[OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

The dots on the character sheet mechanically determine how your Lunar interacts with Creation via the rolls I call for as ST.

The fluff behind it may or may not make sense (i.e. Perception 4 with mangled ears and nose). Kudos if it does, meh if it doesn't.

The Rule of Cool beats The Laws of Science in Exalted because motes of Essence underlie everything - and you can control them. It makes you intrinsically cooler. Gravity happens because the little gods say it does. If you charm them, perhaps they'll make an exception for you. I hear they like feathers and rocks that weigh the same and airtight jars.

Now, if Arnuk botches a Perception roll, I'll probably chalk it up to no ears. But he has to botch the roll first.

Have you read Attributes and such 'mean' starting on page 101 of Core?
Tikor said:
Have you read Attributes and such 'mean' starting on page 101 of Core?
I just finished Chapter 2: Character Creation in the 2nd ed "Exalted" book. (About to start on Chapter 3: Traits) Slow progress is better than no progress. This is actually taking much longer to read than a novel, since I'm trying to gain basic understanding, and not just enjoy the ride.

I'll admit to skipping some of the pages and pages of text for describing the geography. I'll look more carefully later, either when you direct my gaze to a particular chunk of Creation or when I start trying for a background.

>.> I ordered my own copy of the Lunars sourcebook, which should be here by Monday.
A note on my thought process:

One-dot and five-dot ratings are rare, so I wanted some justification why its so low. Since my character Exalted in the outskirts of Whitehall, I figured his likelyhood of frosbite would be high. Frostbite attacks noses, and a person without a nose is pretty horrifying regardless of how nice they are (note: Charisma 4). Now the realy question is why did only my nose and ears get frostbitten?* Fingers and toes are the first to go, but I don't have any of those troubles.

*An answer exists: stay tuned for my fanfic
I may be doing this wrong, so I wanted to run it past you. Using the values listed on my character sheet (re-pposted below), I'm way over my bucket for attributes on what is a starting build for the unmodified rules (plus an extra dot of Int). Here's the math.

Favored Attributes: 3*rating

Non-favored: 4*rating

Dexterity: 6*rating

Favor Dex: 5*rating

First dot is free, so no "4*1" cost.

Base = 8 phys, 6 mental, 4 social

*Favored Attribute

*Strength XXX, (2+3)*3 = 15

*Dex XXXX, (2+3+4)*5 = 45

*Stam XXXX, (2+3+4)*3 = 27

Cha XXXX (2+3+4)*4 = 36

Manip XX (2)*4 = 8

Appr X (0) = 0

*Per XXXX (2+3+4)*3 = 27

Int XXX (2+3)*4 = 20

Wits XXX (2+3)*4 = 20


198 XP

What am I doing wrong?
You're charging yourself as if you have the new rating in the Attribute, not the current rating (which is the correct way, Lunars p.233 makes this more clear than Core p.274).

For example:

*Strength XXX, (1+2)*3 = 9

Incendentally this is also why all first dot expenses in Exalted are explicitly spelled out.

Just to save you some trouble, I calculated the exp you need to spend to get those stats: 127. So in fact you're under a bit, and should buy something else so you don't lose Attribute bucket exp.
Mutations vs. Knacks: clarification.

Mutations are a devation from humanity that exist in all of all your True Forms. Some are arguably beneficial, some are clearly detrimental. In Creation if you were a mortal with an obvious Mutation you would be branded Wyld tainted and likely persicuted. As a Lunar not many people are going to persicute you who don't want to already, Mutation or not, so this is less of an issue. Mutations are not present in your Heart's Blood forms.

All Knacks are an improvment to your shapechanging abilities (most of which only affect Heart's Blood shapes, but some also can affect True Forms, see Monkey Arm Style and Twin-Faced Hero). Normally you may only take the shapes of animals who are the size of a housecat or larger and the size of a moose or smaller (Lunars p.129). Humble Mouse Shape and Towering Beast Form are two different knacks that expand those particular limitations to the Sacret Hunt, respectively. They have nothing to do with the Small or Large mutations.

In fact, Twin-Faced Hero is a pretty cool knack and you all should probably go read it now if you don't know what I'm talking about (Lunars p.136)
I'm pretty well decided on No-Moon type; the roommate's confirmed that she's thinking Changing Moon anyway.

Currently... waiting on the local Bookstore to give me a call to come pick up my specifics book to start creating a toon.

<.< Is a platypus bigger than a housecat?

Ed: Just kidding about the Platypus. But is a Dolphin smaller than a moose?
Shru said:
But is a Dolphin smaller than a moose?
After a thorough search though the records and summary by the Diligent and Industrious Size Cataloguing Subcommittee of the Bureau of Nature the Loom shall record that it is hereby declared by Lord Inequality on this day, Mercuryday of the First Week of Ascending Wood Year 4999 of the Holy and Rightous Solar Deliberative, that the average dolphin is smaller than the average moose.

Please see the Divine Receptionist on your way out for your full suite of payment options.


Storytellers get to post in character too...
Abilities and Attributes calcs posted. Please check review.

Also, where are we located in creation? I know we're near Halta, but it isn't on the map in CORE. What are nearby civilizations? And would I have Allies, Contacts, or Influence with Akaba's people?
kaliket said:
Abilities and Attributes calcs posted. Please check review.
Will do soon.

kaliket said:
Also, where are we located in creation? I know we're near Halta, but it isn't on the map in CORE. What are nearby civilizations?
Will do soon - when I can look at the Halta maps again.

kaliket said:
And would I have Allies, Contacts, or Influence with Akaba's people?
Perhaps. Akaba is among the "No God Kings" crowd of the Silver Pact, so likely no large sway in society. Also remember that the first thing under Backgrounds in the houserules is "There is no influence/contacts, only connections (see DB book)."
Shru said:
Would base environmentalism -- the containment or peaceable integration of societies to their natural surrounds -- be a decent motivation? Or is this too mundane / too unspecific for magically god-enhanced super-badasses?
Environmentalism is a sufficiently epic Motivation in Exalted, and very appropriate for a Lunar. However, I do think it's too unspecific as it stands.

I want you to think deeply about 'natural'. To most humans of Creation the Underworld, Malfeas and the Wyld are unnatural. You may differ in your view of this, but if you don't this motivation will but you in conflict with the Fair Folk and tainted land/Bordermarches/Middlemarches/Deep Wyld, ghosts and other denizens of the Underworld and the Yozi and their lesser souls. This isn't a bad thing, just something you should be aware of. You should also articulate your stance on the typically 'natural supernaturals' (i.e. elementals and gods) - should they stay out of sight? Actively appear and solicit worship? Some middle ground? Also, who you think should be in charge of societies in Creation? Finally, what is the typical action you take against societies who do not peacably integrate to their natural surroundings? No matter where you come down on these issues you'll make your Motivation more clear and directed and your character more defined.

These issues can be explored in your Background, Fan Fiction or both. Of course feel free to ask me here for more information on anything - I'm much faster than reading hundereds of pages of Exalted lore (but I think less engaging and fun - they're better writers).

Shru said:
Tell: The soft clicking and whistling of her totem animal accompanies Douser's speech.


Just letting you know I haven't fallen off the face of the planet. I've started reading the core book and lunar book and I'm hoping that by tomorrow afternoon I'll have something posted (that might even be useful).
Anyet said:
I've started reading the core book and lunar book
Awesome. Let me know if you have any questions.

Anyet said:
I'm hoping that by tomorrow afternoon I'll have something posted (that might even be useful).
It will most certainly be useful. I can intuit questions you might not be able to articulate when I see you embark on character creation.
A Quandry: How does one make use of Hearthstones when focusing on Martial Arts? Bracers and an Amulet are all I can find. Oh and the Crown of Thunder (3 settings!) or some other rediculous 5-dot artifact.


kaliket said:
Bracers and an Amulet are all I can find. Oh and the Crown of Thunder (3 settings!) or some other rediculous 5-dot artifact.
Hearthstone Amuletes are 1-dot in Core in Lesser Wonders. They hold Hearthstones and increases your mote regeneration.

You may have Tatoo Artifact: Hearthstone Amulet. This is a divot of Moonsilver in your tattoes where you can just deposit a Hearthstone and have the Moonsilver will hold it. Do note the drawbacks with regards to Stealth, however.

And there's always custom Artifacts.
Tikor said:
kaliket said:
Abilities and Attributes calcs posted. Please check review.
Will do soon.
Attributes and Abilities look good. For Backgrounds note your slush expenditure and note this houserule I put up a while back:

"Jewel of the Flying Heart (Oadenol's, p.85) is a 2 dot hearthstone." - Houserules

Tikor said:
kaliket said:
Also, where are we located in creation? I know we're near Halta, but it isn't on the map in CORE. What are nearby civilizations?
Will do soon - when I can look at the Halta maps again.
I think a few picutres will solve this best:



[ ] Dexterity ------ [X][X][X][ ][ ] (1+2)*4 = 12 xp

That should be

[ ] Dexterity ------ [X][X][X][ ][ ] (1+2)*6 = 18 xp

Dex is really just that useful. Fair warning.
The costs for Slush exp are the same as the costs for bucket exp. The few differences are:

Slush exp can be spent anywhere

Slush exp can be carried over past chargen.
Anyet: I am so stealing your char sheet for my next char. This is official, kudos on the awesome.
Heh... yea. I caught that when I went back through the character creation chunk. *sigh* Silly exceptions to rules that I don't remember while partially asleep. ><
Anyet: See page 274 of Core for WP cost. It's (current value)X2 for the next dot. So

Willpower (7)

[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [] [ ] [ ] (1+2)*3 = 9 xp

is really

Willpower (7)

[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [] [ ] [ ] (5+6)*2 = 22 xp (first 5 free, paying for 6 and 7)
Aaah... that makes much more sense. Looks like I'll need to go back through all my numbers and make sure I'm getting them all right.

Also... that character sheet is awesome for finding things in. Yay for organization... boo for OCD that keeps me from sleeping.

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