[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

so what can we buy? abilities? attributes? specialties? what about essence/willpower/virtues? I am sure no back grounds right?
no backgrounds.

Attributes, Abilities. Specialties, Charms, Spells (if you can justify it), Virtues, Willpower, Essence... such things.
Ummm... Won't attributes take a long time? The training time for them is something like (Previous value) months.. How much time did you plan to give us for this? I mean, I don't think we would just be sitting tight unless we knew for sure there was no way out for a while (exit set on a time delay or something)... >_>
I didn't say you couldn't do it... or that it was advisible. Only that you could do it.

Is there a potentially-quick way out this place? Is it set on a time delay? An IC reason for why we're stuck here would be really helpful, as well as an estimate on how much time we have overall to spend our XP...
I was going to allow you guys as much time as was needed. Clearly, this is insufficient for some of you as an answer.

Since this isn't the case, you have 5 weeks, 4 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes, and 1 second.
This was a result of me being told that my answers were not sufficient in IM.

And there is no IC answer/estimate.

I can shave the downtime further downwards if you so wish.
well thats poop :(

I'll need to know how much time we get otherwise I won't be able to know what I can and can't buy...

I don't see the problem with spending a bit of time here to train, we know that stuff out there is BAD, so to improve ourselves is a good thing imho... plus we also know time is VASTLY increased here...
Craft for teh win! Heheheh. Maybe some combat stuff too. Not sure. Although I would love to work towards the DotFA Charms at some point. :)
I'll say this again.

You previously had -infinite- training time. In short, as much training time as was needed by all of you.

However, due to complains, you now have exactly 5 weeks, 4 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes and 1 second.

Further complains will see this downtime reduced.
Same here.:le sigh: I have plans to start working towards those DotFA Charms.

Haku, there is an Essence 7 Solar Charm that allows for permanence of Artifacts, no maintenance, never dulls, etc. I know that may not be within the realm for a DB, but maybe something to heighten efficiency, possibly reducing prereqs. for maintenance and more. Kind of the stability and reliability of the Earth sort of thing. I know it will be a higher Essence, possibly 6 or 7. Any ideas?

Does Terrestrial Hero Style and/or its extension Charms count as a TMA for the purposes of penalizing your Immaculate development?
Coyotekin said:
Same here.:le sigh: I have plans to start working towards those DotFA Charms.
Haku, there is an Essence 7 Solar Charm that allows for permanence of Artifacts, no maintenance, never dulls, etc. I know that may not be within the realm for a DB, but maybe something to heighten efficiency, possibly reducing prereqs. for maintenance and more. Kind of the stability and reliability of the Earth sort of thing. I know it will be a higher Essence, possibly 6 or 7. Any ideas?
It may be within reach of a DB whose managed to somehow break the Essence 7 barrier, gotten to essence 9 and whose focussed exclusively on craft... The perm effect thing.

In short, virtually none of the DB craftsmen would ever get that. And those that do... will likely die not too long later.

As for heightened efficiency, lowering on maintenance effects would be well within your reach when you hit essence 5-6 ish. In effect, providing the stability of the earth to artifacts, that's doable.
Jukashi said:
Does Terrestrial Hero Style and/or its extension Charms count as a TMA for the purposes of penalizing your Immaculate development?

I'm going to say... no, the charms from Terresterial Hero Style does not penalize you. That the various Hero styles are not 'true' Martial Art styles, but rather they're charms for the Martial Arts ability. At least, not the one that's native to your type.

I'll keep that for future reference, then, since I'm pretty happy with what I've planned now. Check it over yourself in Meadow's character thread, I'd like your approval before I edit it into his character sheet.
So, has scene 5 actually been closed? I noticed that the xp from it hasn't been put in the "High Scores" thread.
It is still open, but will be closed shortly when I get done typing and stuff.

Also... I think... I shall be merciful here.

Downtime will be extended from 5 Weeks, 4 Days, 3 Hours, 2 Minutes, 1 Second to;

6 Months.
I see!

Well, that messes things up a bit. Hmm.

How much xp do we still have to get, if any?
yay, still can't do everything I had planned, but thats good news :D

edit: is all training serial or can some stuff be paralleled?

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