[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

I'd say that it strongly depends on how much you want to make player characters subject to social attacks. Which is strongly dependent on how much we want to be subject to social attacks. I kind of like my character being able to be manipulated, but at the same time I don't like getting instantly destroyed by a single attack. I think it would be acceptable to me if social attacks weren't a death sentence. In DnD 4th edition, for example, they de-powered the Charm and Dominate type effects so that they only have a limited impact on the players (and NPCs). In battle, for instance, a Dominate only lasts until your character saves against it (about a round or two, so you're only out of the fight for a short time), and the worse thing that the dominator can make you do is make a basic attack against one of your allies. So, really, it just becomes a way to take an opponent out of the fight briefly, as well as gain some small damage out of it. You're not going to lose magic items, or have your powers be expended, or anything else too debilitating or long term. So, one thing I'd say is that social attacks should be fairly limited in scope, though what that means in Exalted is going to be quite different from what it means in DnD. Basically, I'd say that no-one should die over it, and no-one should lose something of importance to them over it. There should probably be a discussion of what we consider to be of importance.

Of course, this also depends on who we're going to be facing. Social combat is a major theme for the Fae, and if we're going to face them the consequences of social combat should be ramped up so that facing a Fae in social combat feels as intense and scary as facing an Abyssal Dusk Caste in a duel.

There's also the issue that Virtues and Limit are a big deal in Exalted, though I have yet to play in a game where I've actually seen them enforced to any great degree because they really tend to restrict people. I'm interested in seeing them assume a greater role, if only because I haven't before, but I wouldn't want to force other people to deal with them if they'd rather not.

As to the specific situation, I don't think that Lost Mountain's response of "controlling your beast is your own responsibility" really answers the allegations of cowardice. Yeah, it's true, but it doesn't demonstrate Lost Mountain's bravery. Now, something dismissive like "fighting the demon proves nothing" or "true valor is not shown in meaningless duels" might be more effective, as might "who are you to question my courage?!?"

However, if we're going to get into the mechanical effects of that exchange, it should be noted that a glib response from Lost Mountain is not enough to completely negate a social attack, but neither does a well-worded post constitute an automatically successful social attack. Both of those would be considered to be stunts which modify the rolls. Nkemdilim would have had to roll something, perhaps Manipulation + Presence, vs. Lost Mountain's Mental DVs. Since Nkemdilim appealed to one of Lost Mountain's ruling virtues (rated 3 or higher), that imposes a -2 external penalty to Lost Mountain's DV. However, Nkemdilim would take a 1 or 2 die internal penalty for not speaking the language very well. Nkemdilim's accusation wasn't particularly strong, so that would perhaps be a 1 die stunt (if he'd spoken the language well enough for me to more fully develop an accusation, I might have been able to parlay Lost Mountain's lack of action in the caves into a greater bonus, though if I had it would have been easy enough to point out that Lost Mountain didn't get much of a chance to display valor in the cave, since most of the dangerous situations were resolved before he had an opportunity to react). As for Lost Mountain's response, I'd say it would be a 1 die stunt if it were applied to his Dodge MDV, but would certainly be worth two dice if he decided to use his Parry MDV, since it took the form of a counterargument rather than a flat-out rejection of the initial attack.

Lost Mountain would have to fail a valor roll to refuse the challenge only if Nkemdilim had succeeded in the attack, and even if he failed to fail he could have spent a willpower point and added a point of Limit to turn away from the attack anyway. Given Lost Mountain's cool-headed reaction, I'd say that it's probably most reasonable to say that Nkemdilim failed in the attack. He just didn't present a credible challenge to Lost Mountain's valor, so Lost Mountain didn't feel like his valor was ever in question. Thus, no need to fail a valor roll.

Now, the following attack on Lost Mountain's ability to trust himself, which goes against Conviction...Lost Mountain's reaction indicates that Nkemdilim just might have touched a nerve on that one. But that's really more up to Brickwall.
There was also no Social Combat declared, no Join Debate... and thus no need for these mechanics to apply :lol:

IMHO your challenge (the way you did it: the fact that you're using the demon and this unrealistic punishment story) wasn't even worthy of a valor roll.

Should you have challenged him personnally, or asked the demon to do so, it might have been a different story.

I would also advise taking precautions if you're willing to use Social Combat vs others characters in the near future, because they'll know they're socially challenged, and they'll probably not be happy about it.
Technically, it was a personal challenge, a challenge for Lost Mountain to show that he truly is a Solar. The medium for the challenge was a fight against Jubal, so it wasn't a "You an me, mano e mano", but it was close. Again, only a discussion.

How does this group feel about Social Attacks? I think that we should only have the whole Social Combat gig come into play when YOU PLAYERS decide to initiate them against NPCs (or eachother, if necessary), or if I forewarn you. In cases where I'm going to plunge you into social combat, chances are you'll have a pretty good idea that it'll be happening, ie "The Circle prepares to enter the chamber of the King, reviewing their arguments in favor of declining the Deathlord's demand for surrender!".

I don't plan on having any ninja assassin social combatants popping out with a Manipulation sneak attack or anything.
The proof of him being a solar could have just been discarded with lighting up his caste mark, the fight was totally unecessary.

I mean there was potential for a personal challenge, but the way it was done clearly undermined its realisation IMHO.

Had he said "you're the member of the dawn caste, you're supposed to be our protector and military leader, yet I question your role as an exalt and member of this circle and will not acknowledge you any authority in that domain unless you are able to prove yourself defeating this demon here..." it would have been acceptable.

About the social combat, I have no problem with using it even in "pvp mode" since the point is to change the mind of a person about something... either by pure force of persuasion or subtle manipulation... but social combat is always detected by its participant, can be avoided / eluded, and also has social consequences (like you know there has been an "agression").
If Aurethius wants to give me limit, I'm not going to protest.

On the other hand, it's somewhat against Valor to do the dirty work of someone you dislike. Quite demeaning. It might have been against Valor to agree.

Also remember I've had enough drugged tea to make a tyrant lizard mellow.
Well, the punishment story was only the opening gambit. When Lost Mountain didn't bite on that, I moved to more aggressive social pressure. Based on what was said, Lost Mountain certainly should feel as if he'd been challenged. If he resents that, well, we'll see what happens.

Exalted is one of the few systems I've played that has anything even approaching a coherent social combat system. I must admit that I'm fascinated by social combat simply because this is one of the few games where it's actually feasible. Which is to say, I'd love it if you'd find ways to bring the system in and have fun with it. Of course, the key is to have fun with it. For all that Exalted's social combat is better than any other game's I've seen, that's not saying much since most other games don't have a social combat system at all. I can definitely see how it could get to be really frustrating/boring/what have you, so it's probably better to dabble in it before jumping to something major.

Edit: Actually, lighting up a caste mark isn't foolproof. That's why Nkemdilim mentioned Fae. Also, there's a Terrestrial Circle spell that lets you mimic a person perfectly, right down to caste marks and anima banner. But Nkemdilim doesn't know about that particular trick, so Fae is the more realistic fear.

There's also the thematic element. Proving oneself in combat is a tried and true staple of the epic fantasy genre. "I don't know you until I've seen you fight," that sort of thing. Sure, it's not realistic in our world, but it's very appropriate for, say, Gilgamesh or The Romance of Three Kingdoms.
No limit-giving here, the time has passed, but I want to know if that situation would have demanded one. There is a valor and limit break system for a reason. It is not limiting to the characters, although some have argued that. Instead, it implements mechanical consequences for going against your nature, a nature that you, as a player, decided that your character must follow. I'll be watching your characters' decisions and their respective Virtues more closely from now on, and after tonights rest, the willpower system as well. Regaining willpower by achieving goals that tie in to your motivations help guide us in proper roleplaying. It is likely that, for significant achievements that would normally regain a point of willpower, a character could gain a temporary point of willpower if their will is already 'maxed out'. I do not see why a character would not feel an extra bit of confidence from meeting an important goal, and that the confidence would carry through mechanically. I'll see how this plays out once I start implementing it.
There is a virtue system indeed, and indeed there was potential for a valor roll wp expenditure.

Yet a ST has to be reasonable in what he considers a valid challenge / dare / duel for the character...

Valor 3+ characters will not respond to lesser threats (kid in the streets) / stupid challenges (jump off that cliff and survive)... and I think that if TRB had considered that LM was refusing a valid challenge, he'd have made the roll and spent the wp himself.

On that particular note, I as a ST am more than enclined to let the players choose wether they have to roll a virtue or not, and I only ask for one when I think the situation demands it and the player hasn't reacted.

In this case I do think that the elements were gathered (significant challenge + dare), but the materialization tore them apart... but you're the boss here so your interpretation counts :)

Limit break is a bit different since it's purely mechanical and the Curse is imprinted within the very soul of the character, so it's up to the ST to determine wether a situation call for a limit roll. In this case I usually call for it, but sometimes the player themselves call for it before I do.

My two cents :P
I would prefer to keep the actual Social Combat for NPCs, we're all good enough to handle it gracefully without the burden of the rules.

Faster and more dramatic.

Btw, "mano a mano" is Italian for "hand in hand" and is more appropriate for use in a romantic context than in duel...
Here's a bit from Spirit of the Century that would apply quite a lot.

In SotC, characters have Aspects, things that are central to their very being. It might be a personality trait, a very important object, or something that happens to them often, or you get the idea. Aspects, like Virtues, can be used to enhance a related roll for a small expenditure (a Fate point, which is almost the exact same as a Willpower point). However, when they would act against the character, Aspects are instead Compelled. How this works is either the player or GM/ST mentions that the Aspect might work against them in this exact situation. At this point, the player has a choice: deny the negative consequence and spend a Fate point, or succumb to the negative consequence and regain a Fate point.

If you could regain a WP point for enacting your Virtue when you would normally have to spend a WP to resist it (for instance, sparing lives when it is inconvenient or even a big mistake), the system would probably be used a lot more, since players would be pointing out appropriate situations left and right.

It's just an idea. There's plenty of reasons not to implement it. If you want Virtues to play a bigger role, that will help, but it will give players far more resources (and cause them to act far more insanely). Pros and cons.

Also, I believe the phrase is "mano el mano", not "mano a mano", when talking of duels.
xarvh said:
I would prefer to keep the actual Social Combat for NPCs, we're all good enough to handle it gracefully without the burden of the rules.
Faster and more dramatic.
Yeah... I meant that also previously ! :mrgreen:
I'm slowly beginning to take the gloves off. The world is slowly beginning to darken. Things are slowly going to get worse.

Fair warning.
This spirit is getting on my nerves right now...

I don't know what he is, and what are his powers but the demesne itself cannot even come close to such effects on its own...at this point if he doesn't cooperate, he's going to know why they called the twilight the unclean ! :twisted:
You see?

There WAS a reason the old Solars were totally pissed off at him! =)

So far for "none should be made suffer so much", Alaura just upped the threat! =P
Well, I admit I have edited this post like 15 times before posting it that way, because I wasn't sure that it was her "style".

But after a moment of self introspection and deduction from the events of this day, I came to the conclusion that she must have thought he was annoying (though the little episode in the cave should have given her more insight) at first, but now that Jarod is actually hurt, she realizes that he is simply evil... and... there is only one way to deal with evil spirits in her mind... forcing them to do whatever you want them to do, or destroy them and get rid of them (eventually both).

Compassion of course still applies here... she won't kill him or torture him without severe efforts of will (even if her Conviction is as high as her Compassion), and in the crazy event that it goes down that road, I'll probably ask for the loss of a dot in Compassion.

She tried feelings, she tried reason, neither worked, now there is only one alternative left, coercion.

Plus we called his bluff once, he should have known better than to try it again...

Even with her "limited" knowledge of his nature and of the essence, it is obvious that he is doing the dark stuff, not the demesne... it's not powerful enough to do so and it would take months of exposition to its energies to suffer from it the way Jarod does, or to feel the way the twins and we felt.

He may be a rather powerful spirit... but knowing that they are two summoners in the group, he's acting pretty stupid.

Either he knows something that we don't, either his worst sin is stupidity.

It's the former option I'm not easy about...
I wrote some notes on the subject, as an explorer I thought I might have a scrapbook or journal, this way I'll have all the elements I need at hand ^^

There are several things we can be sure about him:

- he's bound to our command once we invoke the oath (nkem did so, and miss fang is testing it again)

- he's a powerful spirit

- he's hiding stuff from us, and clearly is not willing to give it up easily

- he's not really smart
Was the epitaph written somewhere in the place ? I asked Jorune where it was in front of every body and what it says... but no one answered :|
So... it's in his nature to suck the life out of the beings with essence sight on... great... :evil:

I'm really out of ideas there :|

Obviously the problem is him... not the demesne, he does those things. Maybe the abyssal demesne has turned him into something else than he was originally supposed to be, but wherever that's true or not, he is far more dangerous than anything I had thought.

Some guardian the solars picked !

I don't know about you guys, but I think we need to deal with whatever he is... and there is just no way we release that sort of thing.

We'll talk about it IC but I have several concerns :

- the presence of the body... doesn't make any sense to leave it here... especially if he's a ghost and not a spirit.

- his super negative essence... I mean... clearly he can take us all on whenever wherever, and beings with essence sight fall like flies because of it... meaning he can just dematerialize, and we're screwed... unless someone has GET, there is no way to get rid of him. There is nothing I know of yet that is going to help us confront him, perhaps the spirit diagram would be of some help... but it's not like I'll have it any time soon.

Hopefully, Jarod will be better shortly - thank you medecine charms - and he will have more informations about the situation.
I think information is the key here. It very well could be the nature of the place that hurts Jarod, especially since he's a spirit. As Exalts, our characters might have some immunity. There are a lot of mysteries here, but just because Jorune is hateful, spiteful, and cruel doesn't mean he's not a useful guardian and able ally. So says the guy playing the character who regularly summons demons. >.>
Nah he really does that stuff, look at what happened in the cave when he got angry we felt the change affected us, if not for a second, and he did this, not the demesne... the demesne can't do this sort of things, not at this level of power... not ever.

It takes at least months, even years of continuous exposure to feel any side effects from the geomancy...

So I don't have a clue about what we are facing right now, but we know it's powerful and potentially evil.

He won't tell us more... I haven't tried using the oath to have him spit his guts, but I am not sure at this point that it will work.

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