[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

Well, Arelean is at least a good bit away now, and is still recovering from some serious head-trauma, so I'm guessing he doesn't really mind. :P
oooooh, does he need some healing? might as well flare myself up and rest, and not have to go mending you guys' cuts and bruises as we move along :mrgreen:
Well, she ill certainly offer you people, if she can force her way into the group, the benefits of Touch of Blissful Release, to help you function better in comabt (it will reduce any wound penalties by 3 for 3 hours, even wounds suffered during that time frame. I'm sure you can find some use to that.
I am not intervening much in the interlude since it's your time to get to know each other a bit more (and I enjoy discovering your interactions :) ), but past page 6, we will do a cinematic break to bring peace to the city of Balsa and to go on with the story finding that mysterious shiny knight and hopefully brickwall will have his new pc done and will join us !

Of course xp gained with the interlude will be expendable, depending on how long you are willing to take for eliminating the thousands zombies in the city (I think a single week should be reasonable considering your raw power and the low level of threat the zombies represent), and your journey to go and find the man and get him back to Balsa (count at least 2 weeks at sailing speed just for the travel).

So if you have followed me so far, your total training time can be : 21 + days.
I don't know about the others, but While Lilly will surely want to finish the zombies and then travel to find this mysterious knight. Also, if the zombies come at us in groups, I hope they like getting roasted. She might not be able to pull Flight of the Brilliant Raptor too many times, but it should help remove excess zombies. And she still is able to dish out some damage. these are the undead, not living things, she has no qualms about squashing them, thoguh she weeps for their souls.
Well it's still going to be pretty dangerous to go in Balsa as long as it is a shadowland and ghosts roam the place... but if some of you want to do something else while other will go seek the man, I can definitely do split cut scenes.
Excellent - I'll throw in a couple extra Charms (probably Snake Style) if we have extra XP. :)

When I say that Miya is fast, in combat she can sprint up to four yards or dash 11 yards a tick on her own. Add her perfected boots, she has 7 yards Move or 17 yards dash; add Lightning Speed, she raises it to 11 and 21 respectively. Once she gets Racing Hare Method, she'll be able to run up to 70 miles an hour. Plus she has Spider-Foot and Feather-Foot Styles. :D
At the moment Crimson can only manage 9 yards per tick with normal movement, though Monkey Leap and Soaring Crane allow for ridiculous movement in combat. For long distance Crimson's big advantage is being tireless, but Racing Hare Method will leave her in the dust.
But Myia seems to lack the Ressitance to keep it up for long. You might want to invest in resistance as well, as that helps perform actions for a longer time. Though i think that right now, if you want to move fast, the landship is probably the best bet to get there fast.
Going by the average travel times in the core (p264) Sailing is not going to be nearly as fast as Horseback, Tireless which is what I'm figuring Crimson's travel capabilities are roughly equivalent to (with the Gazelle's Pace and Inexhaustible mutations).
IIRC, using Racing Hare doesn't tire you out in the same way normal sprinting does. In fact, you can keep running for as long as you want - as long you spend 5m to renew the Charm every hour, you can keep going at that ludicrous pace.
The charm doesn't say anything specific about how tiring it is, my assumption has always been that it is no mote tiring than a normal walking pace, so keeping it up for 8 to 10 hours for anyone with a decent stamina+resistance.

Now if Miya used Racing Hare all day and carried Crimson, and then Crimson ran all night carrying Miya...
Feh, still nothing compared to what Arelean will be doing with Flashing Thunderbolt Steed. With Master Horseman's Techniques (Spirit-Sustaining Technique), he can fly all day and night. Just wait until he gets Bestial Traits Technique and boosts Eleclaethil a bit. :P
Well, if you all brag about how fast you can go, it will be far simpler for White Lilly to learnt eh Stormwind Rider sepll, and transport the lot of us fast, and without tiring. :roll:
Hey, Crimson doesn't need to learn anything to be able to travel long distances very quickly. Also, she can move 168 yards in one tick with Soaring Crane Leap, which is pretty hard to compete with.
Says the guy who flies around on his warhawk with a powerbow... Besides I haven't even maxed out her strength, her athletics specs, or made a combo or anything yet. If you want to see a twinked out character, I could show you a twinked out character :D

Seriously though, personally one of the things I love about Exalted is that you can twink out pretty hard without actually becoming disruptive to the game. It is one of the few games where one can let their power-gaming urges run wild without ruining everyone else's fun.
That is somewhat true. I'm seriously considering taking the 3 remaining Medicine Charms, just in case you guys get into more supernatural trouble. :twisted:
TherealBrickwall said:


((Note to all: I'm referring to a discussion we had earlier. He'll get it.))
An 18-health level Warhawk is balanced when it requires months of training with an Essence 3 Solar Charm.

Oh, and mutations are dumb.

demihappycow said:
Says the guy who flies around on his warhawk with a powerbow... Besides I haven't even maxed out her strength, her athletics specs, or made a combo or anything yet. If you want to see a twinked out character, I could show you a twinked out character :D
Seriously though, personally one of the things I love about Exalted is that you can twink out pretty hard without actually becoming disruptive to the game. It is one of the few games where one can let their power-gaming urges run wild without ruining everyone else's fun.
Sorry, but I have to disagree... Powergaming in Exalted is as it is in any other role-playing game: if it suits the chosen of the game and all of the players and the ST wish for it, then yes, it's going to be fun. Otherwise, it will be less so, depending on a lot of different things.

I can be shot down at any time, my mount can be targeted (whose DV is not nearly as good as my own, and who I need to spend 5m to protect with SSE, rather than 3m for myself). I also paid 14 dots in total for all of that (7 dots to get Familiar 5, 5 to get Artifact 4 bow, 2 to get Artifact 2 quiver), so it's not like any of it came cheap. Unlike the cost of mutations... I still barely have a 14-die attack pool (including the slew of Artifact bonuses), which is about decent for Exalts by most standards.

And I can build a terribly twinked character as well - but I won't. It's quite simple, actually. Stupidly so. That's why I won't, and nor do I want to see one. I don't make a character without logical reasons backing every facet of him or her, because that's what brings the character to life. Personally, I don't want to be part of a game where players don't try to bring that to the table as well. Though I see no reason so far to believe that anyone in this game is doing that, so everything is cool.
Personally, I think if you put 5 dots of familiar with it something much more ridiculous than an 18hl warhawk would be balanced.

It is pretty clear that I disagree on the mutations front. But then I really like playing weird stuff.

And my mutations aren't the main thing giving me that jumping distance. I've got two charms, a high strength, a high athletics, a hearthstone, and a mutation all put into getting that jumping distance.

Not that some mutations can't be unbalancing and wonky. They are one of the things that can be problematic if you aren't careful.

My point about power-gaming isn't so much about well developed characters as it is about mechanical disparities between PCs being of relatively limited importance in Exalted. It is extremely difficult (almost impossible) to make a character in Exalted that will make the whole rest of the group irrelevant.
I will probably grab some defensive Charms, but so far her luck has held that she wasn't ever in too serious a trouble, so she didn't need it. but hanging out with you guys she'll probably do that. Also, i'd rather finish the Medicine Charm Tree, just in case anything happens, that way she can treat every kind of disease, poison, wound, and crippling effect. I realize well enough that she's vulnerable, but it's part of her, until she realizes that soemtimes she will need to take care of herself better, with such great warriors (compared to her).

Also, for the most part I believe that no matter how much of a twink you are, your beginning character is not gonna be overpowered, unless you bend the rules, and the ST doesn't call you up for it. But in general I think most people on these boards come up with very cool character concepts, and that is part of the fun.

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