[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

I was thinking we might use this downtime to get to know each other a bit better. I found this character survey on the Wizards boards a year or so back, and I think it's a great way to get to know someone's play style. Here's my filled out copy, please fill it out too!

Katman's New Player Questionnaire

1. Let's start by thinking about the kind of hero you'd like to be. Rank these descriptions, with "1" being the description that most appeals to you, and "6" being the least appealing overall. You would most enjoy acting as:

_1__ Someone who participates in the adventures, while enjoying the exotic locations and meeting all sorts of interesting beings who play their own roles in the grand drama. It's all about the journey.

_4__ Someone who can and will take names, kick butt, and leave the wreckage of your enemies behind you. And the truth is, you kind of enjoy it. Standing tall before your enemies and giving them what's coming to them is a good feeling, your own way of setting some small corner of the universe to rights. After a while, enemies see you coming and say "uh-oh!" At least, the smart ones do. Now that's what it's all about!

_2__ The strategist and/or brains of the operation, always thinking ahead, solving problems, choosing tactics, and making sure the group is moving forward. It's all about the goal. (which means that I should probably work on improving my Intelligence and Manipulation stats >.>)

_3__ Someone with a strong steak of idealism, living both in the world and for those ideals - possibly even acting as a exemplar of those ideals for others. It's all about who you are, who you become, and what you stand for. (note--1, 2, and 3 are very close to each other. I like all three!)

_6__ The brooding outsider, wrapped up in a personal story/ drama that often overshadows outside events in your consciousness. You are scorned and mistrusted by most others - possibly with some justification. It's all about your personal conflicts. (ironically, this is very close to what I'm playing...well, as we've seen so far. I intend to change things a bit as the story progresses)

_5__ The unwilling ordinary hero, dragged into larger events against his or her will. You somehow manages to get through it all, calling on the skills and attitudes of your ordinary (and possibly low-status) life to keep yourself grounded while you make something of yourself. One day, people will ask you "What made you a hero?" and you'll reply: "Heroes aren't made - they're cornered." It's all about the situation and company you're dragged into... at first.

2. OK, now let's step beyond broad styles and talk about the kind of protagonist you want to be and become. Again, "1" is most appealing...

_3__ Someone who gets by on their wits. You usually have a clever move up your sleeve, the right line for the occasion, the ability to find important clues, etc. You use that to make your enemies' lives miserable.

_4__ Someone with strong ties to magic and the mysteries of the universe, whether the source of those ties is nature/faerie, channeling from on high, or arcane secrets. Your ties to that power source give you power in the world.

_5__ Someone who steps up to the front whenever trouble starts and physically goes toe to toe with enemies. If they want your friends or the people you're protecting, they're going to have to go through you first. And you're going to make that hurt.

_7__ Someone who loves and cares for the natural world.

_1__ Someone others look to and trust for leadership and direction.

_2__ Someone who looks out for others, and can act as the glue that holds a group together, whether or not it comes with a leading role.

_6__ A wild card who usually does their own thing, but somehow it usually works out OK.

3. Great. Let's talk about what you want for your hero one the fame/ love/ power scale. Again, rank from "1 = most appealing" to least appealing.

_3__ My character wants to be famous, a hero of great renown. If it comes down to a choice, however, fame and respect are better than being widely loved, and the trade of some independence for this kind of iconic status is worthwhile.

_1__ My character wants to be loved by their friends, by the masses, and perhaps to find true love. They may or may not see me as the most powerful hero, they may or may not recognize me in the street. But when they hear my name, they know that this is one of the world's true good and cool people, and those who do recognize me will stand by me no matter what.

_2__ My character wants to be formidable enough to call their own shots, fear few beings, and live life his or her own way. I will trade being famous or widely loved to achieve this, if necessary.

4. Who are your top 3 favorite Superhero/ Action Hero/ Fantasy Characters? Why?

I. Athos--He's (arguably) the leader of the 3 Musketeers, giving them a solid grounding. He's devoted to King, Country, and Comrades, and is perhaps the most honorable and noble of the group. He ends up being a good mentor to D'Artagnan.

II. Wolverine--He's tough and indestructible. I really liked his portrayal in X-Men Evolution, where he was one of the few adults where the rest of the team were teenagers. He played more of a leadership role here, but was still pretty independent and just plain mean. Also has the whole Samurai ethic going for him.

III. John Sheridan from Babylon 5--He's honorable and extremely clever. An outstanding leader. Also, his nick-name is Starkiller, and the cast refers to him as John "Nuke 'em" Sheridan. Nukes are good, being clever is better, but being clever with nukes is best of all!

5. Who are your top 3 favorite villains of screen or literature? Why?

I. Iago--he schemes, plots, and ruins a man without any real reason except that he can. (Okay, Othello might have boffed is wife, and might have gotten a military position he wanted, but in the end these aren't really why he does it--he's just evil). Very clever and manipulative, great for taking down a combat beast from an unexpected direction.

II. Dukat from Star Trek, DS 9--he could have killed them all, he should have killed them all! And this makes him not an evil man.

III. Alfred Bester from Babylon 5--This was a tough choice between him and Morden, but Bester wins out because he honestly thinks he's doing the right thing for his people, even if that means torture and killing transports full of innocent (non-teep) civilians.

Update: I have to give a shout-out to Liev Schrieber's Sabertooth from X-Men: Origins. A brute with charisma and a solid (if simple) motivation. I really enjoyed this portrayal, and I have a hard time going back to the Sabertooth as a beast version from X1.

6. The 3 places in the real world world or in fictional literature that I would most like to visit are...

I. Japan during the cherry-blossom season. I want to see cherry blossoms bloom outside a real Japanese castle!

II. Scotland, because I have roots there.

III. Narnia. I want to meet Aslan face to face.

7. This question is about the genres you like most on screen and print are... (Again, rank from "1 = most appealing" to least appealing):

_6__ General Action/Adventure

_9__ Espionage

_2__ Fantasy fiction

_3__ Folk tales, any culture or one specific

_5__ Historical, fiction or non-fiction

_10__ Horror

_7__ Military/War stories

_8__ Mystery

_12__ Nature related

_1__ Science Fiction

_11__ Sports Fiction

_4__ Religion/ Philosophy

___ Romance

9. Evil is (pick the one that most feels like you)...

___ Solely a matter of one's point of view. There is no real, impartial standard that can be used to say something is evil. Those who use this term are usually ignorant, or have ulterior motives.

_X__ Real, and must be fought when it arises, but within all of the rules. Your ideals are too serious to be set aside. (again, ironic given the character I'm playing)

___ Real, and being a good guy is not a suicide pact. You do the best you can, break less important rules if you have to, make unpleasant choices when forced, and try to make sure the greater good is served. The consequences are too serious for too many people if you fail.

___ A label people use for things they don't understand, or are jealous of.

___ Real sometimes. Some beings are evil, and some ideas are evil. But people who think about it too much are dangerous. There are too many other things to live for.

What does your Game Master think is the best answer here? How compatible are those world views? How will you two resolve any differences in those views? Discuss. (Aurethius?)

10. How much realism do you want in the game's dramas, as pertains to evil and other adult themes? Pick one:

___ Full "NC-17". Right up to full horror film experience is fine as default mode re: the evil ones and their actions, nothing is off limits for them and the campaign reflects that faithfully. The world is a dark place, and fantasy is even darker. As for the rest, that's part of reality too. Bring it all on!

___ R-Rated. Bad people do terrible things, and that's why they have to be dealt with. Don't be gratuitous about it, but an adult campaign is fine with seeing that first hand; it underscores the seriousness of the stakes. Other adult themes are also fine, so long as they're handled with some minimum of tact.

_X__ PG-13. Bad things happen, and adult situations happen. Go ahead and tell us if they happen, but avoid anything seriously bad and keep all of the adult stuff off stage. (But leaning slightly toward R-rated for the "bad stuff"--let the villains be villainous!)

___ PG or below. I'm Ok with just using slapped-on labels for bad guys, and fantasy cliches to tell me they're fair game. Anything controversial or graphic should probably left out. It's not something I want to think about in a gaming context.

11. Notwithstanding anything else I've said, the following are subjects and situations I do not want to encounter in any way within the game, even as something that happens as "background" to someone else, and not to a player's character:

I prefer not to actually work with any true villains. I might work with a Bester type character if he limited himself to torture of true enemies, but killing innocents is too much (this ought to give you an idea of what I'm aiming for with Nkemdilim). I'm actually kind of sensitive to swear words. As I said, I don't mind the villains being villainous, and I'm okay with blood and gore as long as it serves a purpose. Detailing wounds can be used for significant emotional impact, like in the Passion of the Christ. Watching him get whipped was pretty gruesome, but it really drove home the point of what suffering really means and said something about the character who was willing to go through that for others, and says something about the people inflicting that kind of suffering. Saw and other slasher flicks are too much for me--I don't want to get shocked just to get shocked. One scene of gruesome death establishes that the villain is a bad man, but dozens of such scenes is excessive. I have a similar view of sex--just enough to serve the story. The sex scenes in Watchmen did serve some sort of story purpose, since they were important to why Dr. Manhattan leaves and they developed the theme of impotence outside of the costume that was really critical to Nite Owl.. The sex scenes in the Highlander always seemed tacked on to me. McCloud didn't actually have a relationship with these women, he'd only known them a few hours or days, and the sex scenes did nothing to establish such a relationship.
Huh is this supposed to be personal to the player or the character ?

I mean I could either answer for cyl (and you'd know what I like to play most) or for cyl playing Miss Fang (and you'd know more of what's going to be like to be with Miss Fang).
I'm really more interested in your personal responses (especially to the last question, so I don't accidentally step on your toes), but if you wanted to do one for this character that'd be fun too. I ended up putting in specific notes for Nkemdilim where he diverged from my general patterns, even though I filled it out as if it were for my personal style.
I got extended out here until the 19th, but I found a decent source of internet. Give me a few days to feel this out, and we may be able to reliably resume play, even though I am devoid of resources. I don't want my personal life to risk losing any of you players!
Thanks for the PM ST.

I'm still around guys, just not able to post much during the day so I prefer to declare myself dead to avoid people waiting for me :)
Keh, should've thought to mention. Everyone can understand what the spirit is saying, strangely enough. Even though Lost Mountain is certain they are using Cileagh, somehow, perhaps through a charm the spirit had prepared, it is able to communicate with any beings.

Why would a spirit have this kind of charm prepared, you wonder?
Because he wants a cookies and thought us the girl scouts?

Shame on you Jubal, now we can't use the Girl Scout Cookie trick! :P
And I best catch you before you make a third post xD

Sapphire is the character. Though its cool that my favorite and not used name is used but the wrong one for this game ^^
Hrmm, waiting for TheRealBrickWall to post. We've gone a few posts in game without his input, I won't go any further.

I'd like to point out that now would be an excellent time to have an Eclipse available. Very excellent.
Yup, I really liked yours too, was very intense.

I think our characters / philosophies will be as different as the demons and elementals are different from each other, but this will only add more interesting stuff to the game and give the group more "power", things will get done :D

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