[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

cyl said:
There is one thing that bothers me with cogtech: the Ressources cost.
I houseruled in the abyssal game that the Ressources cost of a necrotech project was Coil Rank (+1 if you are in Creation).

But cogtech exclusively rely on materials (and not body parts) and most of them are highly expensive (like alchemical fluids). So I might go with Coil Rank +1.

(So you need to lower the CR of your toys, or up your Ressources to 5)
How would I make CR 4 creations then?

I mean, it seems fair, but there has to be some way to make CR 4 stuff without having to rebuild my Resources rating every time.

I intentionally avoided taking Resources 5 to make it easier to motivate Heike, but I'll raise it up in order to have the CR 3 stuff.

But cool thing is you can sell what you create at a high price ! each item created might provide a ressource equal to its CR and up depending on the utility of the device and the negociation :)

But it is clear that if you only work for yourself on expensive projects without financial support, you'll end up broke.
Right. Allocating dots to Resources.

I guess I should design some marketable creations then? Actually, no, that wouldn't be a good idea. The things are actually worth less than the cost to make them... But on the other hand, she's got some Bureaucracy... Right, I'll draw up some robo-whores and bodyguards to sell to rich assholes for ridiculous prices... But they won't want to buy them, since folks with Craft: Magitech are really rare, and they need regular maintenance...

Gah! :?

Would it or wouldn't it be profitable?
Yes, if you sell the proper instructions for maintenance with the construct or leave your card in case of troubleshooting ^^

You can even make a good chain of commercial contacts: "oh and should it be damaged, I recommand you contact me, or Chiu Lao, he lives in Nexus, tell him I sent you he'll make you a discount !"

Also note that charms/spells repairing innanimate object work on those babies :)

EDIT: also note that a simple countermagic ends its functionning, though it doesn't destroy its body.
Sell to the Guild... Robo Horses. They don't tire, require no food, do not need to be cleaned up after, etc.
One thing's bothering me though, cogtech does not consider the "base design" of the construct.

I mean it's not like it would be the same to design a humanoid construct and a 2 wheel vehicle, or a horse or a weapon projecting metal at hight speed.

And unlike necrotech, there's nothing to begin with.

I think I might make some adjustments to cogtech soon.
cyl said:
One thing's bothering me though, cogtech does not consider the "base design" of the construct.
I mean it's not like it would be the same to design a humanoid construct and a 2 wheel vehicle, or a horse or a weapon projecting metal at hight speed.

And unlike necrotech, there's nothing to begin with.

I think I might make some adjustments to cogtech soon.
Necrotech can be used for all of those things easily enough. After all, building a motorcycle out of bones and flesh isn't too difficult to imagine (If it is, you need to google it. It shows up on album covers all the time.). Undead horses are a pretty cannonical use of Necrotech (and could work for the aforementioned bike by substituting wheels for legs). The weapon is a bit trickier, but I'd imagine some sort of animated crossbow made from the normal necrotech materials would work. Or maybe a gauntlet with a mini-catapault?

I mean, the book features what are essentially Necrotech tanks. You can do some utterly awesome stuff with it.

You all failed your wits + awareness then perception + awareness, except for Arelean. :wink:
Out of curiousity' date=' where might one find the conversion rules for cogtech from necro.....?[/quote']
Linked to in Heike's character sheet. Just under the Cogtech heading.

Just checking, with the shining arrows illuminating them, if only briefly....Can we see to target either of the baddies....?
Uh... Atrius.. Unless you've got a combo with Iron Raptor Technique and an Extra Action Charm, you can only use it once per action as activating a Simple Charm is your action.
Ack...dagnab it, just reread the simple charm rules and your right.....

I have to run just now but will delete and repost something else when I get in this evening (prob aound 12 or so).

Good catch.
Um....just checking, shouldn't i be one tick 7 having gone on tick 3 with a speed 4 action.....? Or am I misunderstanding something....?
Mweheheee, I'm wrong and you're wrong too !

It's a speed 5 action, so you're up in T8 :P
err...would be a speed 5 action, but i wear jade hearthstone bracers (the best of the 5 in my opinion) which drops it to a 4
The Speed of your action is determined by the listed speed of Iron Raptor Technique, not the weapon you use. As Jade Hearthstone Bracers only affect normal attacks, not Simple Charm activations, I do not believe they would affect the Speed of your Action. Having them do in addition to affecting normal attacks would also be potentially unbalancing, IMO.

Of course, as the wording is a little fuzzy, this could potentially be open to interpretation. It's cyl's call in the end, of course.
hmm, hadn't really thought about that.....

I may be reading too much into "It is in all other ways treated as a normal melee attack"
Simple or Form Charms have a certain speed, 6 is default, but sometimes it changes, and goes from 3 to 7.

Blazing Solar Bolt is speed 4, and Iron Raptor Technique is speed 5 :)

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