[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]


There is Iron, and Lonely Crane, two different characters.

Someone hasn't read the prelude... :P

Perhaps next time don't have two NPCs with such similar names at the same point in the story? :P
heh....by the way, where does everyone ride in the Caravan? Also, there would be an open invite for those interested to use the ship......

I ask because in the current scene the Captain is currently in the process of about to be 'rounding up the party' and it would help out if your normal positions are clear, either that, or.....

hmmm.....Would it be acceptable to assume we have a, in case of trouble meet at _____, in effect...? In this case, not to jump to the fore or anything, but the ship would be a fairly obvious rally point.....
A quick list of who's up and down:

- Jonas: still riding his horse

- Captain Spider: still sailin me hearties yo ho !

- Honest Blossom: still hating Bladeshine

- Lucien: not crafting

- Adamant Kestrel: not sneaking up

- Bladeshine: not having sex to build her cult

- Arelean: still flying

I'm confident odin will come back to us... one day, but had no news from Parallax or Talisman.

If they haven't manifested at the end of this scene (in a few weeks) I'll think about incorporating new players for the Twilight and Night spot.
Ah, that might hamper my original plan of just taking the circle, considering we're down by half.....Ok mercenaries can come,

Jonas, I assume that we gather you as we pickup the mercenaries, and I guess once we're inside the wall, I'll light off being the 'known supernatural' with the group at current.

EDIT: These are the mercenaries Bladeshine brought and thus solar aclimated......correct....?

(maybe slow posting tonight, I'm leaving for halloween stuff here in a few minutes, will be back in the wee hours of the morn)
No, revealing your exaltation to them is not a problem, they won't freak out... nothing prevents them from ratting you out to get a payday however :twisted:
And for those who wonder... no the title Light the Way had nothing to do with the current situation, where you do actually light the way... it wasn't done on purpose at all... :roll:

My subconscient is a genius ! :lol:
Note to Arelean: flying is going to be a problem as you are limited by two things, the darkness (hard to see anything past 5 yards), and the flying (you fly way faster than the other walk). However there are roofs to land on, and flying from roof to roof is an option.
Arelean's got scary good eyes (Per+Awa=9), so while the darkness will affect him somewhat, it won't be totally bad :P . But yeah, I plan on having him periodically land on rooftops. For the most part, I imagine he'll be the eyes for everyone else.

BTW, apparently no one else wanted to join Arelean?
Well the only one who could be interested from a tactic point of view would be Kestrel... and I guess Bladeshine wouldn't be against holding on to you as you fly... but both are in npc mode.

Do not move too quickly when turning in the streets they might get stuck in corners (for those old and lucky enough to have played most 16-bit rpg) :D
:shock: Nice

That should be useful building some devotion based intimacies for the countering of potential betrayal of certain folks Anathemic condition..... :wink:

On the down side (for you), the same move will help out our resident cult-maker to no end :P
Hence the waiting, that was not a request for posting, merely an opportunity given before closing a door :wink:

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