[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Ahh, but is it repetitive lunacy to know the strength of your comrades?
If you crashtest them without having a single clue of their capabilities, yeah clearly, even if you wound and can heal them afterwards, they'll not trust you and have negative feelings towards you if you do so blindly.

There's your education, experience and past on one hand and on the other the insight that not everyone had such education and doesn't have/understand/respect your ways... applying your own ways to them is not only unwise and rude, but also risky and proof of a severe lack of not only empathy but also intelligence (to the point it's not realistic anymore), as Creation is a world of many cultures and societies.

A sorcerer would have such insight, and a Zenith even more IMHO.

My point is : he might not even have time to explain himself and / or we might not listen.

LM could very well continue to fight the demon and the sorcerer, and if we witness from afar a fight between LM and Nkem and the demon, we're likely to help LM, even if he tries to stop the fight, if LM's wounded and say something, Nkem's done (not that Fang wants to kill him but there's a big chance that LM will if the demon suddenly attacks him on Nkem's command).

I'm just inviting H@TB to be extremely cautious as to how he will introduce that testing IG.

I'm not making threats or anything, I'm just recommending the direct and pre explained approach to preserve some sort of cohesion here :wink:
I myself am only playing devil's advocate. Personally, I'd avoid making a character that had to test his comrades in such a way, simple because I would not, or at least have not, made such a character. It's going to be a sticky situation for sure.
I've come up with a pretty decent compromise.

No, I'm not going to say what it is. That would be TELLING. Suffice to say, it should make sure we don't have to get into what would inevitably be a tiresome, long battle between Lost Mountain and Nkem.
As H@B has already mentioned, and I have agreed, this is by no means a pause in the discussion taking place inside Miss Fang's tent. H@B is fine with the circle continuing without him, if the players so choose.
Well I did object to your previous statement that we should leave... saying we could turn the place to our advantage ^^'
Well, he's brought up all his main points, and it's not like he can threaten to pick up the entire camp and move it, so there's not much of anything to say.

The only points Lost Mountain restates are those on his weapons.
I just have timing and energy issues. I did post though. At most until after tomorrow until Monday I will have that time to post more frequently again, but cruel people who like to volunteer me for other things have taken away my summer. *pout* :P
Yeah, I've got some ideas on how to work it out. I'm thinking that Circle idea from the background fic I'm working on with Aurethius. It'll be a bit more structured than a surprise attack.
Daaaaaaaang, Aurethius. Not just making boys kill each other, but making them pick who they're going to murder? That's pretty sick. Yeah, I'd say that this definitely explains a lot about the darkness in Nkemdilim. We're going to have to do a lot of work to explain why he's so relatively normal in the modern setting. Given his background, he's far more likely a candidate for Infernal Exaltation than Solar.
Heh. It's not what happened to him, but how he dealt with it. I've always had a flair for internal monologues (as I'm sure you've seen with Dekar in Blue Hour) to help express what the character was going through. Up to you how you convey this, of course.
Yeah, I'm taking it as a personal challenge to have everything about Nkemdilim be expressed by what he says and does. He just strikes me as too dark to go poking around in his soul. Besides, if we did that he might actually seem human and fallible. :-p

Still, I hope the descriptive text does an adequate job of showing who Nkemdilim is and how he's reacting to the world around him.
Well it depends... your background seems to indicate that he has done some good deeds while his experience as a child was quite traumatic, and we're stickong to that childhood part.

You need to separate what's going on in the prelude from what he is IG since his whole life has happened in between.

What you're playing in the prelude cannot make him darker or more scarred than the way you wrote him initially, and whatever you do, your character will not die from it (even if you jump from a cliff)... you got a script immunity :lol:

He may/not have found a way (before or after his exaltation) to evolve and be less influenced by that part of his childhood since, but according to his BG, I tend to think he did.

My character was a spoiled brat who turned out to be a compassionate and driven woman for example. There's no reason that a kid turned into a sociopath would still be a sociopath when he's an adult and furthermore when he exalts, as a Zenith (think about what happened to Panther, from gladiator lusting for personal glory to parangon of virtue and defender of the weak).

So the only thing we can learn from this prelude is how rough his childhood was IMHO... and man he had it hard that's for sure :twisted:
Okay, now I've got to find a way for Nkemdilim to jump off a cliff in a way that makes sense in the context of the story.

One thing that interests me is that Nkemdilim is being set up to have done all sorts of pretty darn heroic things before the time of his Exaltation, and yet he was not Exalted before that time. It makes you see how awesome Heroic Mortal really is...and how much more awesome an actual Exalted is.

Oooh, new thing for the backstory wishlist: I want to know where Nkemdilim was when he heard the Empress was gone, and to see some of what happened to society as a result.
*pout* And here I've been doing that for a year before someone catches it? What gives. xD

Thanks for the pointing it out. ^^
Interestingly enough, I only learned that myself about a month ago. Apparently it's French. Up until then I'd been pronouncing it "de-mez-nay." And I even took French in high school. :-p
If it's french they don't teach that word in schools anymore... trust me, I am french :mrgreen:

The only related word is domaine which can be translated as dominion or domain.

I never knew what demesne meant but associated it with its other homonyms: "owned place of power".
Demesne is an English word. It has the same meaning and origina as "domain". It's basically an archaic spelling of the word that's technically still in modern english.
Hmm...maybe it came over with the Normandy invasion? Maybe an archaic form of domaine, which became domain in English common language?

Shifting subjects, I've got a cool idea for how the Circle could play out in the backstory. PMing you, Aurethius.
Interesting. Okay, now we have to google it.

Alright, from http://www.alphadictionary.com/goodword/word/demesne

Word History: This Word is an excellent example of why spelling is so important. Demesne is a refrenchifying of Middle English demeine, influenced by French mesne “lord of a manor or estate,†a word related to maison “houseâ€. Now influenced by dominion, Old French demeine became Modern French domaine, so English, in its frenzied borrowing from French, copied it again. Both spellings originated in Latin dominicus “belonging to a lordâ€, the adjective from dominus “lordâ€. Dominus comes from the same root as dome, Russian dom “house,†domestic, and dominate.

So it seems like it's french, then english, then the english stole other words from french and modified it, then the english stole a different word from french which meant pretty much the same thing.

Man, I love my language. :-p

"English doesn't borrow words from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, mugs them, then rifles through their pockets for spare grammar." :-D


**Tips a hat to cyl** Thanks for letting me borrow 'em. :-D

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