[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Important Announcement

I have achieved internet AND book access MUCH earlier than anticipated. With this in mind, I want to continue the IC thread immediately. There WILL be delays to my posts, but I don't think they will be extreme.

What I need from you is a correction on me. I realize that I goofed some of the combat math in my last few posts, and I need a simplified breakdown of what I did wrong, and how to fix it. The sooner somebody puts me in my place, the sooner we can get this ball rolling again.

Thanks in advance.
Eep well that's good for you, bad for me. I've been in dead depressed no write-y land. I'll attempt responses as they are needed for game movement but blah ><
Aurethius: Exalted mechanics are horribly complicated, if you're not able to follow it all it just means that you are a normal human being with a decent social life! =P

As long as the game and the events make sense and don't disrupt the plans of the PCs, screwing with the mechanics is not a problem the slightest.

I for one have no complains about your running of the mechanics.

Myllinnia: Hope your bad mood does not go beyond Exalted. =)

Maybe you could have Saph Limit Break (she may have built up Limit before the game) and you could play her all moody/bitchy/whatavery and exploit your current negative vibe.
Ok so here are a few guidelines for combat in pbp.

1- do not separate the Tracking of time from the combat thread.

It helps having more visibility about who does what, and when.

What I do ? : at the end of each action passed (be they from npcs or players, I make the tick clock go further)


T0: A (player)

T2: B (npc)

T3: C/D (players).

First post: A attacks B

Second post: ST indicates stunt dice and DV & soak

Third post: A resolves his attack & roll damage if successful

Fourth post: B (ST) attacks

etc etc

So let's say A has a speed 5 attack and B a speed 4 attack, after the resolution after the 4th post I write down the new timing:

T3: C / D

T5: A

T6: B

And keeping it rolling.

2- proceed by order: if many characters act on the same tick, classify them by Dex/Wits+Awareness (the quicker being the first).

3- force players to give you the following infos after each of their attacks / defense:

stats of the attacks: spd acc dmg rate range

current DV considering all penalties if any

current mote reserve: perso/periph

current willpower reserve.

I usually mark this with a


This also helps me going easier / harder on the players when I have to (as everyone knows, all STs cheat, that's why they are STs :lol: ) when an exalt is doing something really crazy/stoopid, or when I feel that if he can get the upper hand quickly he will die shortly. But this rarely happens.

4- Proceed by strict order of resolution: mixing everyone in the same post sure helps speed up the game, but it can be a bit confusing (especially when people fight in different places at the same time), I usually proceed by the order written in 2-. Everyone waits their turn, it sure takes a bit longer, especially in pbp, but there is no room for confusion.

Those would be my pbp STing tips regarding combat :wink:
xarvh said:
Aurethius: Exalted mechanics are horribly complicated, if you're not able to follow it all it just means that you are a normal human being with a decent social life! =P
As long as the game and the events make sense and don't disrupt the plans of the PCs, screwing with the mechanics is not a problem the slightest.

I for one have no complains about your running of the mechanics.

Myllinnia: Hope your bad mood does not go beyond Exalted. =)

Maybe you could have Saph Limit Break (she may have built up Limit before the game) and you could play her all moody/bitchy/whatavery and exploit your current negative vibe.
Awww, But Saph being as bad as my mood would be bad :P Considering I always like to play the most lighthearted I can be... and yet depression strikes them all. Well save Saph so far, she's been lucky so far... oh wait... Rogrinn perished... she'll be pissed to hear this when/if she ever finds out. (So mayhaps I need to channel this for that when/if it happens xD ) Well I'm a bit on the better side of things today so let's see if I can do something constructive instead of glaring at the phone muttering 'Call me Darn it! Give me an interview :P ' I have a side story to post to and refresh what we were doing in main game.
Thank you cyl, I'll look at this more in-depth when I get the chance, probably later today (tomorrow morning for some of you). Getting my books and getting time to read them are two different things, I'm learning.
Okay, moved to Baghdad way ahead of schedule. Gonna be a bit more before book access comes back, had to pack them up. Guh.

Hang in there folks, don't leave the game!
Aurethius wanted me to let you know that he's having trouble accessing the patternspider site from where he's at. He's got internet access and can get to GiantITP just fine, but for some reason this site in particular is difficult for him to access.
Hmmm perhaps where he is accessing has something against places like Patternspider. (I recently installed an Antivirus program that said that I shouldn't visit this site for its oddly themed Occult genre xD )
This sucks... Can we reroute him here from somewhere else?

If he can use ssh I probably can set up for him to access patternspider from another server.
I'm sure there are ways to do it. IP rerouters, IP maskers, silly odd trickery programs exist, but I don't use them, haven't had need to, cause when I was faced with this way back when, it was on a ship and I could have lived in a Brig for many years perhaps xD

Anyway there has to be a way, I'm just not privvy of them much less why he can't actually reach Patternspider, he's in the Military though and I know they are harsh on what one can view. >>
Maybe he can just ask nicely to have patternspider removed from the blacklist.

If he has an ssh client I have an static IP from which he can use a browser.

Or maybe I can just reroute port 80 to patternspider... never tried but could be fun to.
Myllinnia said:
He's in the Military though and I know they are harsh on what one can view. >>

But I was able to get personal internet, so they can go bugger themselves. I sent a review request ticket to the folks who 'manage what we can see' on the public internet terminals here, but for now I have limited connectivity. It's connectivity nonetheless.

Thank you for your suggestions xarvh, but the military frowns on IP Masking, rerouters, or anything that subverts their ability to 'monitor me for my safety'. :D

I'm good now, and safe. Made it okay. Gimme a week to find a rhythm and maybe, MAYBE, I can get the thrice-damned IC thread started back up!

Glad to hear you're okay. Don't worry about us, we're addicts you know, the more you make us wait, the better we will feel when you come back :wink:
Aurethius said:
Thank you for your suggestions xarvh, but the military frowns on IP Masking, rerouters, or anything that subverts their ability to 'monitor me for my safety'. :D
Oh, there are two white collars knocking at my door.

One of them looks like Agent Smith.

I'm sure it's good news! =)

cyl said:
Glad to hear you're okay. Don't worry about us, we're addicts you know, the more you make us wait, the better we will feel when you come back :wink:
*twitches and drools.*

More! MORE!

Horatio's out for a few days. I promise all of you this, as soon as Horatio is back, and posts, and says Okay Guys I am Back, then we shall resume the IC Thread!

I need to make sure I do the math on combat dice correctly. Please double-check my work, as I can get easily confused with the combat system. I have some cheat sheets, but numbers aren't my thing. Just a heads up.

Is everyone else doing okay? I don't have as much free time, I work 12 hours so I get a little time before I need to sleep. You guys doing alright? I feel so out of the loop here.
I'm doing pretty fine myself, holidays were a dream, coming back was a nighmare.

Nobody likes to see his mama crying because you leave... again... and then we had a week without server at work... but I got to visit NYC :)

I might be able to traduce an easy step by step aid for combat resolution for Exalted... but it was in french ^^
I'm just recovering from an international kitchen party... I have leftovers for the next month.
I honestly should move Sapphire's thread >> But dang do I feel lost by it. I will attempt to work on it once I kill the problems that have caused my own game's movement issue ^^
Welcome back H@B!

Myll, it's normal to feel uninspired, you can't always write the perfect post.

Sometimes you just push things along until you're struck again by inspiration.

Now, let's get back to some serious gaming, Acrotomo has some 1300 posts half of which is noise made in the OOC thread!
Yes, let's bloody do this! IC Thread Reopened Immediately!! Give me a moment to work out our current order of battle and get things settled.

Now, someone explain to me what the 'Stunt' issue is. I've never really got it. You guys get to add one bonus success for at least describing the attack, and two for working hard on it, and once in a while I can tell you that you get three, right?

And then there's something about stunts giving you Essence or Willpower back or something? I must've completely missed this in the rules, which is possible.

H@B, your use of Iron Skin Concentration is quite successful!

Sapphire and Miss Fang may act next, then I'll have the monsters act.

Tick 0: Lost Mountain

Tick 1: Sapphire, Thing in Camp

Tick 2: ???

Tick 3: Nkemdilim, Miss Fang, LM's Thing, Jubal, Merc Ant, Jarod, Lost Mountain

Tick 4: Jarod, Broken Heron, Thing in Camp, Jubal

Tick 5:

Tick 6: Sapphire, Sapph's Thing, ???, Miss Fang, LM's Thing

Tick 7: Nkemdilim, Thing in Camp, Jarod, Broken Heron

Tick 8: Jubal

Tick 9:

Tick 10:
Welcome back, Au!

I'm still not very used to have you in European time! =)

A cool description or idea of the scene should grant a 1-stunt.

A really cool description or idea that also make use of the scenery is a 2-stunt.

Something where you scream AWESOME and you don't doubt for a second is not 3, is a 3-stunt.

Each stunt gives back essence equal to twice its ranking.

A 3-stunt gives the option to forfeit the essence recover in place for a WP.

As a ST, i personally think that the 3-stunt is something that deserves an experience point.
Oh, well that sounds fine. I think you all are mature enough to know when you've written a One stunt and when its a real 2 Stunt. I'll tell you if its a three stunt, probably because I'll be writing AWESOME.

Now, how do you all feel about having individual experience awarded for stuff like this? Is that kosher with everyone? Not just for stunts, but maybe for special achievements or things that stand out...

I have my doubts about the concept, personally. I'd rather award the TEAM, not the individual, but I'm up for votes, either way!

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