[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

When they arrive in Balsa... surely two pirates like you wouldn't miss the opportunity of looting the city and get rich without having to resort to criminal activities ^^
On the issue of slaves I sent a pm and lily brought up a lack of knowledge in that respect as well....I think Cyl may have been MIA since yesterday morning...not complaining (RLCF and all), but I'm going to hold off posting till I have a response....

Edit; (Real Life Comes First)
Of course there are some slaves, it's a guild caravan... They were even mentionned when it was time to clean the city, Iron Crane had planned to use them as baits...

Iron Crane smiles like a guildsman who just made a good deal but is a bit afraid of Jonas taking a few steps back as the farmer threatens him:

"Very well, I will lend you some slaves only for the digging... But it seems we need a priest... I don't think we have this in here..."

I was tossed from the way he was speaking as though this were principally a slave caravan or some such.....I suppose the presence of any slaves would provoke such a reaction though....
So a status of the caravan: thousands of people, merchants, traders, guards, and families (paying for the safe travel), as well as many slaves.

The slave trade is not the main purpose of this caravan, but it is one of the many things it has to offer.

Mechanically speaking, this caravan goes from Nexus to High Gralt, last free port north of Jades, and then goes back to Nexus, selling stuff both ways.

And yes, the sight of slavery could indeed provoke such reaction for Lilly, though the slaves are not technically "suffering", they're goods to sale, and are preserved in a overall good condition to be sold a good price. They are treated the same way the beasts are, clean, well fed, and that's it.
While the slaves might be treated well, I see her as looking at it as if they are3suffering, since they don't have freedom, which I believe goes well enough with her high Compassion (4). Sometimes suffering is in the eye of the beholder.

Also, she comes from the Marukani, which value their independence, so she extends such a feeling to every living creatue.
Umm, guys? Why are you not mentioning the pirate banner? Even if the Night Caste Mark's flying, shouldn't Maren Sidaris' flag being there be a cause for concern?
The lookout and by extension the captain would react more, but we (me and my crew) are new to this side of creation.....

By the by, going from first sighting distance, unless you guys are using awareness charms (which would, admittedly, make sense) I don't see how you could hear the orders being shouted about my ship.....

Also, its nice to have a fellow nautical solar about.....
The lookout and by extension the captain would react more, but we (me and my crew) are new to this side of creation.....
By the by, going from first sighting distance, unless you guys are using awareness charms (which would, admittedly, make sense) I don't see how you could hear the orders being shouted about my ship.....

Also, its nice to have a fellow nautical solar about.....
I was taking a few liberties to bring us closer sooner. :)
Umm' date=' guys? Why are you not mentioning the pirate banner? Even if the Night Caste Mark's flying, shouldn't Maren Sidaris' flag being there be a cause for concern?[/quote']
Well when you got 10+ celestial on board... piracy is not as big of a threat as it used to be :lol:
I was taking a few liberties to bring us closer sooner. :)
eh, no worries, we'll say there were trees in the way till we were almost on top of you...Doggone forest, why can't it be flat like a normal ocean......
Gotcha, by the by, altered my mosty recent post as I had missed a couple important factors (it's a bad idea to post immediantly on waking....)
I will let you deal with the situation and make the introductions with the new pc until tomorrow evening, where I will go further in the scene.
This game is starting to get too confusing. There's a lot of PCs, and twice as many NPCs, a few of whom are currently being PC run. I'm not sure I can keep up with this. If that situation isn't likely to change, I should drop out. I'm no good when I can't understand what's going on.
Well the situation is actually pretty simple:

guys on the boat - wyld mutant hopped to the other boat to meet the new pc.

It's just a temporary split.

Now that brings us with one great question: do you want to do anything with Balsa, apart from erasing the shadowland I mean ?!

The city's in place, once it has been ridden of its taint, it will be inhabitable and already has some wealth in it, this could be yours... or the guild's. Freed slaves could be used to repopulate the city slowly but surely, and then you get a newly founded dominion... or we could go on on the road and see where it leads us next :wink:

I am not opposed to a split too should it be needed.
As much as White lilly would love o find a place to settle down in, she'd be loath to do it right now. She would prefer to go on to study her powers, and try and remove more shadowlands, in order to try and erase these wounds of Creation. I can see some sort of an arrangement with the Alliance of mutual help, but not settling down right now.
Truth would be OK with both, but probably in favour of settling down and making a proper city out of Balsa.
With the loss of one kingdom lying heavily on Hiraeth's heart I don't think he can be pursuaded to leave Balsa empty. Plus his hatred of slavery, looks like the merchant prince isn't going to like the next few hours much....

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