[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

Give me some tiem and I'll open new scene. Sorry for the delay...

And please have your xp spendings done soon, kay?
Nobble said:
yay, still can't do everything I had planned, but thats good news :D
edit: is all training serial or can some stuff be paralleled?
I could be wrong, but by examples in the Core rulebook I think it's safe to assume that training is always serial...However, Haku may have a different take on this, and as its his call in the end that may or may not matter.
fhgwdads05 said:
Nobble said:
yay, still can't do everything I had planned, but thats good news :D
edit: is all training serial or can some stuff be paralleled?
I could be wrong, but by examples in the Core rulebook I think it's safe to assume that training is always serial...However, Haku may have a different take on this, and as its his call in the end that may or may not matter.
SO... I erm... worked out the hows of creating sub-forums for forums and moved the older acts there as well as the artwork threads. 8)

It makes it a little bit more tidy now.
sorry haku, been working some terrible shifts, back and will be posting...? where is the play forum?
The cat ate it..... She Who Lives In Her Name ate it all... :cry:

Also... new scene... soon. Promise. :?
oh here is my Xp spenditure list

Further XP spending:

Archery increase from *** to ***** (7+9=16 XP)

Strength increase from ** to *** (12 XP)

Archery charm:

Dragon Graced Arrow (8 XP)

Dodge charm:

2nd Dodge Excellency (8 XP)


(2nd Excellency Archery + Dragon Graced Arrow)

4 XP

Remaining XP (81-48=33)

Question 1: Can we increase(or spend XP to start increasing it so it kick in later) past 3?

Question 2: The core rules say that you can deliberately tackle someone as a part of an melee attack, so that both players must make some sort of athletic roll to prevent falling prone.

Is that a multi part action or is that a single action if you make a full body lunge spear first into your opponent, trying to stab them and knock them over if you are lucky?
Not as happy with the scene as I would be normally... sorry about the long wait.
By the by... I just realized that I don't recall anything about parts 'materializing' or whatever being mentioned before this scene. Did I miss it or something? I know it's not all that important at this point, but...
Erm... I thought I did type that out in the opening... with parts popping up now and then in the desert... from when she "shadowed" various automata. Mainly to explain why you guys had parts to maintain your magitech armours..

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