[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

That's a question I was about to ask, and that's exactly the answer I wanted to hear. :P

And Parallax, you should take note that Abyssals don't get access to the wondefulness that is Iron Skin Concentration, and that both Adamant Skin Technique and its Abyssal Mirror have 3 charms for prerequisites.
fhgwdads05 said:
That's a question I was about to ask, and that's exactly the answer I wanted to hear. :P
Well what did you expect, if you all go totemic at the first opportunity you get, you'll surely have troubles, but if you stay under the radar and/or stay close to powerful allies who make you kinda untouchable, you can smile at your ennemies and say "make my day !". :)
Man, I so have plans to stock up on Dodge Charms. But, you know, even if you do have a PD Charm a smart opponent is just going to wear you down until you either run out of Essence or (more likely) show off what you are with an anima blazing like a second sun.

It's kind of the trap poor Kestrel's in. He's got 8 points of committed Essence. It won't take all that long before he has to dip into Peripheral Essense if he's not clever about things, able to hide things or no.
And this why I'm happy Arelean's got wings (well, a friend with them :P ). But yeah, Seven Shadow Evasion is pretty much next on my list, then Essence 3 and Bestial Traits Technique :twisted:.
Every time I see your character's name I want to spell it 'Aurelian'. Guess I'll be focusing on defense for my initial combat charms though, most of them are going to craft and lore. Same for most of my bonus points... Still, magic blaster cannons.
I think by the end of things we'll all be happy to have friends. Honestly, I'm very curious and keen to see how we all meet up. A full Circle, with some extras, will be very cool indeed :)
Who knows who, huh? Well, if anyone is in the same area, Lucien roams between the Hundred Kingdoms and Nexus.
And that's the way Arelean is heading, except he's coming Metagalapa, farther to the North-East. And despite having MHT (Speed Sustaining Technique), he's still going to have to stop to rest his hawk, so there's some potential for a meetup there. >_>
How does that mountain manage to stay up there anyway? If I ever reach Solar Sorcery, I want that spell.

Anyone want to pool resources for big transportation thing? :D
Do not worry about the who knows who, before starting, when everybody's sheet is ready, I'll revise the backgrounds, and forge some bonds where they could and should be if none have been made by yourselves first.

Meaning: you are encouraged to write your shared histories if you feel like it :)
Well yours easy, you travel you explore, you could've meet up with every other characters, if not all, during any of your expeditions.
Chances are people may have met Jonas due to helping out somebody out of a scrape or even found in a village helping the locals out here and there.
Kestrel has operated between the Hundred Kingdoms and Nexus and, likewise, may be known as a people helper (he wears a disguise when he's helping people to die, as that's not such a popular and well liked pass time of his :wink: ). He's been known to just hand over a bag of cash to a deserving person. No mention of why. He doesn't do it often, but he's done it a few times.
Well, anyone who traveled between Great Forks and Nexus could have heard of Bladeshine. Especially I think of Kestrel and Jonas, since I think they're helping pretty much the same people Bladeshine's helping now and then. And, of course, Honest Blossom.

What's more, anyone who stopped in Great Forks or at least cares to be informed about it has certainly heard of her. The only daughter of Shield of a Different Day who openly carries a Solar Exaltation and is starting a cult of personality around her is a piece of news bound to be noticed, I think.
Jonas tends to help the little people more than others, but he has no issues helping a Guild caravan that is under attack, assuming they have no slaves. Slavers he will not help. Slavers he will take down to free the people. Unlike Strength of Many, he will make sure they have a way to live, start a new life, and the ability to defend themselves.

He has nothing against the Guild, nothing at all. And he is from Nexus, so he has been known to stop in from time to time. Mainly he hangs out in the Scavenger Lands and the South.

(Need to pick up War Charms at some point for training purposes)
I am having the damndest time finding the proper looking character. I am looking for someone possibly wearing a dark duster jacket. Yes, I wouldn't mind cowboy hats or the like, even if I am not fond of the style personally. I think it fits with the character. Sandy blonde hair, deeper tan, duster jack (Artifact Reinforced Buff Jacket), etc. He's a really rustic guy, and a farmer by trade. Never mind the old weapons training he got from age 10-20. :)
Well, I tend to separate physical traits from physical description... a small nervous bastard like Jet Li might actually have 4/5 in all his traits.
Well, obviously you might wanna take the text out of this one but, for rustic and duster-coat-wearing, it's hard to go past Harry Dresden :)

So yeah, okay, pics are up, profiles are up... All that's left is to make puppy eyes and ask "When do we start?" :D

cyl said:
By the way, the office's been turned into a nuthouse recently, so do not hesitate to pull my sleeve for extra BP not acknowledged in the xp thread, I tend to forget things when my boss is deafening my right ear... or maybe it's microwaves her vocal emittor is sending to my brain to liquify it :lol:
I should be the same as Bladeshine and ask only for praise but... did you notice I put up art & backstory too? :D
I'm in the process of writing a fanfic, and my backstory is being given some slight retooling from the original version that I PM'ed to cyl.

As far as physical attributes... I tend to think that they're a good representation of what character's physical capabilities are as well as how they look. Demetheus is huge because, well when you have Strength 4, you tend to be rather large. At strength 5 the Core states that you could easily lift a pony or good-sized Donkey, around 450lbs. Let's be honest, 450lbs is A LOT of weight. If he had a higher Essence score, maybe you could say it was also part of his refined magical prowess.

And Jet Li, isn't THAT small :P . He'd have Strength 3, at best. Now, someone like Bruce Lee might be more like Strength 4, but he's also made of pure muscle.
If I get any more BP I have seen some Wood Hearthstones in Oedenol's Codex that I think would be perfect for him.

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