[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

Okay, say she uses Fine/Exceptional/Perfect Throwing Stars. She can only increase the Range by 10 yards (perhaps 20 if you ruled giving the +2 from Perfect to Range does that [which it is arguable], but why she'd have Perfect versions of what are basically one-shot weapons is beyond me), so she'd still be completely out of the range increment.

If you're just randomly using some weapon you came up with, I think it'd be fair if you told us what that weapon is.
Bad guys always have the best weapons :lol:

Seriously though, she missed.

Now if you're concerned about her being able to hit you with "mundane" weapons while you're 100 yards up in the air, don't be, she doesn't have an infinity of those, and you're only going higher.
I'm afraid you're being awfully inconsistent there Cyl.

Here's what you originally said:

cyl said:
She has aid of Ill Wind actually and used it... but I might have stated so.
Here's what you're now saying:

cyl said:
She could also use non standard throwing stars with an increased Range you know.
EDIT: To be honest, you had me confused for a second with the Range issue, hence your confusion now.

She didn't use AoIW, she threw them at you, with the -2 penalty, hence her missing.
Since no one had mentioned AoIW before you (they were talking about Triple-Distance Attack previously), this discrepancy seems somewhat blatant.

I call bullshit.
Yup, which is why I called my own BS off right after that:

Consider she didn't use the charm and just missed Eleclaethil :)
Nope she attacked both but because of the -2 penalty I hadn't thought of, she missed both.
I'm sorry my confusion about the range issue (tripling the distance of max shot) was a problem here.

So to fix the problem, I made her use a 40 yards range shurikens, and fail to hit anyone.
Sorry, was running my sunday night game....

Question....The male bad guy is in close combat betwixt all of us Ground folks...Right...?
I might advise trying to disarm him. He's been using a Perfect Defence, so just hitting him won't do too much until he runs out of motes.

Disarming him is probably a very good use of your time. (-2 Successes, no damage, Wits+Melee to hold on to weapon)

Or tripping. Tripping works. (-2 Accuracy, full damage, forces a Knockdown check if it hits)
Nope, P damage applies only to a target's armored soak, not natural, so that's raw damage minus 4.
Nobble and Tome, you will hope in at T18.

Lonely Crane went to see you about ten minutes ago and warned you that old friends were going to the city of Balsa, and that they were in danger and were in great need of your help.
cyl said:
The battle has already started, so you'll act both on T18.
Normally, joining a battle that's already started requires it's own JB roll, with a quick calculation to figure out which Tick you join on, which is why I was asking.

I hadn't seen that part in the corebook... But how can you calculate when are you going to act on a JB roll after T0 has started...

I mean let's say you roll JB on T18, when are you going to act ?

Should be successes of the first tick - yours, and then what, you take external penalties in ticks corresponding to the difference ?
Take a look at the Join Battle action noted on the bottom right of page 143 in the core book. It's all about making Join Battle rolls once combat has started.

Essentially, you take a Join Battle action as normal and act (Reaction Count - [Wits + Awareness] Successes) Ticks later. The Reaction Count, as a reminder, is the highest Join Battle roll so far.
Ow, I've never been confronted to the case before, so thanks.

That's the mechanism we will use :)

In this case, the Reaction Count wasn't the T0 (go first magic was used by the bad guys), which RC applies then ? theirs or Arelean's (who rolled the highest number of successes on his JB roll) ?
I'm going to make the newcomers arrive around T15 (for the cinematic) and have them roll JB from T18 FYI. Backups on their way :)

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