[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

*Nod* Aye, Captain

((By the by, It has just struck me that despite playing this game for the past 6 months this is only the second actual combat I've gotten into as a solar....many apologizes if any more of these mistakes pop up, but will be double checking my actions henceforth to try and prevent that....))
Actually, Speed 7 Simple Charms have been Errata'd out as being misprints, as the cap for any action is supposed to be Speed 6. I believe this is supposed to be a continuity within the entire system, one confirmation of which is the fact that JB Speed can never go above 6.
Okey dokey.

Nobble and Tome are now up to play... I was thinking about a theatrical entrance into the fight on T15 or 20 (time for them to be warned by this old goat of Lonely Crane and to hop on the motorbike :) )
Rightio, dramatic entrance time. :D

Found an excuse to draw a quick picture of Heike at college today. I'll upload it after class.
Nope, you're next after Honest Blossom and the bad guys.

Your JB roll dropped you in T5.

It took that long because we had to fix some stuff with fhg who owned the T1.

My apologies to all for the delay. :oops:
Drat.....I'm sorry to hear that.....

here's wishing you luck in your move and all your endevors..... (and a fast return should things clear up....)
Note to self: Get a combo of 1st Exc. and Hungry Tiger tech when next available. LOL

Can the Excellencies be ued in a flurry on each attack?
Really...? I thought the mote limit was per usage of the charm, each attack in the flurry being a seperate charm usage....
I was under the impression that 2nd ed Exalted didn't actually 'split dice pools' so much as just apply flurry penalties, so for instance a move and three attacks would have a -4 to the first attack,-5 to the second, and -6 to the third each of which could see usage of an excellency to enhance the strikes (Something I believe I would be about to demonstrate, if correct)
Yeah cyl, that's incorrect. No where in the Charm text or in the entire Charm section does it say that the dicecap applies to the entire action. The Duration of any Excellency is Instant. Spending motes on an Excellency increases your dice pool, to a certain cap. Ergo, the cap has a duration of instant. If you want to run it as a total cap for the entire action, you're basically nerfing every Exalt's ability to use Excellencies. I don't believe that was the original intention of the writers, but it's your call... >_<

Oh, and Cyl... How is that girl in range? I thought Arelean and Eleclaethil (E, not Ae :P ) were supposed to be several hundred yards in the air. :shock:

Well, at least one hundred yards. The average rooftop is probably somewhere between six and ten yards high. She's gotta be in like, what, her 9th Range Increment? >_<

EDIT: Hey Atrius, why not stunt your defense? Channel a point of Willpower, a virtue? Etc. Or, you can take it like a man :twisted:.
My bad I was stuck with the idea that you had landed on a roof nearby. (in wich case her flurry jumps+move+ranged attack covered the distance).
Yes, I am suprised to see a lack of stunting on the defence.

Also, the motes spent on the Excellencies are not limited. You simply cannot add more than (Attribute+Ability) Dice to any given roll. Since each action in a Flurry is a different roll, there's no reason to infer there being a limit.

Though if Cyl's houseruled that in for some bizzare reason, then the metagame changes a bit, and Heike becomes somewhat more twinked. Or a lot, considering one of the primary weaknesses of her weapon is the lousy Rate, which then becomes irrelevant in Exalted combat...

Remember, despite some errant referances to it, splitting a dice pool is an artifact of 1e rules. 2e has Flurries instead.
No no I got it wrong just checked :)

Forget about it; I go nuts when I'm starving before breakfast.
cyl said:
My bad I was stuck with the idea that you had landed on a roof nearby. (in wich case her flurry jumps+move+ranged attack covered the distance).
For ease's sake (and the fact that there will basically be no fighting him if otherwise), I'll just say Arelean and Eleclaethil are 100 yards off the ground. Arelean would probably have to be that close anyways to be able to make out stuff on the streets through the rain, despite his great eyesight.

Is she still within range? You, know if she's got Triple-Distance Technique, that might help... >_>
You didn't state so, but that's fine. That makes all the more sense now. She'd still be outside her first range increment though... Meaning a -2 penalty to her rolls, yes? :P
fhgwdads05 said:
You didn't state so, but that's fine. That makes all the more sense now. She'd still be outside her first range increment though... Meaning a -2 penalty to her rolls, yes? :P
Consider she didn't use the charm and just missed Eleclaethil :)
Well... If she didn't use the Charm she wouldn't have been able to hit Arelean either (because of a lack of range). So perhaps you mean she used the Charm and just attacked Arelean, not Elecaethil too?


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