[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Cileag, which none of you speak. I have decided that I will not provide translations unless there's someone around who speaks it, because it tickles me.

Besides, that way, nobody's confused as to what language I'm speaking. Because they should know that I know that over half of you speak Skytongue.
I meant it wasn't nice to greet someone in a language he potentially cannot speak, especially if the custom is to answer in the same language :lol:
What are you talking about? He looks like an Icewalker (seriously, his sheet says so). Why would I talk to him in a language that's not his native one if I know his native one? It'd be like you speaking to another Frenchman in English for no apparent reason.
I do believe that Xarvh intends for his character to speak the Icewalker tongues, which we decided in house were not simply Skytongue. Xarvh, if you are reading this and this was your intent, look to TheRealBrickWall's character sheet for Lost Mountain, and pm him , so see the languages you may want (cileag and so on). If having these languages is appropriate to your backstory, you can still modify your character sheet and spend the points to take them.

Unless I have them to Lost Mountain for free, which I don't think I did....
I paid indeed, including for my specialty to sound like a native speaker.

Also, my post is modified to reflect the nature of MoSM, which I wasn't reading at the time.
Heh, thank you. I'm a fan of unusual metaphors. Sadly, I'm a self-taught writer who has never been to college, so I'm like a block of cheese that grew itself; pretty tasty, but there are bits that probably shouldn't be in there.

One day I'll go to college. :D

As long as I don't catch a bullet or two!
Well I suppose I will respond... soon... or at least before I go to sleep. Nod nod... One post and I have to figure out how to do that response.
TherealBrickwall said:
What are you talking about? He looks like an Icewalker (seriously, his sheet says so). Why would I talk to him in a language that's not his native one if I know his native one? It'd be like you speaking to another Frenchman in English for no apparent reason.
Yeah but he hasn't got that dialect in his languages spoken :P

But relying only on his appearance, you were totally right, my bad.
My bad, I should have specified the language.

BH is speaking in whatever language the dog was speaking.

I expected Icewalkers to speak Skytongue, but it makes a lot more sense that they have their own language.

If I do not misinterpret Brick's intentions and Cileag is the language of the area, BH has been speaking it for the last two weeks with the guides.

I'll update the sheet accordingly.
Uhm, I have a technical question.

Does Leaping Dodge Method (p227) allow me to avoid automatically all the attacks of a flurry but the first, since the PC is leaping beyond melee range as soon as he dodges (successfully or not)?

If this is not the case, I would ask permission to the ST to change it with something else.
1. Cileag is not the native language of the area. Just of the Icewalker barbarian culture. This came up because I wasn't sure of the answer, and Aurethius decided we should make it a different language, so my character could have something unique related to the setting. Cost me a lot, but I like having something to bring to the table.

2. Leaping defenses really have no purpose other than evading flurries. So long as the person attacking you can't make a Move action that goes far enough to continue attacking you (remember, he could have Charms that modify Move actions), he cannot continue attacking you. Of course, this only applies to close combat. Things with range won't have that problem.
Thanks Brick.

Could we have just a "in the tent, many questions are asked and answered"-like post so that BH is properly updated and they can get to know each other and what we players know already without the whole retelling of the threads? =)
Regarding Nkemdilim's motivations, his primary one of the moment is to test Lost Mountain. He's also interested in Broken Heron, and generally wants to learn more about his companions.

If it tells you about any Intimacies, Nkemdilim has a connection to both Sapphire and Jubal.
Forgot that: Miss Fang's motivations for the moment are to discover the secrets of the mysteries of the Peak.
cyl said:
Our ancestors built near this camp a demesne and tied to it the spirit of a man called Eskar Jorune, a former barbarian warlord. They created here a powerful demesne but used very dark and negative energies resulting in an abyssal demesne.
Where did you get this idea from? I never said the circle built the demesne. If I implied that somewhere, please let me know, because that would've been a mistake. OOC, the demesne was already there. It was formed at the creation of the Underworld, like many others, so its very old.

And lets give the IC thread a moment. I'm certain H@B wants to push the issue of getting Lost Mountain into the Circle of combat.
Aurethius said:
Where did you get this idea from? I never said the circle built the demesne. If I implied that somewhere, please let me know, because that would've been a mistake. OOC, the demesne was already there. It was formed at the creation of the Underworld, like many others, so its very old.
Uh, dude? The only shadowlands (very, very different from Abyssal demesnes) that were formed with the underworld were so formed because a Primordial died there. For instance, beneath Gethamane (yes, beneath) is a Labyrinth access where a Primordial died and bled out a behemoth that now lies in wait under the city. If a Primordial died here, it'd have become very obvious when we got there, because it would have left some alien scar upon the world.

So it's a pretty good assumption. Death geomancy doesn't spontaneously occur in Creation, even if the fabric is torn. Geomancy takes years to form, like any other geological feature. Something has to warp the entire land to affect it, and the sudden existence of another dimension won't cut it.

Unless you want to make geomancy easy, in which case, we can just take a few days off to move some rocks and change the aspect :P
Well this was rather not clear... there was an indication of a dead god below but no shadowland to back it up, but as it's a rather common demesne (level 3 is like the highest level of the garden variety, but nothing exceptional), and it was already abyssal aspected as Jorune was bound to it.

Alaura knows that she can alter the aspect of the demesne, so wether the first age solars left its abyssal aspect on purpose, created the demesne this way or turned its aspect from something to abyssal doesn't change much things... it's still an abyssal demesne.

She suspects at this point that the Solars created it on purpose, because she can't imagine that it would have existed before (no death nearby... though the rumored dead god may lead to something else), and that the solars would have kept it this way and bound the spirit of a man to it on purpose.

She's still a bit naive... but I should have been less affirmative in my phrasing. I'll edit that.
There are other possible explanations for the demesne to have turned:

- the death of the guards (jorune mentionned his men were with him)

- his own bitterness and moaning.

But since he clearly stated that he was bound to it as it was already an abyssal demesne and the absence of shadowland until this present day results in her thinking that the "FA solars created it on purpose" is the most probable explanation.

Now... of course, if there is a biiiig shadowland nearby but not on this particular site, some of the energies might have affected the area over the centuries in the past.

There are many strange things about this place, a guardian, but no manse, a demesne of death without a cause... us being dragged down here... right now Alaura's still in the dark and building theories as I am.

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