[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

TRB: I disagree, abyssal geomancy can appear "spontaneously".

Picture a demense where the geomancy is altered (incidentally or willingly) and the associations change, it can swift from x to abyssal without the need for heavy necromantic energies, only negativity (pain, sadness, loneliness, anger, despotism, slavery etc...).

Now the true question is: could negative essence alter demesnes before the creation of the underwold or not ? ie does "abyssal essence" predates the underworld ?
Cyl's argument is what I'm gunnin for. When an entire dimension was opened up, it needed anchors in Creation, and those anchors are Abyssal Demesnes.
Actually, Nkemdilim will let his testing of Lost Mountain rest for now. Lost Mountain has made his response by refusing the challenge (which is a pretty good move, he shouldn't be playing Nkemdilim's game but rather making his own). Nkemdilim's far from done, but for now there's something else going on. He'll wait for his moment.
Aurethius said:
Cyl's argument is what I'm gunnin for. When an entire dimension was opened up, it needed anchors in Creation, and those anchors are Abyssal Demesnes.
Well there's no smoke without fire either... so there must be roots... but in the heart of the mountain... what could have created an abyssal demesne ?
Alright, maybe I need to get clear on something. Are there existing explanations, in detail, for the nature and formation of Abyssal demesnes? TRBm can you give me a reference for your explanation on the formation of shadowlands? I recall them being made in places of mass tragedy or death... I'd like to learn the source.

Are we ready to move this scene to the next day? You all can rest tonight, do an RP post where "My character goes to bed" and so on (make sure you do this), or the circle can decide to go talk to Jorune Now. Whatever you decide, you may do so in this thread.
Many thanks to Jukashi who once more spoke the truth...

Hungry Ghosts predate the creation of the underworld... so this type of "negative" essence is probably as old as the other essences.

And it's neither death - since its associations are more raw negative than MDK - nor abyssal -which is... another term applied to a category of exalts that didn't even exist back then (though one could argue that the term abyssal was created to define this type of essence and that savants misused to define the champions of the dead) - .

Aaaaaanyway... Miss Fang will want an explanation as to how this demesne became abyssal aspected, because this is a true geomantic rarity.
Aurethius said:
Alright, maybe I need to get clear on something. Are there existing explanations, in detail, for the nature and formation of Abyssal demesnes? TRBm can you give me a reference for your explanation on the formation of shadowlands? I recall them being made in places of mass tragedy or death... I'd like to learn the source.
The corebook, the Underworld book and the Abyssal book all speak of shadowlands.

Abyssal demesne (and manses) are however different from them.

They are place of essence influenced/twisted/corrupted (pick one) by negative energies (not necessarily death... see the codex associations) that turn into something else (the way a water demesne could turn into another elemental aspect should something change in the background over the years).

The release of essence death and misery create is a common factor between the apparition of / changing process into an abyssal demesne and the apparition of a shadowland, but the two are not necessarily united (at least it has never been stated clearly).

In my understanding, there could be an abyssal demesne miles away from the nearest shadowland.

Let's picture a fountain for lovers, level 1 water demesne, one day, a lover dies nearby, and he/she was very popular, all his/her lovers come to the fountain to mourn the loss of their loved one... for more than 15 years at least twice a day... bam... the fountain shifts to abyssal aspect.

Now, picture the same place and a psycho kills lovers who come to the fountain and hide their bodies within the fountain... he kills many people there, and the place becomes a small shadowland.

It is highly probable that what can create an abyssal demesne (or turn a demesne into one) can also generate a shadowland, and in some cases, I think both happen at the same time, but there is no necessary causality link between the two.

In this specific case, we are facing a demesne of abyssal essence with no shadowland... its origins and the fact that solars used it without changing it are therefore source of many interrogations.
I failed to mention that we don't know wether abyssal demesne can be created spontaneously or not.

But we do know that the abyssal demesne can exist by alteration of an existing demesne.

IMHO it would be possible for an abyssal demesne to be spontaneously created since they follow the rules applicable ot other demesnes.

Mabye they could have been once, before the apparition of the Underworld and maybe now whenever there should be an abyssal demesne the pull of the Underworld makes it that there is a shadowland created instead (would also seem logical).

That's your call :)
Hmm, usually Exalted leaves some things open for ST elaboration, but I can work with this. Lets consider the true nature of Abyssal (or Death?) demesnes a mystery that has yet been fully researched. Perhaps this can be something your characters end up working on. I didn't envision this game to go the necromancy route by any means, but I will say this.

I DID envision this game to go wherever the players took it.

If the circle believes that investigating the purpose and fate of a node of Death/Shadow/Creepy essence to be a just cause in line with your respective motivations, then so be it. It's up to the characters.
Since two of the characters (and neither of them are from the Zenith Caste :lol: ) have explicitely expressed their feelings about this (let's get ooouuuut)... I doubt that the circle will stay here unless Miss Fang can persuade them.

And abyssal essence is different from death essence as I tried to explain... death essence is part of what the writers called abyssal essence (I'd find it another name personally), but it's not the sole association.

Here's the list from the codex: night, cold, sacrifice, pain, black, decay, blood, shadows, necromancy, battle, slaughter, seduction, war, ancestors, subservience, regret, depression, insanity, love, fear, disgust, beauty, funerals, introspection, aloneness, raitons, pomegranates, rulership, nocturnal creatures, swamps, cemeteries, battlefields, darkness, jet, iron, ebony, obsidian, slavery, soulsteel.

It cannot really be a mystery in the universe, because this type of demesne is a reality since the first age, and simple studies made by thaumathurges revealed what's known about the demesne... unless of course you state that this is THE first abyssal demesne not tied to a shadowland ever observed, which would give me more weight to convince the other to stay and study it :mrgreen:
Gods no ! :lol:

These are the associations for the abyssal demesnes... elements tied to the "abyssal" energy.

Things you will probably find in quantities in an abyssal demesne.

As you can see, the list is not only about death.

The siege of power of a Terrestrial despot tyranizing his people in a place could become an abyssal demesne, a chamber of torture could also become one...

Whenever there is a release of essence that impregnates the geomancy a demesne can form and if it does, it will adopt the type of essence that generated it.
Alright, my mind is coming around. I believe I understand now. Thanks for hand-walking me through this cyl. Not only have you educated me, you've also proven that you're more than capable to CONTINUE WORK ON YOUR PRELUDE, SO GET TO IT!! :D

If you've got the time to break it down barney style for your bonehead ST, then you have time for your Prelude! Come on, it will only help!

And to the rest of ye, the same goes! And I'll say it again in case it got buried, we can move the scene to morning NOW, if you all so choose. Do a sleepy-time RP post, and I shall do so.
I have fulfilled half of my ST duties today, the other half is due tonight, and if I can, I will go on with the prelude, if not, tomorrow will be dedicated to that :wink:
There... I posted. Stupid wasteful week that is still going and damn my ISP!

^^ Hope it works... MoSM kinda wrecks me for posts that should have happened awhile ago. >>
If people are doing a good night post after mine, I would like to go down there again with Jarod in the night, so he can tell me more about Jorune... because I think that he is hiding things from us and that his abilities and nature will be clearer to us once the wolf has analyzed them, and we will be able to take a decision wether we can or should set him free.

(whoever wants to come with is welcome... it is dark down there :lol: )
It's dark down there regardless of time of day, dude. The only light is from flame and anima.

Myls: There is no perfect motivation-reader. If you're concealing your motives, it's a basic Manip+Soc roll. Feel free to do it.
I know I was just being annoyingly childish :P

I am really hoping Miss Fang will find a way to get you past the "place of death" effect, this place seems like the first stone of a huge building burried.

Strangely I would have thought the other exalts would also have been as interested or intrigued as Miss Fang and Saph are about this "orchestrated fate" enough to stick around to get to the bottom of the truth (an argument you can trust she will use).

Should we choose not to stay there (we are in democracy after all), someone has a lead/request as to where we would be going next ? (I know I have at least 2 more leads to check out)
quick note to the ST; I'm building Jarod starting with the charms I'd give him, your opinion is greatly valued.
Rough night tonight, I'll have to do some work tomorrow, ok? When I'm able to get back to my computer, I'll move the storyline forward a bit, have the NPCs actually react to the stuff yall are saying, an if you like I can start the 'morning' out with everyone already down in Brinstar (thats the tunnel network Jorune's cavern is located in, if you don't remember).
Ok so could you just PM me the results of Jarod's "analysis" of this night using Measure the Wind (consider Perception 5 + Wits 5... I'd give him no less) + Amethyst Awareness (essence sight) if you want to speed things up in the IC ?

I'll share the infos with the other in the morning.
Alright, got some time to do some research and writing, and one of the first things I want to bring up is Nkemdilim's challenege to Lost Mountain. The event has already passed, and so nothing will come of it, but I do want to discuss it casually.

A few pages ago in the IC thread, Nkemdilim attempted to 'call out' Lost Mountain in a demonstration of Lost Mountains powers. "You no show golden light. You run from darkness. Prove yourself. Defeat demon. Show yourself true son of Unconquered Sun." I strongly feel this qualifies as Lost Mountain refusing a dare or challenge, and would require a Valor Roll. Lost Mountain has a rating of 3 in Valor, he's a "Brave Warrior" who has a strong sense of honor and courage.

Naturally, Lost Mountain reacted very carefully, arguing that it is Nkemdilim's responsibility to control and punish his servants, but the open refusal to the challenge is still a denial of his Valor virtue.

This discussion will have no repercussions, as I missed the opportunity to do anything with it, but I would like to know what you all think of this. Am I correct in identifying that as a break of Virtue? Did Lost Mountain act/answer in such a way as to push the challenge back on Nkemdilim without breaking his own moral code?

For cyl, Jarod will speak with Miss Fang tonight, giving her his observations. I'll do that now in a 'Night Wrapped Up' post.
Yay :D

Have added stuff & mechanics about Jarod editing my post, will start working on more detailed followers and his backstory soon.
I meant his "analysis" of Jorune and the demesne but heh... he got motes ^^

Man, bananastorm... you're a genius ! :lol:

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