[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Dear ST...

I must assume that since Jorune is talking into our heads, he's no real ghost, but a sort of spirit / soul extracted from its body.

Alaura's occult score would have her know that unless using charms, ghosts can't techincally talk into your mind (unless for cinematic purposes you've stated so), and if so... she'd ask him to use his own voice because it would be highly risky to let him get into your head freely.

While I as a player can suspect what Jorune is (high possibility of soul seal use), my character cannot...yet.

So I was wondering if I could have the following (since I'm a twilight and all): a cruel FA flashback tearing the soul apart from Jorune's body and binding it to this place (this way we never created a ghost, but in fact trapped a soul which is... not the same thing at all -> problem is: soul seal must be applied on a volunteer).

But in this case, I'd need more info about what Jorune really is and why he was bound to this place.

Maybe he is indeed a ghost and was created through necromancy... dunno if that's possible for a ghost to be bound for there are no pluri millieniarian ghosts in the underworld, apart from the deathlords themselves and they only are like 2000 years old and were ghosts of really powerful solars.

In any case... I seek advise before doing anything stupid :mrgreen:

I assumed that you would have chosen our FA incarnationis for us, since we started as very young exalts, it made sense, but I was wrong. :)
If you want your FA (Fat Albert?) to have that kind of involvement with Jorune, go for it. The ritual that locked Jorune in undeath and chained him to a Demesne of death, and Jorune's actual nature, are a complete and absolute mystery to Miss Fang and everyone else in the party. You can see a corpse, still standing, chained to a cubic representation of the core of a demesne, you can hear a disembodied voice in side your heads whenever Jorune speaks, and (although Miss Fang does not know this), this apparition of Jorune has control over an unknown number of skeletons through which he can speak, and who he can arm with weapons and armor created out of some kind of shadow/necromantic energy. You know nothing more.

If you decide to RP a flashback of you taking part in this ritual, keep it extremely vague. Do not write specific details of the ritual, do not write specific details of who else was taking part (leave that to the other players to decide), but anything else you can control. Remember, you can just ASK Jorune what exactly happened to him, and you can ASK Jorune if the Solars who trapped him there were the FA's of those that stand before him now.
I chose the second path... if I feel like having a flashback about this later, it might come after I leave this place, or in a close future... to reinforce the impression of horror. :twisted:
cyl said:
I chose the second path... if I feel like having a flashback about this later, it might come after I leave this place, or in a close future... to reinforce the impression of horror. :twisted:
Fantastic! I like where your head is at.

In other news, we have Xarvh who will be joining us as our Eclipse. If you all remember, he was a player who submitted a request to join only moments after Asku requested to join. He was very interested in becoming our Eclipse, and now he is with us. Please join me in welcoming Xarvh to Acrotomo!
Yup, here I am! =)

(Myllinnia, you are everywhere I play and even in Four Factions... I'm soo going to get confused between all your PCs...)

Anyway, I was digging the idea of playing a big meanie Eclipse.

This is the very first stub.

I still have to read all the preludes and the story so far, so if there is any weakness in the Circle that my PC could cover just tell me.

Yes, he's another archer and yes, I loaded all the BP on Essence 5, just for the thrill of playing it.

Update: stupid core! Can't start with more than 4!

concept         Anarchist wanderer
motivation      Give everyone the freedom to choose their destiny

caste           Eclipse
virtue flaw     

str    oooo
dex    ooooo
sta    oo

cha    oooo
man    o
app    oooo

per    oo
int    oo
wit    ooo

*archery       ooooo      (2BP)
*martial arts  o

integrity      oo
*presence      o
resistance     oo
survival       o

lore           o

*athletics     ooooo     (2BP)
*dodge         oooo       (1BP)
stealth        ooo

*burocracy     o
*linguistics   oo
*ride          o
*sail          o
*socialize     ooo

Archery: Immacculate Golden Bow    oo     (1BP)

compassion     ooo
convinction    oooo
temperance     o
valor          o

willpower      ooooo oooo     (4BP)

essence        oooo		(14BP)


Contacts        ooo
Allies          ooo
Resources             o

++Immacculate Golden Bow

Easily Overlooked Presence
Invisible Statue Spirit

Increasing Str exercise

Mastery of small manners
Sagacious Reading of Intent

Update: I'm opening a thread as soon as I find a name! =)
I'll pm you with changes that need to be made in a few moments xarvh. Feel free to make your own thread with your characters name as the title and post the above stats there. You can also post your background in that thread, and anything else you feel like making. We can also start your prelude at any time, and you can start writing backstory stuff for your character in a fanfic thread whenever your character sheet and background are totally complete.
Yup. Nkemdilim has MA 4, so he can beat some faces, Lost Mountain has Melee 5, so he can hack some limbs, Sapphire can swing a dagger pretty well with Melee 3...

Yall will be fine.
In lieu of cyl creating the new elemental being and using that Measure the Wind ability, I'll take a pause from posting. This can give other players time to interject if they so choose.
Welcome, Xarvh!

Perhaps you might consider going with Thrown, just to have a bit of diversity? Thrown has some good sneak attack charms, which goes well with your investment in Stealth. Also this means we won't have a three-way brawl over the artifact bow...

Edit: Jorune might have been social fu'd into volunteering, but has since had reason to regret his "free" decision.
Thanks Horatio!

After long and painful pondering, I decided to keep my archery.

I use Immaculate Golden Bow, so no need for me to an have an artifact.

But yes, I'm going to invest my very first PX in Thrown! =)
You know what's funny? Xia is the guy who took over the warlord's army that Nkemdilim was once part of...

Xia is the name of the man Sapphire killed to take over a bandits organization and turn it into Start Transport Services...

Did you guys plan this?
Whaha. I do not know for sure if it was placed in the Fate Planning department in Yu Shan or not, but I believe that's how H@B and I just went with things xD A lovely cycle. yes, a lovely cycle. ^^

Oh but wait, Sapphire didn't do him in. Might have been able to save him yes, Or well you could say she did. xD After all if it were not for her placement with him some of his 'men' wouldn't have stabbed in the back with a poisoned dagger/sword/what have you.
Ahh, ok. Well that makes for some interesting future events.

On a more interesting note, the situation just became very dark.

Nobody instantly quit over this, it's just a situation, and all I've done is described the rules and effects of the environment. No character has died or anything, so don't get all pissy with me. Just do what your character would do and... enjoy.
xarvh said:
Thanks Horatio!
After long and painful pondering, I decided to keep my archery.

I use Immaculate Golden Bow, so no need for me to an have an artifact.

But yes, I'm going to invest my very first PX in Thrown! =)
You should let me. I already have it Caste Ability'd. Because I'm the Dawn. Focus on being an Eclipse, I'll take care of killing things (and keeping them from killing us). It's my job.
Can someone help me figure out a single reason why we wouldn't murder Nkem at this point? He's a threat to us and all Creation. Mostly us so far. It'd be safer to go spanking Terrestrials than to stick around with him.

I'd be happy to do calculations to prove it, but do observe that the environmental effects we just started suffering are equivalent to an entire Sworn Brotherhood blowing their entire pools, considering it's scenelong. Oh, and I'm not even counting the army of skeletons.

Actually, I take that back, no amount of Terrestrials could inflict these penalties without multiple sorcerers, especially not before combat even starts.
Yup. At the center of a Demesne of Death, the last person you want to piss off would be the ghost/spirit that is not only enslaved to the heart of the Demesne, and thus Attuned to it, but has been there practicing and understanding his abilities for thousands of years. He was bound by First Age Solars, who were capable of Solar Circle Sorcery, and Solars at that time were also capable of powerful Necromancy (since Solars and Lunars discovered Necromancy in the first place, and were the first to start using it). Jorune had already demonstrated that he has a troubled past with Solars, and had his altar spit on by a demon, not to mention he's a former Warlord now denied the promise of an honorable death, or afterlife... So its understandable he'd be a bit testy.

He's got a massive ego and a huge chip on his shoulder about Solars. In a situation where the empathic efforts of Miss Fang and even Sapphire were doing well (albeit slowly), Nkemdilim (acting in character of course) just kept pushing.

And here we are.
cyl said:
I was about to post some apologies for Nkem's rudeness... but you posted first :lol:
You still can, but it would probably be more appropriate for Nkemdilim to apologize now.

Hint: See "NOW"

I hope it's in Nkemdilim's character to do or say something to alleviate this situation, or at least someone says something effective to calm Jorune down. I don't want to go any farther than this.

And if ANYONE thinks I'm going overboard with Jorune's reaction, please tell me. I think it's perfectly viable at this point, but I may be acting on some kind of desire for revenge for Jorune's sake. Or would that be acting in character?
My point is that it's pretty much Nkem's fault...and we'll definitely be running into many more touchy powerful things, and we haven't got a single persona remotely capable of diplomacy (xarvh's character is horrible at it for an Eclipse, so he won't help). I'm trying to make Lost Mountain not want to kill/separate from him, but I can't think of a single reason.
Miss Fang has already shown a strong tendency for being a diplomat. Even though she just came into the situation, she was loquacious, diplomatic, and empathic. Even though an Eclipse usually takes up that position, I told Xarvh, just as I told each of you, that you can create your characters as you like, as long as they follow the rules. I won't stop you players from berating each other for poor decisions of course (not to say anyone's made poor decisions, that's not my job).

Remember to express these views in-character Brickwall. I wanted these first scenes to bring the characters together, forcibly if need be, and that was accomplished. You all came together into the cavern and started interacting with each other. From now on, it's up to you all.
Lost Mountain will be happy to express his issues with the Zenith once he's out of imminent danger. Right now, he has to save his own skin, and probably that of a bunch of other Solars and mortals.
TherealBrickwall said:
we haven't got a single persona remotely capable of diplomacy (xarvh's character is horrible at it for an Eclipse, so he won't help).
He wants to break out of the Eclipse cliche.

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