[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Licurgo : actually I think the Zenith wants you to fight his blood ape to test your might... :lol:
yeah, i vaugely remember that from before my time, but my intention was purely personal, I've known H@B for such a long time the banter was bound to start sooner or later.
HoratioAtTheBridge said:
Aurethius, would it be possible to find a 1st Circle Demon who knew a few Shadowlands Circle Necromancy spells?
I'll quote the White and Black Treatise here.

Demons, like gods, are too fundamentally bound

to their masters’ natures to use necromancy. The Yozis

are not of Creation, for they hate it and it hates them,

but the Essence of a world created by their siblings’

deaths—that is even more discordant with their wills.

Still, that does not mean no demon ever learns necromancy.

Demonkind varies widely, and even in ruin, the

Primordials can give their spawn almost any aptitude

they desire. Iminios, Last of What Crawls Beneath, and

Wrent, the Centurion of Loss, Messenger Soul of the

Last of What Crawls Beneath, both wield necromancy,

and potently.

There you have it, the answer is "Certainly". Now! This is short notice, so I'll have to invent a couple that either Nkemdilim or Miss Fang (the characters with the most Occult) can remember based on the demon's Obsurity rating. If you had a demonology book (which you do not) this would be easier. Keep this in mind for the future. Unless one of you all would like to volunteer and create one, I am making two types of 1st Circle Demon that can use necromancy.

Sound good?

The first is called a Hoffthelshet. Progeny of Volshkar-gann, a 2nd Circle Demon known for tempered emotions and cold calculations, the Hoffthelshet are known for their quiet observations and a great capacity to complete tedious jobs with no problem. The Hoffthelshet appear as small, crooked and wrinkly little imps, standing about 4 feet tall. They have wide eyes with lids that are eternally drooped halfway down, but they are far from sleepy. They quietly watch all around them, taking in details. Despite this awareness, the Hoffthelshet do not act. In fact, it is nearly impossible for an unattended Hoffthelshet to do anything except watch the world around it. Once given an order, they will do their best to complete the task, and will never forget a single line of instruction until the job is complete. Sadly, their physical weakness and size prevents them from using this ability to any use.

That is why the Hoffthelshets were taught the ability to raise and control the discarded corpses of the living. In this way, a Hoffthelshet may improve his own usefulness and attention to detail by amplifying it through the mindless dead he may control. Their sorcerous power is very basic, but it is enough to handle a myriad of Shadowlands Circle spells and necromantic knowledge. For the Hoffthelshet, Necromancy is simply a means to an end.

Ahh, this is the first one. I can crank out a second one tomorrow, I'm starting to fall asleep. By tomorrow a decision will be made about this, if you guys still want to summon a demon capable of necromancy for this issue.

Also, don't get mad, but I'm using my Steller powers to close that portal before you guys can go through. I'm not ready to allow you all to go into the Underworld just yet! :D
Actually if you have the RoGD II, demons have an obscurity trait that determines a difficulty on a Occult roll to determine if the character has ever heard / read about it and remembers the name of the demon to summon it.
Yes, but it can also be an automatic success. These may be somewhat rare types of demons, but they're still First Circle. I determine that you guys can remember 2-3, the third being one you invent, if you so choose.

Here is the second.


The Limpetsnell is the favored shock trooper of the 2nd Circle Demon Fortlithsnell, a demonic lieutenant hated more by his own kind than by the mortals of Creation who know of him. He counts on the fact that the spawn of the imprisoned Yozis both loathe and fear the concept of their deaths, and the deaths of the Neverborn. He delivers what makes other demons most uncomfortable right to them with the Limpetsnell. In any situation where one demon seeks power over another, especially on Creation where they wreak their greatest havoc, one would best consort with Fortlithsnell and his minions.

Limpetsnell thrive on making others uncomfortable, on finding whatever nerve bothers them most, and striking at it. Many spells in Shadowlands Circle Necromancy are capable of this, as death, decay and the reminder of one's own immortality are disconcerting to most any living creature. Demons are not accustomed to fighting the undead, and the reverse would be true, were it not for the Limpetsnell's clever control! The Limpetsnell study the weaknesses of their specific brethren and exploit them, much to Fortlithsnell's delight.

Ware the incautious summoner, for Limpetsnells are known to keep a tally of all weaknesses, especially those of the summoner! Should their will, or their guard, falter, and should that failure be seen as an opportunity by Fortlithsnell...

Anyway, there's your second kind of demon that you can recall. As I've said, if you want to invent your own, feel free, but both of these choices are available. Besides, if no one present knows, call in an expert!

And remember, you DO have a demon sitting right there, Jubal. He may not be the brightest of lights, but he might know some names among Malfeas. Demons willing to do a little work for the Solars, just like the old days. Maybe some betrayals too, but hey, 'just like the old days', right?


Be forewarned, I'm getting some kind of Baghdad bug right now, but I'll still be writing. Please allow me some time to work up the nerve to ask the admins here about getting some subboards in Acrotomo. I have to figure out what we need first anyway. Ugh.
Ugh...sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you get better soon.

Thanks for the info on the demons. If we can't deal with this ghost ourselves, we'll summon a Necromancer to deal with it for us. Necromancy, ironically enough, has some great abilities to fight against the undead.
Holes in the ground are well and good, but easy to notice and easier still to avoid, that why you use them to funnel the enemy to pitfall traps, after the obvious holes in the ground the cleaverly hid pitfalls between them are slightly more effective, and the tree tops hold the snow well to cover up the fact that they are there.
We make the holes, snow falls down, we lead the warstriders on the traps covered in snow.

We lost the last couple post in the IC thread.

Can anyone dig in their browser cache to see he can recover the posts?

Just looking for any file containing the word "blindfold" should find out cyl's post, but if you remember a specific word from Aurethius' post that would be better.
It's all good, I wanted to rewrite it anyway.

Characters wishing to may make a Lore Roll to make a guess at the size and strength of a Wyld Hunt that includes Three Warstriders. It will only be a guess. This may be an atypical Wyld Hunt!

Licurgo, combat with the Realm fits your Intimacy and your Motivation. Remember to factor that even though Lost Mountain may see the wisdom in fleeing a full-fledged Wyld Hunt, his own grudge against them, and ultimate goal of exterminating their presence in the North, might make him take it a bit too far. Something for you to consider! :D

Remember, nobody has Awareness Charms. If Lost Mountain takes off and gets in a little too deep because he wants some Realm Blood, is anyone going to realize it? He has Jarod and the Mercury Ants with him, yes, but they are still only spirits.
I dunno if it was clear to you all, but Miss Fang will team up with Lost Mountain to delay the Hunt. She's going to the camp to tell them to hurry and will be just one step behind the dawn.
Okay, Miss Fang, Lost Mountain, Jarod and the Twins are moving toward the Wyld Hunt to delay them.

Nkemdilim is fixing up the caravan so that it can leave. Dexten Thaird is there, and offered to help for some reason.

Broken Heron plans to go up to the Hill, but Miss Fang is asking Broken Heron to go with Lost Mountain.

Sapphire's actions have yet to be described, but I am assuming she is helping Nkemdilim as best she can.

I will also assume that Jubal is doing the same, unless Nkemdilim wants him to go with the 'Ambush Party'.

Is this all correct?
Cyl, I'm not sure what do you want BH to do (stick with the caravan or with Alaura and LM?) and in any case I'm not sure it's a good idea.

I've recently given up the idea of having an Eclipse without Presence (socialize turns out to be largely useless) so no Archery for BH.

Since he has been recently disarmed, what remains is dodging and running, the best option is for him to go buy some time for LM and Alaura to place the traps, and force the Hunt to prevent or counter the avalanche.
The Art of War 101: if he can't see you and is shot at from multiple directions, the ennemy will be confused...

Doesn't matter if you hit or not, point is, shoot and run :wink:
"Multiple directions" is a bad substitute for "two diretcions".

If you want BH can take a bow and improvise a few shots, but sticking together seems not a smart idea.

Maybe they don't even know we're here, and unlikely they know how many of us are here.

If the don't know how many people are they after, chances are that will have the big guns chase the confirmed Solar and use the light guys to scout the area.
I count on the confusion created by the holes. It's better if we're 3 shooters rather than 2.

Obviously we wouldn't be staying close to one another, the goal is to move as fast as possible to shoot at them from a different angle to give them the impression of being surrounded (monkey leap technique I love you :mrgreen: ).

Maybe they don't even know we're here, and unlikely they know how many of us are here.
... right, they just woke up this morning and said "let's go make a parade exercize with the warstriders in the woods just near the camp site of the solars". :lol:
May I remind you that they sent a few men after us and we have taken their leader prisoner... this is just the backup they're sending after having confirmed our presence here... and considering the firepower they're bringing, it won't matter to them if you're a solar, a mortal or a cow... they'll kill everyone and everything here just because they've been corrupted by the 'nathemaz... why else would they bring 3 warstriders ?
cyl, Dexten's soldiers would have never had the time to come back and mobilize such a huge hunt in a few hours... Three warstriders... what were they doing in such a useless town!?

Besides, the soldiers saw only BH and LM.

They must have been dispatched because of Jarod, not because of us.


BH will take bow and arrow, go up and try to lead them away.

If it does not work, we switch to disruption and Alaura and LM will join with the arrows.

In the meanwhile, we prepare the traps and carry away the people.

So please, have Alaura and LM reach position but stay covert as long as possible.

If we add one layer of deceptions, they will more easily buy the second one.

(aargh! Licurgo, next charm you buy is Melee Infinite! It means WIN in any mass combat!)
Or Dexten and his guys went to us as scouts and said "if we're not back in 1hour, mobilize big time".

Anyway, I'm cool with you covering up Alaura's followers :wink:
HoratioAtTheBridge said:
What if we attack the town? Will that make the big bad Wyld Hunt turn aside?
Like they gonna care about a few commoners when they have to hunt down demon kings... I strongly suggest you keep your demon with you, if not to cover the escape of the group at least as a living shield for you.

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