think of anything that might work, I'm down with that, too.
You might consider Pack Instinct Affirmation (Lunars p.163). It works on any type of animal, making them your familiar, but you get bonuses if they're the same type as your spirit shape. Plus once you have the Charm you can build the Familiar background cheaper than my houserules (to offset the cost of the Charm) and train a new familair if for some reason yours bites it. It's also tied to your Knacks, so if you learn how to take the shape of strange animals you can learn how to make them your Familiar too.
Tikor said:
You might consider Pack Instinct Affirmation (Lunars p.163). It works on any type of animal, making them your familiar, but you get bonuses if they're the same type as your spirit shape. Plus once you have the Charm you can build the Familiar background cheaper than my houserules (to offset the cost of the Charm) and train a new familair if for some reason yours bites it. It's also tied to your Knacks, so if you learn how to take the shape of strange animals you can learn how to make them your Familiar too.
If I'm reading the charm right, each application of the charm to an animal costs 10m + 1wp + 1xp. To get that Familiar(3) that I want, I'd need to invest 30m, 3wp, 3xp.


Does this mean (After I get the Charm and its prereq) that I start the game with motes and willpower gone, and that it only costs 3xp to get 3 dots in the background? Or...?
Shru said:
If I'm reading the charm right, each application of the charm to an animal costs 10m + 1wp + 1xp. To get that Familiar(3) that I want, I'd need to invest 30m, 3wp, 3xp.

Does this mean (After I get the Charm and its prereq) that I start the game with motes and willpower gone, and that it only costs 3xp to get 3 dots in the background? Or...?
Regarding the motes and WP - the Charm's Duration is Instant. This means the motes are never committed for this Charm (See Core page 184). WP is never committed, period. You will start the game with all non-committed motes in your mote pools.

Charms with Durations that are not Instant have motes committed for the duration of the effects. (And just to be exhaustive, Spells are not Charms - Spell's motes are not committed except during the shaping action - ongoing effects after the shaping continue even without the committed motes unless specifically stated. See houserules or Core page 184 or Core page 252).

I was unclear above. With this specific Charm, yes, I will allow the Familiar Background at 1xp per dot, dots 1-5. That's not exactly how the Charm is written, but that's how I'm going to play it. If the animal is the same type as your Spirit Shape, the first two of these dots are free but you must use the Charm at least once to get these two free dots (i.e. the lowest Spirit Shape Familiar you can gain from this Charm is level 3, min xp use 1).
Man, my character sheets makes me look like one tough futher-mucker!

A couple changes:

-I do lethal with Claws of the Silvermoon and in War From (due to Claws)

-I also can parry lethal unarmed with my bracers+hearthstone

I like the pun! Catching fish BEARhanded. Makes me giggle.
Thanks everyone for putting the time in to make your Lunars. I will review them shortly.
Tikor said:
Thanks everyone for putting the time in to make your Lunars. I will review them shortly.
Ohgod. ;__; Totally not done yet. ;__; Can I has to midnight?
Eep! Still working! Still working!

Writing out a back story now. And then filling in the rest of the blanks. It will totally be done today, I swear.
Question Tik-

So I know from the form-fixing charm that the process of tattooing can take a while, but I was wondering if there was a certain procedure followed while the actual tattooing went on. I'm wanting to write up my fanfic and I had considered setting it between Akaba and Miep while she's recieving her tattoos, however I wanted to make sure that she's not supposed to be like... sitting there quietly meditating on all that it means to be a lunar or something. Would it be acceptable for her to be asking questions of him? To be carrying on a conversation? For her anima to flare up? >>
As far as I can tell there are no rules that wouldn't apply for normal tattooing - you have to be somewhat still. There is a comic in 2e Lunars (at the start of one of the chapters) that shows a tatooing, and there is keychain here showing a tattooing.

This doesn't mean that some (crazy, elder) Lunars wouldn't demand you meditate on what it means to be a Lunar, but since I haven't mentioned anything about Akaba being like that you can take whatever direction you want in your fan fic.
Also - the Heart's blood forms crunch - I can do that for you two. I did the same for Kaliket. Just be specific on what animals you want.

This doesn't mean you can't do it, just that I'm offering to do it.
Awesome. And since I have some first hand experience at the tattooing thing, this should be a breeze to get the feel for. Awesome sauce. Fanfic incoming shortly.
You had mentioned that he had certain ideas on the Trials of Sorcery. :D Can I bother you to give me something interesting to think on while I'm at work?
I'm away from my White Treatise at the moment (why didn't I learn that Wits elsewhere Charm?!) but off the top of my head to get you thinking:

1) They will most certainly involve going out into the Wyld for at least one of the trials

2) They will most certainly involve dropping out of a mile-high tree as one of the trials
If you feel like entering numbers for forms, I would love you for at least the next 5 hours. (when you next appear in Ft. Wayne, this will likely translate into cookies.)

Not that I don't enjoy number crunching -- just that there'll be plenty to keep me busy all night without it.
Shru said:
If you feel like entering numbers for forms, I would love you for at least the next 5 hours.
Considering I'll look at your sheets tommorow (after your midnight rush!) this would be payment in advance. I will do your Heart's blood forms, though (presuming you still have that background when you're done.)

That said I would parse:

(Human Shape; typical Islander, need moar detail)

Small Stealthy Thing: Mouse

Flying Thing: Mospid

(Small Flying Thing: Bat?)

(Tracking Thing: Dog of some sort?)

Running Thing: Cougar

(Swimming thing: Eel? Mantaray?)


Typical Inner Sea Islander (you need the Knack to take human forms for this)




Dog of some sort


Isn't Prey's Skin Disguise the Knack for Human forms? >.> I may need to go back and re-look. >__<

Also, unless you're going to be in Ft Wayne tonight, I doubt very much that it'll be anything NEAR to "in advance". :D
I'm humbly giving you my character sheet to review. I'm pretty sure I must have messed up the combat numbers at least a little bit. And I probably forgot some important stat to list. I know that I'm over on my slush fund, but as soon as I post the fic I should be even. Started writing it last night and instead passed out on the couch for a large number of hours. Should have it up by the end of the day today.

Also, for Heart's Blood forms, I basically just pulled the numbers out of the books, but that was more to just have it filled in then anything. If you see any glaring issues, feel free to flesh it out as appropriate. Also, I'm looking for a water based animal, something that either breathes under water or can hold its breath for extended amounts of time. But I'm running into a brain block thinking of something that fits that and is in the correct size range... and that I might logically have been able to come across. Any suggestions?
For those of you who know sorcery, your 5 slush exp for backstory will not be granted until you have mentioned each of the five trials (either in the backstory or a fan-fic). You can find the Ordeals on pages 17-19 of the White Treatise (they're really only a page and a half long) and I fully encourage you to read pages 9-35 to get a feel for the sorcerous world.

Akaba Starsight can help arrange trails for you. He is an accomplished sorcerer and can help trigger the trials in those willing to learn. However, you may have already completed some of the trials pre-Exaltation, pre-tatooing, or before you expressed you desire to learn sorcery to Akaba by accident without concious knowledge. You also may refuse Akaba's help on the trials, though this likely will prolong the time required to complete them. My only restriction regarding timing is that the Station of Humility (and thus the Station of Sacrifice) must be completed post-Exaltation.

If you choose to have Akaba lead you through the trials he will try to arrange something along the lines of each of the below unless you can prove to him one of trials was completed previously. And then he might make you do the trail again, just to be sure, especially the Station of Fear and Station of Journey. He's somewhat neurotic like that.

Station of Humility - Some kind of menial labor regarding his society. If you know thaumaturgy it will certainly involve helping the Ikabani thaumaturgically.

Station of Tutelage - Akaba will have you memorize large swaths of the Lunar oral history, especially passages that are too cryptic to mean anything and those you aren't interested in learning

Station of Journey - This will be heading East into the Middlemarches at the least. See Compass of Celestial Directions Vol. 2 for descriptions of Middlemarches and beyond in the Wyld.

Station of Fear - Jumping off of the top of a mile-high tree and refusing to shapeshift into a flight form. You will take 25B piercing damage assuming you don't hit any branches on the way down (due to the soft soil of the forest, this will be dice, not levels as usual). You will get a Wits+Athletics roll where every success adds to your natural soak (for controlling the fall, for missing branches, for any rolling you might try to do at the end of the fall). Bashing damage fills up to Incapacitated, then converts your bashing damage to lethal in a 'second round' of the same health levels (See Core page 150). Damage dice do not explode (Core page 150). Because of the Stamina houserule and every one of you taking at least one Ox-Body, you won't die. But your characters don't know that. It should scare the living hell out of them.

Station of Sacrifice - This trial is too personal for Akaba to plan ahead of time. Once you have completed your first four trials he will attempt to arrange an appropriate personal sacrifice.

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