[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

This is optional, but next time, if you're cool with it cyl, I'd like to RP the contest of wills. I can think of a few ways we'd do this, and it would be different for each type of elemental. It would give you the chance to earn stunt die and maybe some extra bargaining power from your elemental. I know this was not your intent, but leaving something as cool as battling wills with a supernatural being up to the die and the die alone kind of steals the display of potency that Elemental binding truly is.
Well we can do this too, a simple click on the edit and we can rp this all over (rerolling or keeping those results).

The first time must be something memorable after all...

I just thought that it would be quicker this way, to avoid the group waiting for me once I can kick in.

But if you think we got time to spare on rping this summonning, I'll be more than glad to do so. :D

Once in game however, I think it would be better to just consider one face off to determine stunt dice etc (considering we're playing pbp) and roll like 5/6 times. Because I fear that if we do detail every "minor" summoning, depending on the rolls (the dice can be capricious as you've seen) it might take us a week to get out of a summonning (and we got 2 summoners in the group).

Important summoning (powerful elementals and/or key scenes in the plot etc) might necessit such a level of details.

My opinion, your call. :)

Let me know if I need to edit my post to "restart" the summoning.
The group isn't waiting on you, you're waiting on the group. This sideline RP can take place DURING the game, as it doesn't have a direct impact on how you'll be arriving to the main story. For now, we'll leave the contest as is, but in the future I'd like to resolve Elemental Summonings in that manner.
You got it boss.

Sorry if I got ahead of your intentions a bit too far on this one. Shoulda asked you how you wanted to handle it first, my bad.

Won't happen again :mrgreen:
You're moving at a good pace, don't worry. Keep writing and creating as you see fit, the world will transform around you.
Bah, not sure if I conveyed that correctly. The jokun can't think of a proper translation into human terms. He knows the language perfectly, but never bothered to learn human terms for things. Make sense?
Only if this one has never been summoned before and has therefore never seen the outside or been in contact with human communities... which is totally possible and actually very funny :lol:
Remember, I am more than happy to RP with anyone in a background story or fanfic. I will not take over for The Real Brick Wall until the decided 'wait time' has passed, and he made a post in OOC that he was around.
Hmm...I was thinking about fleshing out Nkemdilim's past some with fan-fics. I'd be interested in looking at his travels from South to North, as well as his younger years in the bandit gang, the lessons he learned from the old crone, and whatever he did in the South between leaving the bandits and going North. It might also be interesting to see what he did with the cult after his Exaltation, to detail the nature of his conflict with the rulers of Whitewall.

I'd say start at the beginning and work forward, so it seems that it'd be appropriate to start with his induction into the bandit gang and the work there. I don't have anything in mind yet, so if you've got something I'd welcome you starting the scene for me. Otherwise I'll post something when I think of it.
Fantastic! I'll study your background some more, and I'll pm you my thoughts before I start. It's your background, so I won't create anything that doesn't figure into his characer.
Sorry, there were more troubles. Gaming is hard when my parents stop by.

I'll let the negotiations continue until I believe it necessary to butt in.
When you're ready, any one of you can post that you move further into the tunnel, and I'll describe the area further.
Damn, were you emitting light from your caste mark ? I thought Jorune said you shouldn't use solar power here because of the death aspect of the demesne...

If so, I'll just edit my post since it should have never turned out that way.
HoratioAtTheBridge said:
If Asku comes in the front and runs into Jubal, can I play him?
You certainly can.

cyl said:
Damn, were you emitting light from your caste mark ? I thought Jorune said you shouldn't use solar power here because of the death aspect of the demesne...
Yup, he said they shouldn't.
Asku hasn't been on since the 21st of June. I desperately want his character in on the story, but damned if I'm going to allow the game to stall completely. I'll begin recruiting a replacement Solar that we can bring in quickly.
I'm rather doubtful about his story (being ignorant of the great curse and not believing my past incarnation could have done something that cruel).

Any way to spot a lie ?

Not that my character is paranoid at all but... the old ghost might be lying to be set free. I also still haven't seen any epitaph... so... I'm cautious.
That's a bummer. I was looking forward to gaming with Asku. He was a talented writer.

IIRC, detecting lies is a Wits + Investigation Social Attack, opposed by their Parry or Dodge MDV.
H@B is correct, but I'll gladly accept the substitution of Empathy to detect a lie in this case. Because the spirit is bodiless, you're depending entirely on the facts of the 'voice in your head', as Jorune isn't technically speaking, he's presenting his speech to your mind. The voice does have emotional rings to it, as Jorune has expressed rage and despair as he's communicated before.

Consider that Jorune DID in fact say "YOU", as in "You Solars". Is he referring to your past incarnations? Is he blaming Solars in general? Who can say, except for Jorune or your own past memories?

Keep in mind that your past lives are, in part, for you to create. You can RP memories or dreams of your past lives, but remember that I may step in and modify that past life at any time. I won't delete what you create unless I deem it absolutely necessary (highly unlikely), so you CAN write that your character has a memory that pops in relating to the imprisonment of Jorune.

I too was looking forward to working with Asku, his writing style was unusual and interesting to read, but he hasn't logged on since mid-June. Such is life.

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