[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Eh... Alaura's not there to hear you say that... but she would strongly disagree hurting innocents to cover our tracks... hopefully she'll never hear from that.
Nkemdilim has no problem hurting innocents if they're not our innocents. He's not going to go out of his way to hurt other people, but when it comes down to rescuing the people under his protection he's willing to do an awful lot of awful stuff. Attacking the town is the most expedient way to get everyone under his protection away safely, assuming the Wyld Hunt takes the burning town as a sign of our presence. If the town doesn't like being in this position, well...they should put themselves under his protection.

Besides, Nkemdilim didn't order Jubal to go and kill people. He just ordered some property damage.
When I get out of the office tonight, I'll be giving you guys some Essence returns for the hard work you've been doing, and some willpower for working towards your motivations and staying in character.

I want to end this act, and begin the next act as the Wyld Hunt approaches. What I'd like to see from each of you, as you move off to your respective missions, is an 'Act-Ending' post. Broken Heron essentially made one. It's something like:

"Taken Fang stands at the hill, watching the three Warstriders meander across the landscape. He knew that he and his Circle would have no chance facing the Wyld Hunt directly. He only had three arrows left, his arm continued to bleed despite Endaro's best efforts, and he was running out of Essence.

He was also running out of time. Taken Fang had to do something, anything to slow down the Wyld Hunt.

He only had one option..."

That kind of thing. You don't HAVE to, but I think it would make a nice ending.

Broken Heron, who heard Dexten Thaird (remember him?) say that the Wyld Hunt was not his responsibility, still had Judge's Ear active. He was being truthful.

Besides, any character with decent Intelligence would hazard a confident guess that the Wyld Hunt is getting their information from somewhere else. Whoever ordered the Hunt sent them early, maybe even before Jorune was awakened!

OOC, this Wyld Hunt is a very powerful one. None of you are properly equipped to take on a Warstrider, unless you are all together and it was just one. This is intentional. This is a powerful group, and unless you are confident that you can outsmart them and bring them into a very deadly trap, you have to escape them. You guys are already doing this, and I'm glad that you aren't going to try to face them directly. I want to give big Warning Signs to your characters that they are being manipulated, and that pieces are falling into place around them. Jorune, his release, Dexten, the assassin, the wyld hunt...

Someone has planned all this.
That's exactly what I mean H@B, thank you. And good thinking saying something to Dexten. I was planning on an ugly reaction to your order to Jubal after I clarified what language you used to speak to him.

What language DO you use when you talk to Jubal anyway?

And remember, it will take some time to get the caravan together, though we will use the shortened time to reflect the fact that you are only taking necessities.
Funny we talked about it with Xarvh today and we came to the same conclusion. :)

Though I think you overdid it a bit bringing 3 warstriders in. We would most likely have run off before a classic Hunt with a bunch of terrestrial and their men (one solar wounded and the followers weakened)... but if it's all "part of the plan", then I'm fine with it.

And no, we're not going to face them, we're just going to buy some time for the caravan to get moving.

What my fear lies on is mostly about the consequences on Alaura's psyche of the Hunt. They've come at the worst time, threatening her life and worst, the life of her followers, and clearly she wasn't prepared enough for this eventuality.

So now I'm facing two options: either building a team of elemental bodyguards / shields (that's not only the "easy" way but also the best to ensure the safety of her followers)... or increase her mastery of sorcery, learning more efficient combat spells...

Either way, she's going to be profoundly changed after this event.

Typing the ending post right now.
Aurethius said:
And good thinking saying something to Dexten. I was planning on an ugly reaction to your order to Jubal after I clarified what language you used to speak to him.
Scratch that, there's going to be an ugly reaction after all.

I looked back over Dexten's character and the way I had designed him, and his interactions with all of you, especially BH, up to now. I looked at everything he has seen so far, and the fact that the Wyld Hunt has been pressuring him with messages sent through the linguistics charm Wind-Carried Words, once they got in range. It sucks for your characters, to be sure, but you can still pull through. It's just going to be more harrowing.

The damage the fire has done is impossible to see immediately, I want to give Nkemdilim a chance to react to what happened without knowing what damage the attack caused. It was Elemental Burst Technique, by the way. A Lore Charm.

I considered giving Nkemdilim and Sapph a chance to stop him, but I didn't want to FORCE combat immediately, and instead decided to have him use the Instant charm, and THEN Nkem or Sapph can decide to open combat, or not. I will say that he won't fight back. In his mind, he simply took the payment for the livestock and property Jubal is running off to destroy.

Sapphire can see the damage, but Lost Mountain, Miss Fang and Broken Heron have begun running through the woods. Its up to each player to decide whether or not they want their character to see what happened. They might see the smoke behind them through the trees, perhaps. Up to you all.

This does not upset the fact that his Act is ending. H@B, you can wait to have Nkem respond until Lost Mountain and Sapphire have given their "Ending" posts so we can close this thread, give out Experience, Will, Essence and other stuff and start the new Act.

cyl said:
Though I think you overdid it a bit bringing 3 warstriders in. We would most likely have run off before a classic Hunt with a bunch of terrestrial and their men (one solar wounded and the followers weakened)... but if it's all "part of the plan", then I'm fine with it.
You know, I thought a similar thing once when, in a game H@B is storytelling, the first enemy we faced WAS a warstrider. It was a small one, but I was like "Wow, already?" But then I thought about it. The wyld hunt KNEW there was one Solar in that town. They weren't counting on the rest of us.

In this case, if you were organizing a wyld hunt expedition, and you (somehow...) KNEW that there was a full circle of Solars up North, what would you send? If you had no doubt whatsoever in your mind that your expedition would find five Solars, how many Warstriders would you have tag along?

Yes, you still would've run off, but would it have the same effect? Would your characters still get the hint that "Holy Cow, someone knew we were here... maybe even before we got here?!"

I have a map that I scanned and am going to upload tonight. It will help you plan an escape route for when the next act starts. Expect it within 15 hours or so.
I'd have brought sorcerers (mortals can do), dynasts and soldiers in large numbers.

1- Warstriders are engines of siege, not just exoskeleton armors.

2- they're heavy, slow, need heavy maintenance, aren't cheap but relatively easy to destroy (I mean you CAN take on one or several of them with a great klave...)

3- soldiers are more easily replaced than striders.

4- coordinated attacks from archers and sorcerers have a much better chance of killing exalts than a single man in a warstrider

It's like using a tank in a city filled with small streets to stop men armed with anti tank rockets.

But luckily for us, you weren't that saddistic :lol:

Miss Fang will be definitely thinking about the sequence of "strange coincidences" leading her to meet her circle mates, free a deathlord and face a Wyld Hunt... but I'm not sure about how she's going to feel about having her strings pulled that easily.
Though I feel its in-character, I'm having guilt-pangs about Dexten's move. If I get an uproariously angry response, or if you guys think its too much and want to ragequit, I'll be disappointed but I will delete the action.

That's only if somebody gets pissy with me though.
Eheh, Aurethius, you wish it was that easy! =P

What's done is done.

But we'll handle that.

And slap Nkem hard, too...

If you want a closing post from us and you think I did it already, I'll just wait for the scene to close.

More over, I still expect the Hunt to be more interested in THE ENORMOUS EVIL HOLE THAT' SPREADING ALL OVER THE MOUNTAIN over a few disorganized fellows running around in terror...
Nkemdilim will kill Dexten for that. Do you want to roll it out, or just say it happens? I have a cool post to describe it.

For the record, Nkemdilim would have been speaking in Flametongue. He then would have addressed Dexten in Low Realm.
If Nkemdilim kills Dexten and BH knows about it, he will not like it, despite his personal grudge against him.

And I'm not sure the others will be more positive either.

They showed compassion to a Deathlord, they will show compassion to a honourable Terrestrial.

On OOC terms, it could prove troublesome to keep the group together.
If Dexten killed our work animals, that means we can't pull the wagons. The wagons with our wounded comrades in them. Which means that either we abandon them to the tender mercies of the Hunt or we all get caught by the Wyld Hunt. Dexten has just struck a deadly blow against us, choosing retribution rather than trying something constructive to prevent or heal the damage to his people. He is now an enemy. Killing him is entirely justified.

Especially to a low compassion, low temperance, high conviction God-king who's having enough trouble rescuing his companion's followers without having a troublesome prisoner torching his means of escape.

And don't try arguing that "maybe it's not as bad as all that." Even if all he did was kill the animals pulling the wagon with the Cube, there's nothing to say that he won't continue to cause us trouble. He's gone from hostage to liability. Better to cut our losses.
Nkemdilim will have to sell this to BH IC.

I don't question the way you interpret Nk, it's solid and consistent.

I'm all for the PCs arguing, but our Circle is not yet very solid... BH has already his doubt about how good Solars are, and depending on the context and the actions of the others, could react badly.
The trick is to react badly without walking away. Think of it this way: not every argument you have with your Significant Other results in a breakup. In fact, conflict is a healthy part of any relationship. The trick isn't to avoid arguments, but rather to manage them productively.

Do you watch Stargate Universe? A good example for this might be the relationship between Colonel Young and Dr. Rush. They're always at odds, but they still have to find ways to work together. I like Young's quote "A lot of work," indicating that it's going to take a lot of effort to get Dr. Rush to work with the rest of the team. That's an appropriate model here.
HoratioAtTheBridge said:
Nkemdilim will kill Dexten for that. Do you want to roll it out, or just say it happens? I have a cool post to describe it.
For the record, Nkemdilim would have been speaking in Flametongue. He then would have addressed Dexten in Low Realm.
I completely agree with Horatio here. Even if Miss Fang was here, she would have spent her wp point to suppress compassion and kill him in cold blood.

Seriously, the guy is a captive and he just screws us at the first chance he get, shooting at the civilians and caravans we're trying to protect, says "I'm not gonna do it again, promise...", and you're gonna let him live ?

No way in hell. When we will talk about it, Alaura will side with Nkem on this one... he's doing the right thing.
How would have Alaura reacted if someone had unleashed a blood-ape against a city?

(Can't belive I'm defending Dexten...)
I might have an alternative to killing him that would get us out of here a bit faster, but I'm waiting to give Aurethius a chance to decide if he really wants Dexten to provoke us in this manner, and then for some other player to have the limelight of smacking him down for it.

On a side note, it's kind of fun having a character who gets a chance to deliver a Hannibal Lecture. :-D

Beating him senseless, I'm all for it and you'll have to hold BH back and fight him for the first punch.

Killing him, no.

More or less the same for Nkemdilim, that is.
Heh. Nice to see people engaging with my character. Shows I must be doing something...well, maybe not right per se, but certainly interesting.

I'm thinking about beating him, then sending him to the Wyld Hunt with the news that we're on our way to destroy the town. That ought to redirect at least a goodly percentage of their forces.
Well, honestly Alaura would strongly oppose the blood ape vs the city, but if it's targeting only property and no innocent is injured... she wouldn't oppose it too vividly considering the extreme situation... the point was to create a diversion and vanish... what Dexten did was sabotage and that was, in his position, simply suicidal.

Honestly I really don't get it... there was nothing to gain for him in doing this... and clearly, he could not realistically expect to live afterwards...

When a captive poses a greater threat than he's an asset as a hostage, you simply kill him / knock him unconscious, and leave him there.

He's a soldier, he should have known this.
Upon consideration, it would probably be best to roll the thread back and undo Nkemdilim sending Jubal after the city. It's interesting and in character, but it's prolonging the end of the act too much. It's probably best to say "Nkemdilim and Saphire load up the caravan and leave while Alaura, Lost Mountain, and Broken Heron hold off the Wyld Hunt long enough for them to make good the escape" and then just move on.
cyl said:
Honestly I really don't get it... there was nothing to gain for him in doing this... and clearly, he could not realistically expect to live afterwards...
You're speaking about the guy that broke BH's only weapons just because it seemed the nice thing to do... <_<

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