[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

Huh... I meant before actually going on with the scene, like... not waiting for your roll :lol:

Sorry it led to a... misunderstanding...I'm french y'know ! :lol:

EDIT: there was also a reason why I've been named "Looser of all Galantry".
It's ok, I am almost certainly forgive you, for being french. ;)

Get on messenger or something. And check the Abyssal game. :P
well...I managed to tie with the bird.....I think this means i should invest in some more awareness

Edit: That...or start drilling the mercenaries so i can use War instead
Awareness if often neglected by warriors, but it's one of the most important traits for them.

Some dot in war is always good too !
Yeah, I overlooked on this character, but I also meant it that way to reflect all of that time spent farming and living a very complacent life for the past decade. The US just honed his true skills, and the rest is up to Jonas to amend.
Hmm.....It's still raining right...?

About how much...? I had been under the impression it was simply misting...
Nope, it's raining like there is a storm just above you head. (no I won't make you roll stam+res for resisting a cold...)

And there is silence as She Who Lives In Her Name taps the forum with her order inducing paw!
Praised she be to have put some order here.

Also, waiting for T1...T0 has already happen.
Morninglight, the initiative order is posted in the main thing we're currently on tick 1 waiting on our high flying friend to post,

On that note.....

fhgwdads05 said:
Perhaps. -_>
Dude, did you seriously just jokingly post to say that you might post and then forget to actually post...?

No, I haven't forgotten to post. In fact, I've been working on it, though two things have prevented me from it's completion:

1) I"m very, very busy. I haven't seemed to have a lull in my workload in a while, despite being a couple weeks past midterms already.

2) Cyl and I are in the midst of discussing something mechanical that has a lot of relevance to this.
ah, apologizes......Thought it was one of those "I typed it up and forgot to hit submit" type deals...feel free to ignore me....
The opposite of Necro Surgery.

As they're are no rule to build cool constructs like automatons apart from Necrotech, someone has adapted the Cogtech from it.
That is awesome!!

I found it so annoying a mortal crafter was so out of luck in the building minions department unless he wanted to go necromantic.....
Oh, I haven't actually made many minions. The Necrotech rules are very flexible.

I settled for a prosthetic eye, shotgun, power armour and a motorcycle. :D

The armour alone boosts Heike's Join Battle pool from 1 to 6. :mrgreen:

They're frailer than Artifacts, by a huge margin, and they need maintenance every three days or less. So it's got some disadvantages... but who's actually going to know enough to target them?

Still, it'd only take her a few hours to whip up some robo-whores. An army of soldiers wouldn't be worth it though, not without some way to see to maintenance for them all.
There is one thing that bothers me with cogtech: the Ressources cost.

I houseruled in the abyssal game that the Ressources cost of a necrotech project was Coil Rank (+1 if you are in Creation).

But cogtech exclusively rely on materials (and not body parts) and most of them are highly expensive (like alchemical fluids). So I might go with Coil Rank +1.

(So you need to lower the CR of your toys, or up your Ressources to 5)

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