[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

A discussion about the relative place of Solars and Creation after the battle would certainly be interesting.

I'm going to be afk for a few hours, so I won't be able to see this through. My regrets, since the event is most interesting.
One sec, I'm having a Storyteller-Gasm with H@B's last post.

Nobody Post Anything. I'm writing.

Edit: And there we go. I propose we call it a night. H@B should be the first one to post after commanding Jorune to silence, so we'll consider everyone else's character as 'stunned to silence' until H@B posts again in the IC thread.
she was loquacious, diplomatic, and empathic
You forgot manipulative (and my next post was about that), and she's a woman :lol:

I am really gonna miss the twins when they go.

And one thing's sure... demonology tends to turn you into a jerk... getting used to command without concerns for the servant's feeling n all (was totally in character).

And yeah, I think this is the time when if we survive what's coming to us... we're going to have to explain to Nkem how either showing compassion/humility, faking it, or remaining silent as a tomb when facing an angry spirit serves his and the group's best interests.

EDIT: not all of them will be under the obligation of obeying us.
I like this ship game. It's exciting!

Sorry for stealing the scene there. I hadn't meant for my comments to inflame the spirit quite that much. He seems to have been a might touchier than I expected. Threatening physical violence when someone's a bit rude to you seems a bit extreme, but then he has been stuck under a mountain for thousands of years. I'll have to keep that in mind.

Brickwall, you seem a bit put off by my character's assertiveness. I hope this isn't interfering with your enjoyment of the game. I've got some good reasons for playing him the way I am (most prominently my access to a near-perfect soak, which means I'm fairly confident I can survive whatever trouble I provoke). My concept of Exalted is of an epic level of play where the characters can be over-the-top super-heroes, and in that genre there's room for a bit of hubris. If that's not the game that everyone wants to play, though, I'll try to tone it down. My actions may have been completely in character, but I don't want "I was playing in character!" to be a justification for ruining everyone else's fun. What does everyone think?
I'm not personally put off, but Nkem pretty much embodies everything Lost Mountain hates about Solardom, and I can't think of a single IC reason for him not to leave. I mean, survival's out of the picture, and companionship is too. So, for the sake of us BOTH being able to play the characters the way we like them and still stick together as a group, it'd be good if you wouldn't play a more corrupt version of the Heirophant. Believe me, you can be pushy and arrogant without making enemies of every NPC there is.

Besides, I can't get Iron Skin for another 16 XP, and that's if I don't get all the other stuff I need, so take it easy. Heck, I'm 9 whole XP away from a surprise-attack PD combo, if I'm willing to spend the WP and not have weapons drawn. And most of the others won't ever have it.
Please remember to have your Wishlist clearly outlined in your character-specific threads. I'd prefer a post by itself with that information in it, preferably with the word WISHLIST bolded at the top of the post.

Remember, your wishlist can include items, charms you might not normally have access to, background elements, scenes, characters or character types that you'd like to meet/love/kill, and so on. Examples include:

A sword that talks

A foxy Lunar mate

Kill a Sidereal

Meet a character like Gary Oldman in The Professional

A hearthstone that reduces the time needed to shape sorcery by a few ticks.

Hole up in a house and fight off a zombie apocalypse for a night.

Meet a Sidereal who tries to manipulate the circle, and kill him

Learn Necromancy

Do a background story where my character has to kill the one she loves

Bring a Sidereal with his caste mark flaring to a crowded marketplace and ritually sacrifice him using my bare hands

Anything can go on your wishlist! It helps me just as much as it helps you!
Wow wow wow...

Many infos and I'll need an extended period of IG time to analyze it all and formalize some theories.

Good news is, we can build a manse on top of it and change the death (it's not abyssal if the demesne pre existed the Deathlords :P ) aspect !

And we could also make Jorune its guardian (depending if he's become a true ghost or a spirit).

Worrying is Jorune last comment though... there is something below this demesne.

Side question: are we in a shadowland right now ? (we could have felt it when we entered the zone through our essence respiration).
Cyl, what book tells you about the creation of 'Death' demesnes? I believed that when the Underworld was created with the Neverborn, Death Demesnes (also called Abyssal Demesnes), started popping up around creation. I figured it made sense that when an entire 'world' of Death was formed, this would necessitate 'ley lines' across Creation that serve as its foundation.

And no, you are not in a Shadowland, although Jorune's light/essence suppression can double the cost of charms and halve Essence regeneration while in his cavern. If the battle had continued into someone's action, you would have learned this, hehe.

I have a personal vendetta against Sidereals. I can't stand them. I'm sorry that if affects the way I storytell, because it will at some point, but we can all have our quirks, yes?
cyl said:
Good news is, we can build a manse on top of it and change the death (it's not abyssal if the demesne pre existed the Deathlords :P ) aspect !
And we could also make Jorune its guardian (depending if he's become a true ghost or a spirit).
You missed the part where he said that the oath makes him not allow the demesne to be altered. He'd have to kill us, and I think he'd do it with a smile on his face. And horrible death magics in ours.

What-say we let him go before we do that, mm-kay?
Lost Mountain has an opinion of Solardom? Well, I suppose he's in the process of forming one: "If I've got to be a Solar, I don't want to be anything like that big Southerner guy." :-p

Do you not have a perfect parry or dodge? Technically, those are better than a perfect soak. Since a perfect dodge only takes 2 charms to get to, everyone should have something to turtle behind if things get too hairy. If anyone doesn't have something like this yet, I highly recommend getting it as soon as possible. It really goes a long way toward improving your survivability (as one of the players in another game I run recently concluded).

I'm really not sure if I can do much about toning down my character's ascerbic nature. Technically, he hasn't done anything deliberately antagonistic (Jubal did, but the only fault Nkemdilim bears for that is believing that demon summoning is okay). About the worse Nkem's done is refuse to apologize for offending the spirit, and "never having to say you're sorry" is fairly fundamental to an arrogant personality. I think the biggest problem here is that we were dealing with an exceptionally antagonistic creature who was seeking any excuse at all to lash out against us. I mean, what creature in their right mind would unleash a deadly disease on an entire party just because someone interrupted a conversation and asked for a tour without saying please? Sure, it's reason for annoyance, but homicide? I doubt we'll be having these sorts of problems with beings who have a genuine reason to desire our favor. Someone who's looking to gain something from you is going to be willing to overlook a few petty insults like that. But perhaps I'm understating my own actions. Is there anything in particular that Nkemdilim has done that you think is out of line?

I think the biggest issue is figuring out why your character would stay in the same group as Nkemdilim. I think as long as we're fairly safe there's no reason for you to leave (or kick Nkemdilim out), but the real test is going to come when we're facing a real challenge. Now, you might not like Nkemdilim's methods, but it might be worth noting that Nkemdilim did overcome this particular threat quite handily without getting anyone killed. Sure, he was forceful and antagonistic, but I'm sure Lost Mountain has known a few war leaders like that. What it really came down to is that Nkemdilim refused to back down, and in fact forced his opponent to back down by asserting the righteousness of his cause. In other circumstances, isn't that considered fairly heroic? Consider Gurren Laggan, for instance.

Perhaps part of this comes down to styles of conflict resolution. Lost Mountain seems to favor a more cautious approach (which is fair--facing down a spirit in the heart of its power is...difficult, to say the least). So, his preferred strategies would be polite diplomacy, retreating when facing unexpected attack, gathering intel on his foe, planning a strategy, and then annihilating them in a battle heavily weighted to his advantage? I play a lot of strategy games, and this is my preferred style, which is why it comes to mind...

How's this, then...I'll try not to get us pushed into a corner that we can't retreat from. Not to say that it might not be difficult to get out of a situation like this, but I must admit that I'd enjoy a scene where Nkemdilim gets in over his head and Lost Mountain comes through and saves the day.

Anyway, perhaps further discussion can continue in character. Maybe on the way to the camp Lost Mountain can lay into Nkemdilim? Don't expect Nkemdilim to back down, as he has some good reasons for his actions (in his mind), but it'd be interesting to see where it goes. I think the biggest issue is party cohesion, and as long as things don't go horribly wrong I think we can all agree that discussions of kicking particular characters out can be suspended for now.
HoratioAtTheBridge said:
Do you not have a perfect parry or dodge?
Yes, I do. A perfect dodge doesn't work against surprise attacks, though (nor does a perfect parry, I think), so I need to combo it with Surprise Anticipation Method first. Perfect soaking does not have this problem.

Sure, he was forceful and antagonistic, but I'm sure Lost Mountain has known a few war leaders like that.
I can base my entire point from this sentence. He has known one at Nkem's level. That war leader was Yurgen Kaneko. The Bull of the North (who also had quite some success with that, mercilessly slaughtering a nation's worth of people and all). The person Lost Mountain least likes of all people in the world, and is the reason he doesn't feel comfortable being a Solar at all.

Seriously, Nkem is currently a Dawn caste's second-least-favorite being in all Creation right now. I'd like to be able to move him out of the state of 'just waiting for an excuse'. Without altering every aspect of my character that distinguishes him from every other Dawn, anyway.
Well, aside from Appearance, his social stats are barely a hair's breadth better than LM's, so I hope he's better at it than his sheet would indicate.

I think I'll just have LM stick to Miss Fang like glue, and hope that things don't get to the point where he HAS to kick some ass.
The way I see it's just like the friction between LM and Nkemdilim, more a matter of attitude than of dots.

I'd be disappointed if this game was so easy that our PCs could survive without sticking ALL together.
TherealBrickwall said:
I can base my entire point from this sentence. He has known one at Nkem's level. That war leader was Yurgen Kaneko. The Bull of the North (who also had quite some success with that, mercilessly slaughtering a nation's worth of people and all). The person Lost Mountain least likes of all people in the world, and is the reason he doesn't feel comfortable being a Solar at all.
That's a cool background element. I can see why Lost Mountain would have problems with Nkemdilim's attitude, then. However, Nkemdilim hasn't slaughtered an entire nation's worth of people. The worse thing he did was be a bit rude. Unless there's a specific action that I'm missing, in which case please, point it out.

TherealBrickwall said:
Seriously, Nkem is currently a Dawn caste's second-least-favorite being in all Creation right now. I'd like to be able to move him out of the state of 'just waiting for an excuse'. Without altering every aspect of my character that distinguishes him from every other Dawn, anyway.
Well, I think this will be smoothed out in play. I can definitely see why your character wouldn't like Nkemdilim right now, considering that his attitudes remind LM of people he dislikes strongly. But I think that as things develop over time, LM will find a few reasons to value Nkemdilim's presence.

It would help me if you would point out a few places where you consider the Heirophant and Yurgen Kaneko to have crossed the moral threshold. Is it their attitude that bothers you, or is it the fact that they killed a lot of innocent people? Where has Nkemdilim pushed the threshold? I get the impression that your main objection to Nkemdilim is that his ascerbic nature is going to earn the circle a bunch of enemies and get somebody killed. Is that it?
It's less what Nkem is doing and more that he thinks he has a divine right to be doing it. Seriously, there's a huge difference between someone who's aggressive because they're insecure, or because it's the only way they know how to operate, and someone who chooses to be aggressive because they 'get' to be. And that's the kind of attitude that LM can't stand. The only thing preventing him from taking action at the moment is that, as you said, there have technically been no actualized consequences from Nkem's actions that he knows about. But that was by nothing but luck, as far as he and I can tell.

Ever seen Firefly? Think about the crew and Saffron in the episode "Trash". The line "nobody died last time" really doesn't make the actions any less reprehensible. Especially not when they're deliberate.

Of course, you haven't seen Firefly, so that won't make any sense. I can anticipate the universe's twists. But you should get all you need from the line.
Pax pax amigos !

Everything will be said within a warm meal and some laughters.

Of course Nkem could have been a bit more empathic on this one, but since it's not in his nature to be polite with "lesser beings" (and in this case he was right to put the spirit back into his place), this will probably be a lesson for him as to how courtesy can sometimes save lives... 'cause obviously, if this spirit hadn't been bound to serve us, he'd have killed us, or we'd have killed each other in the confusion.

I invite you to wait for the dinner to engage in potential personality conflicts :wink: (that's what I'm doing... expect a spanking with various cooking tools ! :lol: )
Man, I love Firefly! I've got a copy of the series, but I still haven't bought the movie. I know, I know, it's the depth of shame for a browncoat not to have bought everything he can get his hands on in support of the cause. **hangs head**

Have you seen Dollhouse? Ballard is a hos. Hmm...I should make a character like Ballard. I think he'd fit well in Eberron...

Being an arrogant God-king is kind of Nkemdilim's schtick, so I'm not sure how to soften the character in that area. I'm hoping to make him a relatively benevolent arrogant God-king, though. Basically, I'm aiming for Nkemdilim to be fiercely protective of anything he cares about, and fiercely antagonistic to anything that threatens him or anyone under his protection. That's why his attitude toward the spirit shifted significantly when the spirit agreed to serve us, and why he opposed it so much when it was threatening us. It's also why he didn't throw Jubal to the wolves. Jubal may have messed up big time, but he's still Nkemdilim's servant and therefore under Nkemdilim's protection.

Speaking of Jubal, I've got an idea on how to deal with his little insurrection. I'll PM you with the idea.
I could argue with you that it's been only months that you've been exalted, maybe it's a bit too early in your timeline for the god king syndrom to kick in...

I mean you could very well have become arrogant from your exaltation, and demonology clearly isn't the best way for a person to stay humble, but... such a mouth when your power is still young is obviously going to get you hurt or worst.

This encounter with Jorune should have made you realize that... had that spirit not been bound to us, he'd have killed at least one of us, most likely you, since you're the one who offended him :)
That's not a thought that Nkemdilim's likely to have on his own, and even if someone points it out he's not likely to accept the logic. But I'll let him speak for himself, as soon as someone broaches the subject IC.
Well, we'll gladly have that discussion while eating... shame I have no points in thrown, I'd have started a food fight ! :lol:

I'm just going to take this night to build up my team of assistants (I got their pics and personas in mind, but I need to type them down) so our dear ST can impersonate them.
Impersonate is such an ugly word!

Cyl, you can post immediately describing the general location and layout of your camp, as your followers, resources and typical procedures would allow. If there are elementals you still want to design, you can have them "out hunting or scouting" so you can have time to pm me details. Let me know who all you brought with you in your caravan. You can describe them in your 'opening scene' for the camp, and then I'll take over RPing them based on the character summaries you pm me.

Also, don't forget that Jubal is still sitting outside the cavern entrance.
Aurethius said:
Impersonate is such an ugly word!
Mine is the tongue of Moliere, not Shakespeare so I have to do with what my sources and my brain (disminished by work atm) can allow me. :P

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