[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

Yes, Abyssals are fond of WMN. Not just because it's got a really nice visual, but because it's their only PD that doesn't have the Spectral Keyword.

If you want to take him down, either wait until he uses a different Charm, hit him with something with nasty side-effects, or try and run him out of motes. I hear setting him on fire might help.

EDIT Cyl, would it be okay for Heike to have a few Demons pre-Summoned? She's almost certainly got at least one guarding her Manse.
I'd actually forgotten about stunting defense......but I don't think I can having used stun die on my last action (I thought it was one or the other...)
I'd actually forgotten about stunting defense......but I don't think I can having used stun die on my last action (I thought it was one or the other...)
Everything can be Stunted. There are no limits.

Hell, even diceless actions can be stunted, if it's cool enough.
Good to know.....I'll take the hit this time since damage has already been rolled...... but never again!


As an aside on DHC's (demihappycow) new char.. at 18 mutations points (pos and neg add for this) doesen't that mean you have time limit on how long you can hangout in creation...? even with a willpower of 6 that would be three times the limit for someone to still count as a creation native....
Tome said:
EDIT Cyl, would it be okay for Heike to have a few Demons pre-Summoned? She's almost certainly got at least one guarding her Manse.
Okay for the guardian.
As an aside on DHC's (demihappycow) new char.. at 18 mutations points (pos and neg add for this) doesen't that mean you have time limit on how long you can hangout in creation...? even with a willpower of 6 that would be three times the limit for someone to still count as a creation native....
Okay so:

1/ hereditary mutations do not count as Wyld Mutations. When you're born a beastmen, you can live in creation without any side effects. It is when you get more mutations from exposure to the wyld that you're starting to bad trip.

2/ we have: 2 poxes, 4 afflictions: 10 mutation points (no pb here since they are hereditary)

And : 3 deficiencies, 3 debilities: 9 mutations points

I think the 2 mood swings and hungry were part of the beasmen template (satyr), that leaves us with the Delusion (2 points) and the allergies (2 points) who are under the WP limit.

Technically at chargen it doesn't really matter how you got them, from a number crunching point of view, but it matters when you get exposed to the wyld again in game. :)
ah...didn't realize that about hereditary mutations.....

Out of curiosity....what sort of armor is he wearing...? It strikes me that I'm henceforth in the market for some armor (Knew I had totally forgot something) and some nifty artifact style would be just fine (would even consider soulsteel....)
Heike could make you some. :D

True, it'd need maintenance, but it'd still be fairly nice armour. With no Attunement cost, I might add.

Or she could slap together some simple mundane armour.
ah...didn't realize that about hereditary mutations.....
Had to go through the whole beastman section in the wyld to find it :D

Out of curiosity....what sort of armor is he wearing...?
None that you can see, but rest assured it is not because of the armor that you could not hurt him.
Heike could make you some.
Here we go :lol:
Alright I'm thinking a Zenith social juggernaut. Like "Oh, I just converted that Wyld Hunt by accident" kind of social juggernaut. He has a Smashfist that doubles as that artifact in the first artifact book, The Pectoral of Resplendent Speeches

Does that sound good as a baseline?
Hurmmm I would rather have a concept and a background before knowing what you are going to use to what end. A Social monster would be cool though :)

(damn now I must work on a mod for the social combat)

And know that before you convert a member of the wyld hunt, you have to take him prisoner first, to talk him into this, because even most of them will not respond to your unnatural mental influence at first try, but will try to kill you :wink:

Anyway, send me a PM with a cool concept and some base background, and we will work it out.

T7: fhg you are up :)
Obviously, but I haven't read everyone's backstory yet beyond checking everyone's caste and concept. I doubt that having an army of former Cynis Dynasts suddenly exalting as Solars would be workable unless that's written in.
I just realized I never gave you a response post for that attack you hit me with. Because of the whole range issue, she only ended up attacking Arelean (and not Eleclaethil), right?
Nope she attacked both but because of the -2 penalty I hadn't thought of, she missed both.
I came back earlier than I thought... it's amazing how two days at the beach can replenish your batteries... can't wait to get back there (food was also excellent !)
Nope she didn't, which is why she missed.

Using a projectile up to thrice its range gives you the -2 penalty we talked about.

Besides, she is no abyssal... you'd have seen some blood from her caste mark before the halo if she was :wink:
Umm... Well then she would haven't even been in range at all. Shuriken's have a Range of 20. With Aid of Ill Wind or whatever, she would've had a Range of 60, meaning she would've been in the second range increment. Without it, she's outside the third, which means she didn't even have a shot.

Why am I getting the feeling that you're changing your mind mid-fight...
She could also use non standard throwing stars with an increased Range you know.

EDIT: To be honest, you had me confused for a second with the Range issue, hence your confusion now.

She didn't use AoIW, she threw them at you, with the -2 penalty, hence her missing.

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