[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

I don't think that Jorune is from the High First Age. If Sidereals trapped him, it probably happened during or shortly after the Usurpation.

Also, don't think that just because we unleashed some great evil that stopping him will just return us to null. There's a lot of good things that can come from the combat, so there's a lot of room for things to be better after the fight than before it (like maybe we can actually kill him, since we're mighty Solars and not measly little Sidereals :-p).
Licurgo, why don't you try to find a new nice picture for LM?

This will help you a lot giving you an idea of the character you want.
You may be wondering about the 'Meanwhile, in Yu-Shan' post, specifically the letter of lateness for one thousand years. This is not a typo. :wink:

Ahh, I love this stuff.

More importantly, in light of the impressive amount of work you have all been doing, I have awarded you some experience. From a practical standpoint, this will help you even out any... unevenness you afflicted your characters with at character creation, and maybe give you that first charm you want to put you on the path to having a good combat set. I strongly urge you to NOT ignore your social and academic abilities. They have already served you incredibly well, and you will continue to find opportunities to use them.

Make sure that you have been annotating your essence and willpower expenditures thus far, Broken Heron especially. It's been kind of 'off the record' since the beginning of the game, since I wanted this to go smoothly, but I trust each and every one of you to have your characters' essence reserve to be where it should be. You may very well be depending on it soon.

As always, your experience can be found in the Experience thread. You can only spend experience by PMing me and letting me know where and how you're spending it. So far, no one has spent any of their old experience, so I'll add the new experience to what's still there.
Mmmh.. Incoming Hunt, we can't move the whole convoy quickly and it's not nice to leave Fang's men in the hands of the Immaculates.

50 people is big....

Probably Saph and BH may create some diversion and at least split the Hunt while the guys with the bigger guns defend the convoy and escape.

As par the suggestion from xarvh, and much deliberation from myself i have updated the visual reference for Lost Mountain, currently availble for your veiwing pleasure in the new Lost Mountain character post.
Dude, awesome pic! So, you should tweak your character a bit to bring that wicked looking axe into actual combat. :-D

Sorry for being afk for the last few days. In addition to the ongoing computer restrictions at home, it's the beginning of a new semester, so things have been a bit hectic. I'll try to keep up a but better on the weekends, but for now it seems that the middle of the week is when I'm most likely to post (oddly enough). If I'm holding things up by my absence, Aurethius can go ahead and post for me.
Alright! Everyone was fully rested at the beginning of Act 2, when we all woke up. It was about 0600 in the morning when you woke up, 0620 when Broken Heron released Jorune, and it is 0700 now as our intrepid adventures begin to realize that a group of 50 Imperial soldiers are on their way to the caves.

Since that time, the only use of 'powers' we saw was a Willpower point spent by Miss Fang, and a total of 2 willpower and 38 essence (both peripheral and personal) spent by Broken Heron. I'll make this easy for everybody, especially considering I stated earlier that while we were working in dramatic time, I told you not to worry too much about your essence expenditures, and I won't punish you for using the full extent of your abilities for the sake of the storyline.

Miss Fang, who has been dutifully 'uncovering the secrets of the past', in keeping with her motivation', has easily regained her willpower.

Broken Heron on the other hand, whose motivation is to broker peace among the nations of the threshhold, most certainly does NOT feel like his recent actions have brought any peace. Quite the opposite. However, Xarvh was honorable enough to realize that his actions would bring him closer to a limit break. In a sense, he's 'taking responsibility personally' for releasing Jorune, and the movement towards his limit break is the 'dot' equivalent of his character feeling guilt, anger and shame for his actions. He receives one point of willpower back.

As only Broken Heron has spent any Essence (and a whole lot), and not much time has passed since then, he has 20 Peripheral and 8 personal left right now. He won't regain any until he has time to rest.Broken Heron has his anima under control right now, but any more essence expenditures will have the effect as described on page whatever of the core rulebook.

Also, I want to give cyl and H@B the chance to post for their characters before I do. I know they're busy, but I think they might find the time. I won't let too much time pass before I act for them.

I take we don't recover WP with the morning Conviction roll, which is fine with me but entails some important strategy considerations. =)

BH should have enough Essence to distract the Hunt and live to tell the tale.
I like having players regain willpower by working toward their motivations, and by doing something that would naturally have a person feel more confident in themselves. Roleplaying in this game will do far more for your characters, stat-wise, than paltry experience points. Like I keep harping, I reward players for roleplaying, writing and creativity.
Remember folks, the 'Meanwhile' posts about Yu-Shan and the Imperial Scale are purely for your reading enjoyment, and to bring depth to the story. Keep your OOC knowledge in check, and have your characters operate with the knowledge they are specifically given. If Broken Heron and anyone else thinks its a full on Hunt thats coming toward them, have them act as if thats the case! I know none of you are cheaters, but it can be temptin to have your characters act appropriately, even if they don't know all the details!
No, prob, we're definitely panicked and overdoing already... =)

Btw, if you guys want to go with the avalanche, it's not problem for BH.

He's got Dodge Charms! =)
I'm getting a good laugh out of this. So many Exalted players have been traumatized by Terrestrials. They think that any time they're spotted, every bad guy within a hundred miles is going to come after them.

Solars have a reputation for being terrible and unstoppable warriors, and the Immaculate Teachings have only strengthened the fear of Solars. Sometimes, the reputation works against them. Sometimes, it helps.
All other Solars at the camp were watching the mountain that Broken Heron had ascended with earnest, considering causing a landslide. All of them saw him make that sudden, unexpected turn toward the scale of imperial soldiers, and no one could deny the sight of Broken Heron's anima on full burn. You cannot see the actions of the Scale itself, as there is a small hill in the way, the one Sapphire climbed that allowed her to see Roginn's message and the Scale.

From these facts, its up to you how your characters interpret events. A short sprint up that hill will let you see exactly what is going on.

To make things easier, lets have each and every Solar make a Join Battle roll. I think Broken Heron is in a bit of trouble, thanks to me. I will roll and act for Cyl, and get Miss Fang moving.
I was having a look at LM's sheet, just to see what we have on the plate when it comes to mass combat.

Licurgo, LM is the only PC in the Circle competent in mass combat, so I would suggest you to pick Melee Infinite.

(Ability) Infinite is especially nasty in mass combat, because the limit of 1 charm per action does not apply, effectively raising your dicepool by 6.

Now, it would be lame to change charms just for this situation, but if you had that charm we could be charging them head on 3 vs 51 and win without a scratch (LM with an army made of Saph* and BH!)

Just saying... =)

*I just realized that it's not nice to write Saph's name as an acronym... :mrgreen:
Heh, I think I failed to give Broken Heron Sapphire's proper intro. (Which generally would go, HI I'm Azure Sapphire Star, my friends call me Sapphire, Saph, or Azure. But never call me Star xD )
A Solar's anima doesn't make him more susceptible to ranged attacks as far as the rules go, that'd be awful. You are more visible with it on, but yes xarvh, BH does have his anima under control. As long as your emotions and your essence expenditure are under your command, you can dampen it just like the rules tell you you can.

Lost Mountain's character is still in a 'fluid' state. He can still reorganize his character sheet as he sees fit, considering that he had to come in late, and take over a character that was built by someone else, who I'm sure had very different things in mind for the future build. :wink:

Don't forget about the Mercury Ants, Jarod the wolf or Jubal, whose Join Battle I will roll soon. I'll post here tomorrow with actions and all that, so take today to consider possible strategies.

Broken Heron asked me about convenient fallen trees in a pm, but I'll post my response here. As far as scene-writing, the environment is fluid. Anything that would logically exist is acceptable for you to create, so a fallen tree near Broken Heron is totally possible. Remember to make it realistic though. Trees in the North are 100% coniferous, meaning bristly Pine trees, evergreens, fir trees, cedars, mostly trees with comparatively thin trunks and lots of irritating branches, a big pain to climb. A tree that falls in the North likely did so because of a windstorm, and how recently it fell determines how dead the tree itself is. If its been a long while, much of the pine needles will have fallen off, leaving just thin branches, but this takes a very long time (think about how long the classic Christmas Tree stays green in your typical home, but remember that some christmas trees are chemically treated to stay green. I don't know how many of you are city folk and have never cut your own christmas tree). If it was more recent, then the needles would be even pricklier now that they're browned and dying. Trees that were knocked over by a windstorm would have to be rather small, probably not a Cedar which are pretty meaty things, very wide trunks as opposed to pines and such. Whatever you have planned for a fallen tree xarvh, keep these facts in mind.

And the (so far) order of battle is posted here right now for my convenience, don't worry about it just yet.

Dexten: 7

45: 5

Miss Fang: 4

LM: 3

Nkem: 3

Sapph: 2

BH: 1

Ed's Fang: 1
Yeah, LM and Saph to the rescue!

Let's surround them!

BH is just waiting for the dramatically inevitable avalanche. =)

(Ok AS, I will leave out the Star =P )
Hey guys, I'm still on the move at the moment, but am sporadically reading what's going on (ST, as always, I'm very much impressed :) ) and would just suggest Alaura's behavior for the coming skirmish.

She won't leave her followers unless knocked unconscious.

She will most likely use her firewand to burn anyone in range trying to harm either an exalt or a mortal.

She will suggest taking everyone back to the tunnel (where the soldiers can't count on their numbers), using the ants to widen the tunnel entrance a bit for the carts and beast to come in (screw the tents... they're replacable) and closing the entrance as other exalts are delaying the army.

While in the heart of the mountain, we would gain some time and would probably find a way through the mountain (using more ants if needed) back to the land, and go to a port from there.

On another note: I'll be back home on friday; so I should be able to post from there :)

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