[OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

>.> I'll need to rerun my numbers too.

:P The one thing I'll say for the creation for that other rp game I play: They put all the numbers in one place. Usually.

I'll work on it tonight.
Shru said:
They put all the numbers in one place. Usually.
Pssst... Look at pages 102 -103 in the Lunar book... they totally were just hiding them on us. But I found them... tricksy tricksy book. >>
That's the creation pages, right? It gets most of them. :P I've been doing a lot of learning by osmosis, browsing other Lunar Character threads in this forum.
So Tik, here's a question for you. I am sitting at 129 of 135 xp in my attribute bucket. I'm wanting to buy another dot in dex, but that would cost me 12 xp. Am I allowed to split the cost between the attribute bucket and the slush fund?


[ ] Dexterity ------ [X][X][X][ ][ ] (1)*6 = 6 xp; (2)*6 = 12 total (6 xp; 6 slush)
Anyet said:
Am I allowed to split the cost between the attribute bucket and the slush fund?
Yes. Just total what you spend in a category and take what you need from whatever buckets you can to get that sum.
Anyet: See page 274 of Core for Ability costs. It's (current value)X2 or (current value)X2-1 favored for the next dot. So

[X] Awareness ------ [X][X][X][X][ ] 2+(2+3)*1 = 7 xp

is really

[X] Awareness ------ [X][X][X][X][ ] 2+1+3+5 = 11 xp
Andy, I think you completely screwed people up with your (x+y)*z business. =p

Anyet: See page 274 of Core for Ability costs. The cost is (current value)X2 or (current value)X2-1 favored for the next dot. So

[ ] Archery -------- [X][X][ ][ ][ ] (1+2)*2 = 6 xp

is really

[ ] Archery -------- [X][X][ ][ ][ ] 3+2 = 5 xp


[ ] Dodge ---------- [X][X][X][ ][ ] (1+2+3)*2 = 12 xp

is really

[ ] Dodge ---------- [X][X][X][ ][ ] 3+2+4 = 9 xp

"Backgruonds cost 2xp*current level, first dot costs 2xp (The exception is Solar Bond which costs 1xp for each level 1-5). Backgrounds can purchased up to 3 from the Backgrounds bucket, but only at character creation. Backgrounds can purchased up to 5 from the slush bucket, but only at character creation and only with ST approval. Backgrounds can be obtained or lost post character creation and do not positively or negatively affect xp. In other words, character creation is the only time Backgrounds have anything to do with xp. "


[X][X][ ][ ][ ] Heart's Blood [4-10 additional distinct forms] (1+2)*1 = 3 xp

is really

[X][X][ ][ ][ ] Heart's Blood [4-10 additional distinct forms] 2+2 = 4 xp

I keep making these pointers here in OOC so that everyone can benefit from the examples.
"WP and Virtues may be bought at normal xp prices. All Virtues start at 1 dot and WP starts at 5 dots before xp expenditure. WP may be bought up to 8 and Virtues up to 3 with xp from the WP/Virtues bucket. WP may be bought up to 10 and Virtues up to 5 with xp from slush bucket. One Virtue must be 3 or higher. Virtue purchase does not impact WP level and vice versa."

Normal xp prices can be found in Core on page 274.


Willpower (8)

[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] (7)*2 = 14 xp

is really

Willpower (8)

[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] (5+6+7)*2 = 36 xp

(free) (free) (free) (free) (free) (5*2) (6*2) (7*2)
Shru, take a look at the background example above. Also

[ ] Lore ----------- [X][X][X][X][ ] 3+2+4 = 9 AND Slush: 5

Should be

[ ] Lore ----------- [X][X][X][X][ ] 3+2+4 = 9 AND Slush: 6

Since Lore is unfavored for you.
I would like to point out that seeing your characters take form is lots of fun for me. Keep working on them!
Right. I think I've got all the math figured out... mostly. I seem to have an interesting thing where I pick and choose when I remember something from the thread and when I remember if from the book. And then throw it out the window completely anyway and use my own system. Question though, are we figuring our essence pools using the formula out of the lunars book? or the core? Because for peripheral essence, the lunars book says

[Essence*4] + [Willpower*2] + [Highest Virtue*4]

vs the core which says

[Essence*7] + Willpower + [sum of virtues]

Not a huge difference, but I just wanted to be sure.
Anyet said:
[Essence*4] + [Willpower*2] + [Highest Virtue*4]
vs the core which says

[Essence*7] + Willpower + [sum of virtues]

Not a huge difference, but I just wanted to be sure.
You are a Lunar so you will use the Lunar Perph Essence calculation. ([Essence*4] + [Willpower*2] + [Highest Virtue*4])

The Core Essence calculation is for Solars.

Tikor said:
[ ] Dodge ---------- [X][X][X][ ][ ] (1+2+3)*2 = 12 xp
is really

[ ] Dodge ---------- [X][X][X][ ][ ] 3+2+4 = 9 xp
[ ] Dodge ---------- [X][X][X][ ][ ] 3+2+6 = 11 xp

[ ] Integrity ------ [X][X][X][ ][ ] 3+2+6 = 11 xp

is still really

[ ] Dodge ---------- [X][X][X][ ][ ] 3+2+4 = 9 xp

[ ] Integrity ------ [X][X][X][ ][ ] 3+2+4 = 9 xp


I swear I'm paying attention. I really just need to stop editing this damn thing at 7 in the morning when I'm half asleep.
Just a reminder from the Theme Intro thread:

"I'd like to see all three characters completely revised, done and tip top by 6/1"

The month is half done. I'm hoping you'll all finish a first draft by next Friday 5/22. A first draft means something is in every place such as Anima, Tell, Charms and the like as well as all non-slush xp spent. If it's not exactly right, we'll figure that out once I look at it. If you don't have your pic/backstory/fanfic done, don't spend those bonus slush exp points yet. If you miss the 6/1 date on pic/backstory/fanfic I'll give you xp when you complete them (since slush xp is only slightly cooler than regular xp). So please fill in what is missing on your char sheets.

As you can see there is the opportunity for confusion, and I'd like to get all that squared away before play begins on 6/1.
Tikor said:
slush xp is only slightly cooler than regular xp
The slight additional coolness is the ability to be spent on Backgrounds, which regular xp cannot be spent on.

Regular xp has the advantage of being able to be spent on Essence 4, however, which slush xp cannot be spent on.
I know that Anyet and I are likely to be throwing stuff down acros the weekend and revising things, since we've got a whole weekend where we're both around and where nobody is coming into town.

This is a surprisingly rare occurrence. >.>

At any rate, look for cool stuff in a couple days. :D
Tikor said:
If you don't have your pic/backstory/fanfic done, don't spend those bonus slush exp points yet. If you miss the 6/1 date on pic/backstory/fanfic I'll give you xp when you complete them (since slush xp is only slightly cooler than regular xp).
I'm thinking that I'd rather go the route of drawing my picture. Of course, I have no idea if the scanner works. So there is the very distinct possibility that you will get a photograph of the picture until I can get it to Keith's parents house where there is a fully functioning scanner. You'll get to see the picture on time... just possibly not in the best of quality.

Also, the brain has been going crazy thinking today of my background and the like. You'll likely see it all filled out for me by the end of the weekend... assuming I can get my story straight.
To: Sub-Committee on the Measurement of Souls, Bureau of Destiny, Division of Exaltations

Kind sirs and esteemed chairman, I hereby submit for your consideration a proposal recommending Soul F23-450B-090-WQ v4.2.1 for consideration for Lunar Exaltation. Pursuant to Exaltation Protocols 7.3.2H and LLO287-49Q, your input and review is required before ths Sould Diagram may be presented formally to the Work Group on the Chosen of Luna who will then prepare the proposal for discussion and approval by the Council on Exaltations. I entreat you to make a timely decision or the Reassigment of Lunar Exaltation N161.FR12 could be delayed by a decade or more. Such delays have been frowned upon by the Council on Exaltations. Thank your for your time and consideration.

Humbly your servant,

Talma-Ne-Rund, Aide to the Secretary of Soul Allocation and Oversight
The Sub-Committee on the Measurement of Souls, Bureau of Destiny, Division of Exaltations to Talma-Ne-Rundoo

Faithful servant, I have done a cursory review of your application for Lunar Exaltation and I fear it does not warrant this committee's full review at this time due to several mistakes.

The Subcommittee would like to remind Talma-Ne-Rundoo of the previous punishments doled out to the head committee's servants for failing to recite their reports to the tune of Megaman 2's theme in aimbic pentameter. Though we do not go to such extremes of minutia it would be wise not to commit a second offence of wasting this committee's time.

You will find an excerpt of a few offending parts of your submission below.

[X] Martial Arts----[X][X][X][X][ ] 9 +9 Slush

[ ] Dodge--------[X][X][X][X][ ] 9 XP + 9 Slush

Ability XP: 65 + 3 slush

These are not the right xp costs no matter how you slice it. Normal xp prices can be found in Core on page 274. Also, more slush exp is mentioned in the abilites than the sum. Calculate what your Abilities cost individually and in sum and note how much came from where each place. Example:

[X] Martial Arts----[X][X][X][X][ ] 6 A, 5 slush = 11

[ ] Dodge--------[X][X][X][X][ ] 9 A, 6 slush = 15


All ability xp spent: 76

65 xp from Abilities bucket, 11 xp from slush bucket.



*Against the backdrop of a large Caste Symbol, four spheres move on seemingly random orbits around Balthazar. As essence is spent, the spheres interact and swirl around each other more and more. When essence use is at its peak or when sanctifying an agreement, the spheres align on a halo with three spheres above the head and one hidden behind the head.*

We suggest you stop bribing the underlings in the Solar department to do your work. That submission has already been completed and approved.


Parry DV - 3 Natural (MA, Bashing only)

Please include additional calculations for when of Claws of the Silver Moon is active, DBT is active and when DBT and Claws are concurrently active. See Sinw for an example. We need to plan for possible Fate snarls these common states may create (i.e. speed up play and insure the right numbers are being used). This applies to Dodge, Soak, Health (see Stam houserules) and others.




~0 [ ]

~1 [ ] [ ]

~2 [ ] [ ]

~4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Dying [ ] [ ]




[X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Personal _12_|_12_

Peripheral _27_|_29_

Committed __1_____

I hope your Solar department bribe wasn't costly. They have repeated mistakes. I would check to see someone isn't counterbribing them to make you look foolish, Talma-Ne-Rund
So aside from all the derived values, the missing stats for equipment, and an absence of background, fanfic, and picture (got any good pictures of a guy without a nose handy?) the miscalculations for Dodge and Resistance are the only incorrect bits? Awesome.

As a side note, this method of generating characters has been giving me fits. In the future I will continue to make balanced characters and accept the XP penalties of using dots. My mental math is not what it once was, and I'm not particularly skilled at referencing three different sources simultaneously.

I'll update the costs today and start working on fanfic and backgrounds.
kaliket said:
As a side note, this method of generating characters has been giving me fits.
My apologies. I now see the reason all the MoEPs have a full page devoted to information that's already elsewhere.

As for Arnuk:

Backgrounds XP: 18 Background + 8 Slush

should be

Backgrounds XP: 16 Background + 8 Slush

as currently marked. You can make it

Backgrounds XP: 18 Background + 6 Slush

or spend 2 more points one something.

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