[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Hmm, things aren't looking good for our game then. I recommend we place Acrotomo on temporary hold until Everyone is back for good. I won't leave anyone behind, and I won't RP for more than 1 player. If we have multiple people gone at the same time, it'd better to just lock it down.
I also agree we should put the game on hold.

Once I get my flights I'll tell you when I'll be available.
Xarvh: not really, haven't seen my family & years or taken more than 5 days of vacation in two years. Was about time I got back and get some rest ^^

Lima is not the greatest of the capitals, rather dirty and polluted and has a crappy weather (it's a super dry oceanic climate... desert all around, a ton of dust and dirt, and no rain all year) but we have great ocean views and the food is really insane.

We're living in the residential district with my girlfriend and we have a huge olive tree park a street away from our appartment that makes our beagle particularily happy (that damn dog runs like hell and really enjoys to). And if the dog's happy so are we :lol:
TheRealBrickWall is going through some study times, and has made the decision to quit roleplaying for good, at least for a while. In light of this, he has withdrawn interest from Acrotomo, and any other game for that matter. This is difficult, as with Asku, his character had never started, but here we have Lost Mountain without a brain.

Indeed, this leaves us with a serious disadvantage, especially considering the significance of having a full circle with Jorune's situation.

What I would like to do is remove the character of Lost Mountain from the story as soon as possible, but I will not have the story shaken or weakened by the withdrawal of a player. Not only was he one of the five members, but he was providing a fantastic foil for Nkemdilim. The second bit isn't major though, I think H@B, and all of you, have the roleplaying skill to bounce your characters off of anyone. On this note, I can RP him for as long as he is necessary (short as possible), and then have him leave amicably.

Anyone's thoughts on this are welcome.

I am re-opening the IC thread, and kicking the game back into gear immediately. I want to see a post from H@B and Mylinnia FIRST, no posting from either xarvh or cyl until Sapphire and Nkemdilim have spoken or acted. Then we'll get this ball rolling again.
I posted ^^

As to the loss of LM well that bites. I support whatever you do for it though there ST ^^.
Actually...I've got a friend who's never played Exalted before, but I think would love it. He usually enjoys playing warrior types, so a Northern Barbarian Dawn Caste would be great for him, though Lost Mountain's character would necessarily change to some degree since a lot of his quirks were based in knowledge of the system setting (mixed heritage with Halta, dislike for Yurgen Kaneko) which my friend wouldn't have. Clay moved to the other end of the state a few years ago, so we haven't been able to game together for quite a long time. A play by post game would be a great way to get back in touch. If you'd like I can talk to him and see if he'd be interested in taking Lost Mountain over (or inserting a functionally equivalent character).
Absolutely! Get him on the site and we can bring him in. I'm sure he'll want to make some changes to LM's character, maybe even his name. He may not like what TRB's been writing thus far. Get connected with him.

What kind of player is he? He plays warrior characters, yes, but what's his Roleplaying style? I'd like to know so I can start RPing the 'new LM' now.

Hey, let's get down to the damn cavern already. Next post says "Let's Go" and we get down there.
It's been a while since I've gamed with him, so I'm not sure about his gaming style. He used to like playing big rip-your-arm-off types, like Wookies in Star Wars and crit-for-a-million damage barbarians and rangers in DnD, though he also enjoyed the one warforged cleric he played in Eberron (follower of the war goddess). He likes combat a lot, but got into the warrior culture RP I threw his way. Think the Real Man archetype of role-player.
cyl said:
This is one complex puzzle :lol:
I didn't plan on anyone delving this deeply, though it will make things hilarious later. Don't worry about focusing too much on this issue, I want you guys to get out there and adventure in the North, but it is good that you're paying attention to this mystery that your ancestors brought you to.
Crud, wrong thread again.

I'm tired.

Edit: It's kind of amusing how much doorknob turning a group will do. "Hmm, there's a door. What should we do? Ok, what does it look like? Examine the area thoroughly. Okay, I'm going to touch the doorknob, then step back. Does anything happen?" And of course, the whole point is that they should just walk through the stinking door! One can never be too careful about what one describes in a roleplaying game, since anything that gets mentioned is likely to be considered important by the players. :-p
Aurethius said:
cyl said:
This is one complex puzzle :lol:
I didn't plan on anyone delving this deeply, though it will make things hilarious later. Don't worry about focusing too much on this issue, I want you guys to get out there and adventure in the North, but it is good that you're paying attention to this mystery that your ancestors brought you to.
A two months old twilight lore seeker/treasure hunter ?

What else did you expect ?! :lol:
Sorry for my inactivity. I'm running on exhausted and have caught a summer cold or some such. I'll attempt to decipher what I should be doing sometime today. ><
Summer colds are kind of nerve-wracking this year. You keep having to ask yourself "is this a flu-like symptom? Okay, how about this?" Rather annoying, then they do bloodwork. :-(
Myllinnia said:
Sorry for my inactivity. I'm running on exhausted and have caught a summer cold or some such. I'll attempt to decipher what I should be doing sometime today. ><
Oh no! Hang in there! Have some soup and keep your feet warm, drink water!
Alright, for the Jorune situation, I intended for this to be one of your first moral dilemmas. You encounter a tortured being, chained to a strange place, whose apparent purpose is to serve you. He has some significant powers and could be useful, but he's rather unstable and is extremely unhappy. Not only was he placed here by Solars, but those Solars may or may not (up to you) have been your previous incarnations. Do you set him free, or use him as you see fit?

I didn't intend for his nature to be so complicated, and I am getting the feeling that it's making your decision more difficult than it has to be. I'm sure that each of you just want to know the full details before you give a Yes or No answer, which is great, but on that same token, I don't think that the first 6 pages of our game should have been focusing on this issue. It's given all of you a chance to speak your minds, and to get to know your circlemates a bit more intimately, to be sure, but I believe each of you wants to move on.

I don't want you to leave a job unfinished, and I'm sure none of you want to do that either. Please consider how we can wrap this event up and be done with it within the next few pages, so we can get to the real gritty bits of the story.
Currently working to deal with my space of inactivity. So maybe an hour or so, if the meds haven't made creative thought impossible, before Saph has anything to say. xD
Well I think I'm the one to "blame" for all this fuss around Jorune.

Now I think we all know what we need to know (which is... not much) and we can set him free, he obviously can't do much for us, and we can only do one thing for him.

Now we got this abyssal demesne, and I don't know about you guys, but I would really like not to leave it this way.
Well... either there's an edit to be made, or we're not going aaanywhere until we know more :lol:

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