[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]


I thought of the very same thing reading your BG, and it is much possible. However, I don't know about your char, but mine would not react very well to a priestess who broke one of her vows and got the boot from the temple... But if Honest Blossom is keeping in touch with people from GF she certainly knows already that Bladeshine is a Solar, since she never hid it from anyone
Blossom would likely hold Bladeshine in contempt for actively seeking out worship... tempered with respect for actually keeping her vows to protect folks.
Well, it could be done. To work out the details, do you think we could have seen each other after either of our Exaltations? How much time ago were you expelled from the temple? Should we be superficial acquaitances, face-and-name only or something more?
While we're on the topic of people knowing one another...

It's highly unlikely that any of you know my character, but certainly those of you from Greyfalls / Hundred Kingdoms area might know about Metagalpa, and may have even dealt with them before. >_>
Blossom got kicked out of the temple about five years ago. She has Influence 2 (Holy Woman) and is known to have enlightened Essence, a couple TMA Charms, and a good knowledge of warding against ghosts and fae.

I think they'd know OF each other, if not actually recognise each other.
That's perfectly fine by me, even if we do both recognize each other. Anyway we'll see when we'll play it out. At that time however Bladeshine was 14, so maybe she's changed more than Blossom did (you're 2 years older, you old hag!)

fhgwdads05, chars with Lore 2-3 probably know about your homeland, including mine; however, in this case the player is lacking knowledge... I'll go check my book as soon as I have a little time :P

That is raising the question of how we'll bring the Circle together. cyl, will we start by knowing each other or we'll RP the introductions?
Metagalapa has a reputation of first attempting to trade with nearby towns, and instead taking what they need through force if deals ever don't go through or go sour. So my thoughts are that individuals from much farther away would know about Metagalapa with Lore 2-3, but I would say that those close enough who even have Lore 1 would at least know something...

But yeah, check out pages 94-95 of Scavenger Sons. That'll have nearly everything you need to know.

I'm actually not as familiar with Metagalapa as I could be, and I'm currently busy trying to rectify that in the middle of my book-fest. Maybe you could help me out, fhgwdads05:

Is there a history of the Metagalapans contracting out as mercenaries? Kestrel's from one of the smaller Hundred Kingdoms 'kingdoms'. I could totally see them having hiring a couple of hawk riders as airbourne scouts.
Well I was going to take care of who knows who before the game, but if you guys want to make links with each other first, you're welcomed to do it.
Sidenote: it's better to put your character pics in your profile than in the image thread :wink:
Reading my way through the surfeit of spells in Exalted. Lucien's a (Devonian) sorcerer, so I'm going to try and pick out a few from the plethora, though I'd ask for some opinions.

Who likes what and why?
Don't forget you get one free spell with the charm :wink: and make it counterattack, it's like... the base :)

There are many many spells interesting, choose them to reinforce one of your focus and to give your character unique abilities.
I'm a fan of the summoning spells. More Elementals than Demons, mind, but that's because the only Twilight I played for any length of time had a natural vibe going on.

Then again my experience with spells is possibly more limited than everyone else's. I only had a couple of books until lately when y'all have gone and provoked me into spending a king's ransom on any book I could get my hands on :)
Countermagic is a must-have. IMHO, you're not an effective sorcerer without it.

Demon of the First Circle / Summon Elemental are both good to have. They both have their uses, and while aren't mutually exclusive, both aren't necessary to have right away. I'd pick one of the two, Summon Elemental is my choice, but that's just because I don't know of as many Demons that can serve the same utilitarian purposes (save Manse Construction).

Incantation of Effective Restoration is quite helpful with repairing artifacts, and decent with Magitech (cuts Maintenance times in half).

Ritual of Elemental Empowerment is great for beefing up mundane gear.

Flight of Separation is a nice escape spell that can also have some use with spying.

Thunder Wolf's Howl, is, IMHO, the best AoE attack spell. While it doesn't do a huge amount of damage, it does direct levels, and is magically unblockable / undodgeable, meaning targets will need applicability-trumping defenses to (attempt to) escape harm. Flight of the Brilliant Raptor comes in a close second, if only for its massive range.

Flying Guillotine is another nice one. It gets a lot of hype, and while not without reason (it's a pretty great spell), its effects are easier to evade.

As for travel, Cirrus Skiff / Stormwind Rider / Conjuring the Azure Chariot all produce similar results. Stormwind Rider has mass combat utility, Conjuring the Azure Chariot is the fastest (I think?), and Cirrus Skiff is inconspicuous. Out of all of the three, I usually choose Cirrus Skiff for the aforementioned reasons, however that's just my personal preference.

There's a whole bunch of others out there that I didn't mention that are probably good as well. These are just the short few that I could remember off the top of my head.
I like Sacred Tongue, and the Eye and Mouth... but that's because I played lazy sorcerers, never wanting to bother learning new languages.

Don't worry anyway, you'll have time and xp to learn new ones :wink:
Actually that reminds me, cyl. Everyone seems to have a different way for learning Charms. How do you handle it? I've seen people run it so that you learn them instantly, instinctively as if you'd always known them, in the blink of an eye, because they were played as remnants of old Charms you knew in a prior incarnation. I've seen the same apply but only for your Caste Charms and I've seen people make you have to figure it out for yourself or learn the Charm from someone else.

How's it done in your game?
Well there are training times... that's all I care about as a "rigid rule" as a ST.

Might be whispers from your ageless essence, or intensive training with a sidereal member of the gold faction... won't change the fact that it's still going to take you x days/weeks to know the protocols, and how to channel essence to get that specific effect called charm. :)
Well there are not many defence spells... Perfect Dodge is only 2 charms ahead you know ^^
Yeah but none of them are impenetrable, far from it, I can still kill a FoS sorcerer, hit one with FB, and wound the one wearing ISoB.
Its nice to see what people think, and I believe that Elemental Summoning is appropriate considering its extensive use at Valkhawsen.

How important is having a perfect defense off the bat though? (And why does the Abyssal Resistance one have such tastier perquisites? :D )
By the way, the office's been turned into a nuthouse recently, so do not hesitate to pull my sleeve for extra BP not acknowledged in the xp thread, I tend to forget things when my boss is deafening my right ear... or maybe it's microwaves her vocal emittor is sending to my brain to liquify it :lol:
Parallax said:
Its nice to see what people think, and I believe that Elemental Summoning is appropriate considering its extensive use at Valkhawsen.
How important is having a perfect defense off the bat though? (And why does the Abyssal Resistance one have such tastier perquisites? :D )
Well don't worry I won't be dropping any essence 8 sidereal assassin with 800 years of experience of killing young solars before they start to get powerful on you anytime soon... if that's what you had in mind.
PD will always be useful, but not an absolute necessity for the first scenes. As time goes by... however... :twisted:

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