[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Broken Heron is currently flying high above the treetops. The trees in this area, being conifers, don't have many branches near the middle, but once they get a little taller, they fan out into great big vision-blockers covered in snow. You have a pretty good eye on your target, but you'll be bursting through frost-covered branches to complete your aerial death attack. You cannot see any further details than what I have described. If you feel this is incorrect, please let me know why.

H@B is going to be back soon. I will wait until he gets the chance to post.

Let me put this question out there for you all.

Is anyone present interested in joining another Exalted game? H@B is running a game on the Giants in the Playground website. I'm one of the players, as well as two others. We've lost two players over time, and we'd like to bring in some people soon. If anyone would enjoy having a smooth transition into a thrilling and well-thought out game (far more than this one :wink: ) and be able to play with H@B and I, players that you know, please let me or Horatio know. We'll be more than happy to bring you into the fold.
Juuuuust wait for it, Horatio will post, I believe in him.

In other news, if yall are getting antsy, remember that your backstories are still there, and even if you don't want to post in them, you can still share ideas with me, or make plans, or tell me something that you'd like to see in the future.
Sorry about my long absence! For some reason, I haven't been receiving email updates of this game, so I didn't realized that it had picked back up yet. Life has kind of kicked me in the teeth lately, so I just now got around to thinking to check it manually. I'll post at once so that the game can get moving again!
Aurethius, does our friend have some sort of castemark or anima banner?

(It's my understanding that, per echos of absence, cyl is knocked out by a record fever... =( )
Ahh, sorry xarvh I should've thought to mention this.

The woman, curiously enough, has no marks upon her forehead! None. No dried blood, not even dead skin. Other than a generally pallid and drained appearance, there is nothing to be seen there.
Damn it... she's a proxy.

Two options there: she's possessed by spells and we can't do a thing if it's necromancy (I'll try casting emerald countermagic... just in case, or she's possessed, and... we might be able to perform...

***bows down and rises head slowly with a candle hat and a torch light under the chin***

...AN EXORCISM !!! :twisted:
LOL exalted exorcism!

"You wicked spirit, I kick your ass out of this body!" :mrgreen:

I was going to suggest Touch of Blissful Release, but you are the smart one here!

And BTW, I wanted BH to update all you guys on what he hears, but then again it could be more useful to continue the proxy wiretapping! =)
Compassion 3, Temperance 1, negative intimacies against the dead... I think you won't even get a chance to tell Alaura there's some wiretapping to do, she'll just try to purge the woman out of the creepy things that's inside her.

I think I'm going to need to raise her Temperance by the way... minimum to 3.
By any means, have your move, BH has no idea of what's happening and will be completely swept off by Alaura... =)
As I said I'm going to let the guys react to the situation first since Alaura's been last on site.
I would like to begin the next Act with a dream sequence for each player. I believe I've mentioned something about this before...

For Nkemdilim, I will be writing it for him, though any guidance or preferences are still more than welcome H@B.

For the rest if you, if you have any input or if you would like to write it yourself, let me know. Otherwise, I will write out your dream sequence. I would prefer that it be a single post. If you want it to be an interactive dream, than this is something we can do over PM now that we can post in a single block once the time comes.

Also, as the game becomes less and less linear as time goes on (which it is about to do), I will be looking harder at the personal goals you have outlined for your characters, as well as their motivations. I will be providing possibilities to meet some of those goals, but it is up to the circle how those goals are achieved, if at all.

Some of my Storyteller Goals for the next Act are as follows.

Determine a general direction for the Circle.

Establish a 'heirarchy' among the Circle. Who leads? Who makes decisions on what matters?

See the players talk to each other, actually interact. The chance hasn't been there yet, as I've been keeping things fast-paced, but I think the time is right for such an opportunity.

Those are the ones I want to share with you right now.

Thoughts? Opinions? Input?
I'm going to write my own dream...

Hierarchy... Both as Xarvh and as BH I'd vote for Alaura, when she's not reckless she's the only one that knows what's going on.

Concerning BH's motivation, he will intervene should any major or minor conflict ensue in the area.

Said that, I don't mind more random ass-kicking, and I'd be perfectly fine with pursuing Jorune.

The PCs have barely met, probably we should focus more on the actual narration and less on the side details.
I think he means we need to know each other a bit more and to keep the group on a linear progression with some downtime to get to know each other.

Setting us free while we've just met 2 days ago, and aren't socially or mystically tied together isn't the most logical choice from a RP point of view.

We're young, we're young exalts, we don't know half of the essential things we should know, so letting us choose a path is a bit premature IMHO.

We obviously did a good job at interacting with each other and bonding, but I think we need more experience to become a real circle.

As for leadership, I'd be more in favor of a voting system.

Every one has a say, and we vote with the elements the circle has gathered, but the vote of the guy in charge of a caste "aspect" (dawn = war, zenith = right action and realm building, twilight = digging up old stuff, night = dealing with criminal activities, eclipse = external affairs) counts twice.

What I'd like to set up with the guys as players is : what type of circle are we going to be ? The traveling one, always on the road looking to fix the world one town at a time, or the Realm Building team, establishing a power base and expanding it ?

We could also do both, power base + some solos / multi going away for some time of the year.

I think that's the main decision we have to take.

Personally, Alaura's built for both. She's a tomb raider, and a lady with an estate so she's quite flexible.
Thanks cyl for making my point more clear. =)

Even if our PCs have bonded, they have not yet committed to work together or have any compelling reason to do so.

While BH is definitely the traveler type, I would prefer avoiding any solos.
I don't mind letting you write my dream sequence. I'm looking forward to getting a glimpse to whatever it is that Nkem's been following all this time.

Here's one special request, though. Could we say that this has some elements of a recurring dream and work it into my background story too? Perhaps Nkem's been having this dream for years, but gets more and more information each time he has it, or perhaps it's a series of dreams that all relate to each other.

As for the direction of the group, I think our first priority will be to avoid the Wyld Hunt. We've attracted a bit too much attention here, and it would probably be wise to fall back and regroup for a while.

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