[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

xarvh said:
Aurethius said:
I have no idea how to create subforums, and I can't find a guide on this site to do so. Maybe somebody who's been here longer can tell me where to find that.
'Think we have to ask Haku.
I can do diz, just name the sub forums and I'll create them :)
The asshole casually destroyed BH's weapon, offered as a gesture of trust.

With the incoming Wyld Hunt BH is toothless, so he's offsetting the loss.
The most sensible thing to do, for us, is to get as well equipped as we can before the Hunt gets us.

Matters of honor, compassion, respect can prevent our PCs from doing the most sensible thing.

However, when those motivations hold no more, simple pragmatic planning comes back to priority.
That's true, but gathering allies can be another way of getting equipped before the Wyld Hunt shows up. Of course, in this case turning dude into an ally is probably way too resource intensive to be worth it.

I still say we send this guy running back to the Wyld Hunt with the message of "holy crap, Deathlord!" then run away while they're soiling themselves. Perhaps we can...embroider the truth a bit, to make them think the threat is a bit more immanent than it actually is. :-D
We should also probably omit the part where we let him go. Even if we say "we were tricked," it still bad for the image (I'd rather be loved than feared, but I'd rather be feared than considered incompetent). Maybe we should come up with some huuuuuge enemy force that we tried to overcome, but which succeeded at setting him free before we could stop them, despite our best efforts. >.>
I kept bouncing around with how Dexten should react to Broken Heron. It really helps giving your NPC's motivations that they hold to, but you have to decide HOW they operate with those motivations. A person may love their country, but WHY? Do they love it because they want to come back to it? If so, then they want to survive so they can return to it someday. Do they love it because of what it is? If so, then maybe they will sacrifice themselves with the knowledge that it continues on.

I'm surprised that Broken Heron took this emotional turn myself. I figured he was someone who would have more self-control, especially when Diplomacy was something he was working toward.

Dexten may have surrendered himself, but that does not mean he's willing to be nice and have friendly words with his captors. From his point of view, which definitely appears to be the classic Terrestrial Immaculate Philosophy twinged with a desire to survive, and an even stronger desire to see his people survive, he fully expected to be killed by the Solars.

And thank you for your offer of help Cyl. I'd like to get a subform for: Backstories, Character Sheets and Previous Acts. That might clear things up a bit.

And I'm glad all of you are active in your backstories, gives me many opportunities to write and develop your characters!
BH has Temperance 1.

There are many reasons for him to take an hostile turn towards Dexten.

1. Practical. The armor allows Dexten to overcome easily anyone of us in single combat. That's a HUGE liability for a prisoner.

In fact, so far Dexten has proved to act as he pleases.

The very fact that he's willing to fight for the armor proves that we don't have the slightest control over him.

This is not a prisoner.

2. Practical. BH (just as he has been so far) is paranoid about the Wyld Hunt. Against a group of well-trained, well-equipped DBs we are dead meat, we need artifacts.

These two reasons would not be sufficient by themselves, as they were completely overshadowed by Dexten impressive selflessness.

Untill Mr Dexten managed, in a single move, to obtain the following:

3. Destroy BH weapons: BH is unable to effectively help the Circle in combat (I don't see him using only the left gauntlet with the offhand penalty).

4. Acting with total disregard to the valued possessions of someone else, destroying them for no reason whatsoever.

5. Spitting on the trust and respect offered with said possessions.

6. The only possible reason for this behavior is the Immaculate Philosophy, BH has an Intimacy against organized religions.

BH fully expected to go violent with him, the only reason he didn't is that there seems to be a bigger threat right now.
Ahh, I forgot about your Temperance and Intimacy.

But I clearly stated it was an accident! It really was, no tricks or anything, ST to player that was an accident.

Now that I realize that was your only weapon, it was really a dick move on my part to have that happen. So BH, the character, is totally justified in his anger, and it makes sense. :wink:
Yep, it was an accident.

In fact, should have Dexten apologized, BH would not have been so pissed.

This prisoner is definitely acting too cocky to be a prisoner.
Remember Mr. Diplomat, you've got to think of it from their shoes. What are his motivations? What is he thinking? How would your words, your actions, affect someone with a personality, history, beliefs like Dexten?
BH is not THAT kind of Eclipse.

He punches his way to diplomacy.

He tried already, and tried very hard, to be friendly.

In return, he got what he got.

If he has to beat someone to reduce him to more reasonable demeanor, so be it.

He did nothing else for all the prelude and fanfics.
The Eclipse have unique opportunities for being powerful fighters, especially with their ability to learn other charms and disciplines not normally available to your typical Solar, so the concept of BH as a brawler is believable.

Dexten isn't just BH's responsibility, even though he's the one who brought him back to the camp. The other characters will get a chance to interact with him, although you'll have to deal with these attackers first.

Now that everyone has had some chances to flex their mental and roleplaying wings, its time to see how you fare against some good ol fashioned bad guys. Take the opportunity to see how your charms really do in combat. Don't be a afraid to burn a little essence, but not too much.
Thing 1 rolled the following in his 6 dice:

5, 3, 8, 8, 1, 1

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.

Thing 2 rolled the following in his 6 dice:

4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 4

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in a botch. Heh...heeh.

Thing 3 rolled the following in his 6 dice:

8, 4, 8, 3, 8, 8

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.

Thing 4 rolled the following in his 6 dice:

2, 7, 4, 6, 10, 4

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 3 successes.

Dexten Thaird rolled the following in his 8 dice:

3, 10, 2, 7, 9, 10, 5, 9

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 7 successes.

Order of Battle


Tick Awesome: Dexten

Tick 0: Lost Mountain

Tick 1: Sapphire, Thing in Camp

Tick 2: ???

Tick 3: Nkemdilim, Miss Fang, LM's Thing, Jubal, Merc Ant, Jarod

Tick 4: Broken Heron

Tick 5:

Tick 6: Sapph's Thing

Tick 7:

Tick 8:

Before anybody posts, let me post for Dexten.
Also, as we enter into what will likely be a grueling combat sequence, I want to ask all of you a question.

The next night your characters find rest, I want to see a dream sequence for each character. Preferably, (very preferably) it will be one about your Past Life. If you already have ideas for this kind of dream sequence, shoot them to me, I'd like to see what you're thinking, even if its not related to your past life. You have the option of writing (or at least advising) the dream sequence yourself, or I can write it for you, which is what will happen if you A) have no ideas for your dream sequence or B) would prefer to see what I have written.

The only player who does not have the option of writing his own dream sequence will be H@B. Sorry H@B, but your dream sequences are an important mechanic for me, and I'm going to control just about all of them, especially considering thats how you have, and will, receive visions on your fate and your goals. You CAN give me suggestions or things you want to see about your past life, of course, but your dreams specifically are mine to control.
i need to be careful here, Horatio might make me start using this dice roller the next time we table top, for some reason it makes me roll closer to average.
Hmm, not a bad idea. :-p

Edit: For the dream sequences, I do prefer to keep Nkemdilim viewed from the "outside," as it were. Peeks into his subconscious give too much of a glimpse of who he really is under the scarred exterior. Visions should be alright, though, since to a degree they're still external to him. Mostly, I'm not ready for people to see Nkem's human, flawed side. I haven't even decided if he has one. :-p

Edit Edit: Alianorah amuses me greatly.
No biggie. Reposting for convenience.

Order of Battle

Tick 0: Lost Mountain

Tick 1: Sapphire, Thing in Camp

Tick 2: ???

Tick 3: Nkemdilim, Miss Fang, LM's Thing, Jubal, Merc Ant, Jarod, Lost Mountain

Tick 4: Jarod, Broken Heron, Thing in Camp

Tick 5: Jubal

Tick 6: Sapphire, Sapph's Thing, ???, Miss Fang

Tick 7: Nkemdilim

Tick 8:

Tick 9: Jubal

Tick 10:
If you're having trouble visualizing these monsters, check this out. Replace the skull with a tombstone, and there you go. Except for the bones on the surface. You get the idea.


It looks like Cyl might still be occupied with his vacation. I'll post for him tomorrow, if he doesn't write something by then.
I used size=60 to get the smaller text for dice rolls and OOC information. I'm trying to find a way to make the plethora of numbers less of a possible eyesore.

LM took 1 HL of bashing damage, Nkemdilim took 2. Next up is Broken Heron. I'll post in your backstory threads tomorrow, I need sleep.

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