[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

That's a possibility... he even warned us against using them... if this is true... what a tricky son of a bitch ! :twisted:
Remember folks, words are only words. A person can, and will, tell you anything they want you to hear. Especially when they don't want you to know something...

Perhaps some social combat is in order? Jorune can slip and slide around your accusations and words, but in social combat, it's on... If we like, we can all read up on the rules (myself especially) and you guys can hit him hard and fast. That's up to yall.
It would take a very elaborate strategy and great coordination, mixing investigation and presence... but perhaps it would work.

If we can keep him in from hurting us again with that damn aura of his... but as said previously... he can run away from the social combat or spend the wp to ignore its effect... or even beat us to our own game.

Let's hope Jarod got a good look at what Jorune is.
Lets allow Horatio, xarvh and TRB to post as they wish, and then lets move this to tomorrow. I believe the next scene will be the circle confronting Jorune again.

You may feel that its a bit early, but remember, writing a 'Dream Scene' for your characters can be very enjoyable! Explore their subconscious, write their sleeping fears, or their sleeping desires... Are their minds filled with prophecy? With hopes? With images of lovers that they may one day meet again? Only you can say!
Wrote the fanfic of BH's encounter with Alianorah.

Beware, that's a side of BH you'll see only when his Lunar mate is around!
xarvh said:
Wrote the fanfic of BH's encounter with Alianorah.
Beware, that's a side of BH you'll see only when his Lunar mate is around!
And this encounter is from your Past Life, yes? I'm not sure, as your names are the same. I got a kick out of the whole "I know I should have brought flowers instead!" gig.

I do have one question though. Why the swear words?
Uhm, this is Broken Heron one-two years after his exaltation.. Why past lives?

Swearwords are because that's the way Alianorah speaks: she's an teenager illiterate pirate, I couldn't think of any combination that would swear more.
Ahh, we've missed something then. I had hoped that you would have read the rules thread more thoroughly. I'll repost it again on the first page of this OOC thread.

The main rule was this: "Your characters have exalted up to 2 months ago. You can have Exalted yesterday if you like, but no one will have been exalted for more than 2 months."

It's the first line of the second paragraph in Character Creation.

You're right, I had forgot completely!

Ok then.

Could as well have happened one month ago.

I'll reread the entire thing and make sure it's consistent.

I'm not even sure how old is BH now, maybe I should sketch a timeline.
Hrmm, I wouldn't worry about limiting your characters' past with a timeline. You can just let his past slowly come to light through fanfics and background stories. If you choose.

Also, I'm assuming Alianorah was one Broken Heron's Lunar mate. That's why she feels a connection to him, and isn't "Kill on Sight" or anything. As I've always understood, young Lunars of today are taught to have a vendetta against the Solars, mostly because of the old Lunars' beliefs.
Timeline would be only of already established canon, just to maintain consistency and avoid such mistakes such as this.

In both BH and A sheets it is specified that she's his Lunar mate, and she's 3 dots in Solar Bond, explicitly towards BH.

And that's the whole reason that a duel turned into a date.
Sorry for the long absences over the weekend. My wife's computer is on the fritz, so she's been using mine. Also, we've been doing a lot more stuff away from the computers, which is always nice. Also, I just bought Halo. I trust no more need be said.

We're going to be visiting friends out of town next weekend, so I'll be gone from Friday to Monday or Tuesday. Sadly, this won't interrupt my current update schedule much, but I figure I should ask someone to take over Nkemdilim for me while I'm gone anyway, on principle.
H@B: Hey, you have a Real Life, we're all envious now! =P

BTW, something that a discussion between H@B and me prompted.

The name of the Charms are IC or OOC?

Is it ok for BH to speak about the 'Seven Shadow Evasion' Solar technique?

What about excellencies?
I'll leave that up to you guys. When the Exalted were first gifted with their powers, they were given complete understanding of their abilities. They knew how to activate them, what they did, and a general idea of how much of their Essence they would be using. Now, were their minds suddenly gifted with the knowledge that these powers had names? Spells all have their own names, but that is the nature of spells. Were charms named by the Exalts over time? Were they taught their charms by the Gods and Spirits of Creation?

Personally, I feel that Charm Names are IC. Otherwise, you'd have folks saying "Hey, use that charm where you Wack Somethin Alot For Free" or "Make Them Believe You". As an Exalt, you know the names of your charms. That's my take on it. If you want to do it differently for roleplaying reasons, feel free! :D
It's just a matter of deciding whether charm names are IC or OOC elements.

So ok, we agree that they are IC, and the PCs usually know the names, at least of the ones they know.
Well if that can be of any help, from all the 2e comics I remember, the only thing that was shouted out loud was the name of a spell (flight of the briliant raptor in SotM), otherwise I've seen plenty of charms being used without anyone mentionning their names.

I know combos are identified... but charms... I don't think so.

They're kinda like martial arts moves: you have learned them, you know how to use them, you don't have to shout juji gatame everytime you're about to break your opponent's arm...
Actually, you really don't have to shout the names of spells out (Spell-shattering Palm is a Charm anyway). The artist just wanted to make it obvious how scary that guy was.

Canon, Charm names do exist. They are refined techniques that have been designed and redesigned for maximum efficiency and power since the First Age. While talking about a Presence Charm will make people think you're crazy, a Solar who knows of them will understand what Authority-Radiating Stance is. This goes especially true for famous Charms like the Perfect Defenses or basic Charms like Ox-Body Technique and Essence Arrow Technique (and even its subtechniques).

Granted, people usually only discuss them when training another. They are still utilitarian and martial techniques, and you wouldn't exactly say "Chez Vernon Style: Spinning Burger Flip" every time you flipped a burger like you learned at Vernon's, would you? Same with other martial techniques. Combos also have official names, but you don't have to shout them out either. They already have unique Essence displays (or are supposed to be subtle if there are no Obvious Charms). It's just what people can refer to when talking about 'that one thing you and only you always do when...'.

And it's best to keep the opposing sorcerer on their toes if you're casting an offensive spell or a defensive spell or a transport spell so that they either hold still and wait to counter, or possibly miss the opportunity when they really need it. Make them roll to see what it is.

In short, yes, your techniques have names. No, the names aren't really important. Just a handy, somewhat sort of universal way to refer to different techniques by which the Exalts get their job done. A rose by any other name, as they say. That's why White Wolf can get away with making them sound overdone.
Aurethius, I think we're waiting for Jarod to recover and inform us.

Guys, what about raiding the hole as soon as we have the info from Jarod?
Need to select another charm instead of Leaping Dodge Method.

Main candidates would be Investigation I, Martial Arts I and Graceful Crane Stance.


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