[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

Cool you got some posting to make.

Note to players: I still retain my interests in this game but had been truly busy with work.

Nevertheless some of you have expressed concernes about the size of the group, and once we end this scene, we will split the group in two parties for a better and easier flow...

Depending on your motivations and reactivity, we will rp this conclusion or I will ST it to allow the game to move on in two separate directions with a reduced number of players.
What exactly are we waiting for? Someone from the original group (Coyotekin?) to tell Vargas what happened?
Coyote fhg, Atrius Night... any of the three... but I ain't going to wait much longer.
Ooookay so...

As previously said, I feel like for the best interest and duration of the game I shall ST up to the splitting part (dealing with the slave situation and the shadowland), sort of a narrative end of that chapter of the game.

For the next part obviously splitting the group in 2 will be better I think. People have expressed concerns about the discouraging factor of the number of players, and obviously it has been harder for me to manage...

So 2 groups will be formed, one will follow (or not) the caravan, and one will stay near Balsa.

I think that I know the position of some but I need to check.

Group Balsa: Lilly, Truth, Marena, Hiraeth.

Group "wanderers": Arelean, Spider

Unknown electrons: Crimson (DHC's been missing lately), Jonas, and Idawa (if Brickwall's still interested).
I'd be happy to resume into one of the current groups. Either one works for my character. I'm inclined to be nice and go with the tiny group.

I've been gone because I really couldn't understand what was going on. We'll need some re-introductions in whichever splitoff I'm in.
That is of course a prereq :)

Give me the end of the week to ST the end of the chapter, and then I'll launch the introductions (still need to work a lot of stuff for Walking with the Darkness).

Might be useful to know what focus the tiny group would like to have as a focus (besides travelling a lot), because for the moment I have a few things in mind, but nothing determined yet.

Always better to ask than to presume :)
Well I assume you're going to tie it at least somewhat into the main plotline, right? All things coming back in a circle, etc? :P I was just thinking that Arelean will eventually wish to return to Metagalapa for the trade negotiations. Hrm... That... Or he could send a runner. *eyes Blond's phased out character and DHC's character*
I was refering to the places you wanted to go, and the things you wanted to do in game, as players :)

The plotline is very bendable and there will be some crossovers as I said.
Just wanted to giver a heads up, I'll have a very spotty Internet connection for the next two weeks. I have to move back to Israel, so it's gonna be a bit rough the next two weeks, and then it should sort out.
Yeah I'm a bit slow sorry everyone (I have a nasty invasion to plan on the bad guys front) so, but this weekend it'll be over.

Next week I'll post the final conclusion of the chapter, and will make two split games. :)

After a quick introspection this day I realized work's only gonna get crazier and crazier in the coming months.

Considering we're at a break point in the story, I feel the need to put this game on hiatus because I don't want to give anyone false hopes any longer (been a month now).

When times are easier for me, I'll happily make the appropriate prayer rolls to the dead gods so they can grant this game resurrection... but for now I prefer to push the pause button.

I'm sorry my work's eating up most of my "free" time, but heh, that's the price you pay for being young rich and successful at less than 30 (just 2 years left to get there :mrgreen: )... as well as sleeping 4 hours a day.

I'll let you til the end of the week to throw the first stones, and then I'll move this game to the graveyard.

Mes plus plates excuses / my most sincere apologies.
No, that's quite fair. For sure, it's better to just do this now before it gets any worse. I'll be waiting the for day it comes back. :P

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