[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

Just curious... Are we going to be given a chance to spend this new XP any time soon? (we being those of us already in the story)
Lol! ?You know, if you were a Lunar I might have said otherwise, but the majority of tasty Solar combat Charms require only Essence 3. While sure, you get a larger Essence pool with Essence 4, it's my experience that you rarely even need it before 150-200XP (unless you're a MAist, which that's an entirely different ballgame).
And if you worry about Essence lost then look into the Resistance Tree. There are two Charms that will let you:

1)regain motes of Ess equal to your Ess score per success rolled up to your Sta in successes after being attacked with a raw dmg pool that exceeds your hardness

2)regain WP of 1+successes after being damaged by a attack.

Think about it. ;) I know I plan to get them in the future.
thanks for the advice, Probably will grab E-G T, though with my current commitments, I don't think I'll want to put off getting the extra 10m from ess 4 too long..But for now at least.....
*Innocent Cricket Chirp*

Heh, seriously though, if you were wielding a blade the size of a surf board you'd want a little speed enhancement too....
It's Speed 5, it's not that bad.... -_-

Well, if it's worth committing an extra 4m to you, be my guest. I'd rather stick with Orichalcum, get the bonus damage, and keep my mote pool larger. ;)
Well, at least the blade itself is orich....if it were jade too I'd be a lightening fast, moteless wonder...hmm now that I think about it.....Speed 3 With a Grand Daiklaive would be nice add a level 5 hearthstone to bring me to 2 and....heh...just kidding
Well, if you had Lore 5, you could have taken Immanent Solar Glory, that gives you 10 motes at a cheaper price, thoguh they do come with a catch of their own...
Okay so I've figured out the main line for the next scene, to get everybody up and ready to go !

I'll launch the new scene probably tomorrow :)
I considered it, and in fact am putting a few dots to lore this go round, but I'll have to wait, I think 2 dots is a good cap to buy at one time...hmm, though it is favored, may have to think more on that....(As a captain with a ship, I could count that as the managing neccesary to refill the mote pool)

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