[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Aurethius, would you give us some guidelines for the stunts?

Also, size 60, I cannot read it.

I work at the computer already and it's a pain for my eyes. =(

I usually put everything in a code or quote block because then it's really easy for the brain to single it out.

H@B, flare Zenith anima!

Cool monsters, btw...
Are we sure we're doing the combat math right?

It should be:

Roll accuracy on attack: Subtract DV from successes. If result is less than 1, attack misses.

Add any successes in excess of 0 to the base damage of the weapon and the character's strength. This is the raw damage.

Subtract the target's Soak value from the raw damage. This is post-soak damage.

If post-soak damage < character's essence, then the character's essence is rolled as damage dice (or the raw damage is rolled, if it is less than the character's essence). If the character has an overwhelming weapon, its overwhelming value is used in place of their essence if it is greater than their essence.

If post-soak damage > character's essence, then all of the post-soak damage is rolled as dice. 10s do not count double. The resulting number of successes is the amount of damage the person takes.

It seems like we've been neglecting to add attack successes to the damage and we've been subtracting soak from the damage successes instead of from the damage dice.
H@B, if you have 7 in the dicepool, you can go for 1 automatic success.

Pag 124 of the core.

Also, stunts are terribly important even when you have a huge dicepool, because they give you Essence back!
Well, one success might not be enough. These things might have 2 Essence. >.>

(Of course, even if I'd failed the +8L soak probably would have saved my bacon anyway).
Are we waiting on me? If so I'll post later tonight.

I've been fighting flu so I've not been paying close attention to things. ><
Hey everybody, currently posting from another country. I will be locking down the game until further notice. Give me about a month to get settled in, and then we can get rolling again. I hope none of you decide you want to end your involvement in this game during this short time. I might be able to get stable connectivity sooner than a month, but its doubtful. My unit had us leave a month early, I had been planning on the downtime for October, when we were supposed to leave, but here I am in Kuwait, so... damn. Sorry folks, there was no way to plan for something this unexpected, its very rare for the Army to do to me, but I WILL be back! Just hang in there, and don't forget about your characters!
Wow, dude...well, safe moving! Hmm...maybe we can cook up a few side-projects while you're gone. Anyone have any ideas for what they'd like to do? I think a quick run-through of a combat would be very helpful to get people settled into the rules. Oh! I'd love to play out a thread as Lost Mountain's squad in the battle with the Tepet legions. Anyone interested?
I'm currently fighting a dying router without a new one for atleast a week. ^^ So good luck on your move. I'll be here and wait for the game to continue. At least assuming I get a new router ^^
Sorry, not much time to post again. I really don't think I will be out of the loop for longer than 2 or 3 weeks, so hang in there until then.
Wow, Aurethius, are you in the military? Oo

Well, my best for your relocation!

H@B, I'm open for any side project.

(Shall we close somehow the marriage debate?)

BH needs LM help for some training.
Oh, sorry! It seemed like "and BH passes out" was a pretty good close, so I thought we were done with it. :-p

So, any ideas on how we might do the side project? A group of heroic mortals? A group of regular mortals, for the lols? How do we want to run it? Would one of us temp-ST?
I can definitely temp-ST, but depends about what.

Much like the marriage debate I'd suggest to do some sort of parody, so that we can mess up the storyline without Aurethius killing us...


First-Age Birthday Party for the previous incarnation of Alaura?

The PCs answering fanmail (written by the other players?)

Nkemdilim (or Jubal!!) giving the other PCs cooking lessons?
I would be highly amused by a Jubal cooking show. "Cooking in Malfeas, Bam! that easy!"

I'm interested in getting a look at Lost Mountain's experience with the Bull of the North. Also, it would be good to get a combat example in without charms before we throw on the full complexity.
We should remake some fairy tale: http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20081121

Mmmh, Little Red Riding Hood, with our PCs and an Exalted twist? =)

Think of the possibilities!!

In order of appearance:

Mother: Alaura


Wolf: Nkem (Jubal? Alianorah? =)

Granny: BH

Hunter: Saph

Knock knock.

BH: "Who knocks at my door?"

Nk: "Open, foul Anathema!"

BH: "I didn't expect some sort of Wyld Hunt!"

Nk, chorus "NOBODY expects the Wyld Hunt!"

LOL... There we go on the slippery Monty Python slope... :mrgreen:
I kinda liked the freeing of Jorune and its particular "evil deadesque" feel...

- whatever it is it's dangerous... we should try to...


- ... :?

- What ?! that's what we were here for isn't it ? :mrgreen:

Earth shatters and end of the world is coming

- ... uh... oops :oops:

- yeah...oops ! :|
Well, to be fair, there's no way we could have predicted that Jorune was a Deathlord. A Solar, we were beginning to suspect, and certainly more than he seemed. But the evidence was as much for "A bunch of Solars cruelly locked this admittedly pretty evil guy up for their own inscrutable purposes" as it was for "this guy is really powerful and was trapped here." Well, I suppose we could have reasoned it out from the strange inconsistencies, but we didn't even have a reason to think that this guy was even important. For all we knew, he was just a key to whatever actually was important. At least, that's what Nkemdilim was thinking.
I'm availible for things, its been a rough week or so i haven't had a lot of time to put much effort forth in anything outside of work, if there is something you need just let me know, and i'll do what i can
If the others are not feeling inspired, I'd like to have BH ask LM to spar for him, he desperately needs some Wits training (and I know how to do it).

But since I played already a one-on-one with H@B, I'd prefer to see if we have other options before.
Just wanted you to know I'm back home and will be operational again on monday :mrgreen:
Hey guys, I'm safe and well. Yes, I'm in the American Army, I'm in Kuwait now. I have no access to my books, but I DO have decent access to the internet here. I won't have regular access to my books for another 20 or so days, and I wouldn't feel comfortable starting the game bookless. I can, however, continue our backstories without the books, since we can just roleplay those without need for rules.

I should've warned you guys that I might get pulled around, being in the Army, but I genuinely thought I had a few more weeks before I was going to get deployed. They sent me and a few others early without much warning, thus my emergency stop.

And I did something wrong with the combat math I did in our most recent scene. I hate that I had to leave things in such an ugly situation, especially with my embarassing attempt at the combat stuff. Ugh.

In any case, please bear with me. I'll try and do some posting in your backstories later today. Take care!!

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