[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

The double MM bonuses don't really seem like as much of a benefit in comparison to the power of the Hearthstone or the use of the spell, so I don't think that's a very balanced tradeoff.

This artifact seems to get more confusing as time goes. What is the theme behind it again? :?
fhg, you REALLY need to read the other posts actually. I have made it clear on several different occasions. And it is a part of the backstory. Cyl understands. ;)
I have. I've read every single one you've made regarding War's Bounty on this forum. I don't see a set theme here. The closest thing I've found is the phrase "he separated wheat from chaff." That could be quite a cool theme, but no offense intended, most of the powers you've chosen seem to have no real connection to this. The closest would be the power from the Hearthstone, but even that seems to have more of a general farmer theme, rather than a sort of harvest/weeding out the bad theme. Of course, that depends on how deep you want to examine that phrase.

Of course, the only opinion that really matters in the end is cyl's. I'm just trying to help here.
I took no offense. I am teasing you. It has to do with the fact that behind the scenes he is thrice-blessed. Gaia brought him to Luna's attention, but the Unconquered Sun chose him and trumped Luna's desire. There are traits about him that each respect, and he is rare in the sense that he truly does the land, Creation, and all of its creatures.

The theme fits with that. ;)
I see. So sure, that's all well and cool for your character, but how does that translate to your artifact? Is that your artifacts theme as well? Cause while it fits well for a character, as is it doesn't seem very artifact-y... :?

I mean, who made it? And why did they choose to make it as is? What's the artifact's purpose?
That's the mystery. I have a few ideas though. We'll just say that there was much more to life than war and fighting to his First Age incarnation. Perhaps he was inspired by the abilities of that same Hearthstone long ago. After all the next incarnation tends to have many similar habits with the previous incarnation. ;)
But that's the thing. Every artifact has a purpose. While IC it can be a mystery and might make the game better so, OOC it should be very clear. Ideally, the artifact's purpose and theme should be directly related, if not the same thing. >_>
Maybe this could be discussed in the appropriated thread :wink:

I'm doing some research for cool Earth/Wood aspected powers for this weapon on my side.
Mwuahahaha. My weapon has become something of great fascination. Heh. Damn right, it is worth being interested in.
TBH I didn't read anything at all about this famed weapon :D I reserve for myself the pleasure of in-game discovery!

I'm working on another little piece of fic about Bladeshine. Don't know if it will ever see the light, but I'm working anyways :D

Pretty important, I think: what is the last term for changing stats around before sheetlocking?
I posted a part of Arelean's backstory last evening. The rest of it will (hopefully) be up later tonight, and a fanfic about his Exaltation shortly thereafter (tonight: iffy, tomorrow: maybe, saturday: at the latest).
So, I think that by the end of the week we're going to be ready to begin... anyone lacking anything ?
Fanfic and a remainder of the backstory for Arelean. Apologies, I've had a bunch of hw due today, more tomorrow, and some for Wednesday as well. Everything will be done by Friday, assuming that's when you wish to begin.
cyl said:
So, I think that by the end of the week we're going to be ready to begin... anyone lacking anything ?
I still have to spend all my BP, but I'm pretty much ready to go. My sheet will be complete by Thursday max.
A quick recap on char gen:

Royal Candela 90% (lacks the artifact)

Honest Blossom 100%

Adamant Kestrel 100%

Arelean Kethesar, Rider on the Feathered Wind 100%

Amilar Lucien 100%

Jonas Windson 90% (lacks the pic and its 3BP :D )

Shine of the Blade of Tomorrow 100%

We're starting this monday then, I'll write a quick resume first, and then let's play :)
Sorry guys, been really busy, I had a sudden burst of work this week end and did not get much sleep.

Lockepick, Coyotekin, are we done ?

I'm having two more busy days and then I will make the resume and open the IC thread soon.

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