[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

Well as it was both your turn to act and hers, it didn't matter that much :wink:

After this T13, Tome and Nobble can make their theatrical introduction... showtime ! :)
Hrmmm, yeah I forgot to say what Eleclaethil's been doing. After that last attack she would've gained some altitude to get out of the range of the Essence bolts.
Not like Arelean can do much more than snipe a few Zombies here and there anyways. :P

Well, he could pick one of them up, but that's all Ele would be able to carry. He should be able to see the incoming "residents," though, and be able to warn the others about them right? >_>
Well by the sound of it the others might have already figured out what's coming their way.

And it's going to be harder to shoot them than regular targets (ie -2 penalty from darkness).
I'll be on a trip all over Peru from December 14th to mid January (return date not established yet).

I dunno if I'll have a connection on every step of my journey, but I will do my best :)

So I'm going to try to end Chapter 1 before I go, to avoid leaving things hanging on.
S'all good, RLCF as they say (Real Life Comes First). At least you warned us, I currently have 3 or 4 STs that are simply MIA. Have fun, and don't stress this too much while your on vacation.....
Nob, you probably noticed the twenty zombies around... strangely as you walk, more and more appear from the ground screaming loudly and running towards you.

Upon T25: 30 zombies incoming (we can either treat this as a mass combat or a normal combat... zombies aren't really hard to kill)
Nah, your average Zombie has an Accuracy of 4, a DV of 1, 4L Damage and 1L/3B Soak. As long they're Extras, with only 3 HLs, they're really weak.

On the other hand, they can be quite scary to normal mortals, since then they stop being Extras and start having 9 HLs.

A properly made, Necrotech Zombie is much, much nastier, but that requires a lot more work.
From Sunday 14th to the beginning of january I'll go on a trip all around Peru (at last !), and I'll probably be unable to log in, but rest assured I'll be back soon and I will resume my STing :)
Since your heading out of town on sunday, I thought I'd take a moment to wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year....
Aaaw thanks man :D

I planned to writhe something in the common part of the board, but yep, you too !

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