[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

Hey Odin... You realize that Twilights are the Arrows of Heaven, not Eclipses, right? The Eclipses are the Quills of Heaven, the Crowned Suns, the Quicksilver Falcons.
fhgwdads05: I actually remembered that just as I posted, but... "The Quill doesn't strtay from its path" just hasn't the same ring to it. I thought to edit the post, but then I said to myself: screw that. Poetic license :D

Well, off I go to think of an appropriate answer to some annoying OATHBREAKING little girl
Too bad I can't reply, I have to go to work :-(

At least this will give time to anyone to jump in before I turn Blossom into shish kabob :D

Of course I expect Lonely Crane by now will be watching and eating pop-corn, or preparing a ring of mud...
Not at all, he just got the best scene : catfight by a campfire... he's sort of an artist, but people don't realize it :lol:
Come XP time, people will be racing to learn the Charm Mouthy Zenith Gagging Method. :lol:

Least she's gonna keep us honest :)
Would he or she by any chance roll a Twilight? Because I'm having the feeling Parallax hasn't time for / isn't interested in joining us anymore
Another Eclipse what? I thought you said a Dawn...

A Twilight would be good too. But three Eclipses...?


EDIT: Oh wait, he is a Dawn. Well, at least he has Caste Abilities marked for Dawn, and his backstory says he's a Dawn. Under the name/motivation area, it says Eclipse though...
Hi all, I'm the above mentioned new guy...*waves*

fhgwdads05: Oops, um..supposed to be Dawn, initial concept was an eclipse but as you said, three is a bit much.....Going in to edit that

And just for funsies here's the alternate timeline eclipse version of his pic (plus the original)

Coyotekin said:
Ok, the stats for a Khopesh are: Spd 5, Acc +0, Dmg +4L, Def +2, Rate 2
As for the Artifact version, called a Scything Daiklaive I was thinking of something like: Spd 4, Acc +1, Dmg+7L (Possibly with O tag), Def +3, Rate 2

What do you think of that? Anyone else got any ideas on properly statting that thing? I used the Chopping Sword and it's Artifact version as a comparison, which has 6 points increased from standard to artifact form.
I'm okay with that BTW :)
Weapon stats are up on the character sheet. I am using the Grand Grimscythe's committment cost. Did you need me to put it higher?
Usually, 5-dot Artifacts have a 10-mote commitment cost, or somewhere in that area..

And it's still getting both MM bonuses? Wasn't that scratched?
No, the dual MM bonuses were kept, but I cannot change the weapon as I wish. I get the weapon's form(s) dependent on the Season.
out of curiosity, what timezones are folks in...? I ask because i was wondering when is the best time to check for new posts...?
Also, I was wondering, I think standard protocol is to wait for at least two other folks to post before posting again....Is that correct...?

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