[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

cyl said:
Two words: holy shit ! :shock: :lol:
You like that? I hope so, I spent quite a bit of time writing it, and have planned on that event for a while. Your next communication with an Architect representative will definitely be interesting.

And Sapphire's thief guild is definitely going to try and contact her. The difficulty is, they'd try to get a message through to Roginn...
Sure, I like those "cut scenes", they bring life to the story and makes us players realize what's going on in the campaign, which usually isn't the case.

I'm probably stealing this method too. :mrgreen:
Another good method is to let the players play through the cut scenes. Example from 4e DMG II--the players RP guards at a border fort being overrun by mind-flayers. They all die by the end, with the cleverest RPer surviving longest. Lets you introduce the villain and build up a lot of hate for him before the PCs even meet him.
HoratioAtTheBridge said:
Another good method is to let the players play through the cut scenes. Example from 4e DMG II--the players RP guards at a border fort being overrun by mind-flayers. They all die by the end, with the cleverest RPer surviving longest. Lets you introduce the villain and build up a lot of hate for him before the PCs even meet him.
Now THAT is a beautiful idea...
Question: Join Battle (standard timing rules) or Join War (long ticks and war rating limitating all skills) ?
When the time comes for battle to be joined (it is not that time yet), I will request a Join Battle roll from the appropriate players. Thank you for the compliments guys. Keep in mind that though we may not always be vocal, I have a very good feeling that we enjoy eachothers' work. I too want to say that I see the unique talents within each of you, but I prefer not to say too much for fear that someone will perceive favoritism on my part. ;)
Just a quick note... Alaura's not gonna fire unless Lost Mountain, she's no warrior.

Considering the visibility and the trees, they have practically no chance of spotting us, means unexpected attacks (poor bastards :twisted: ) and if we move quickly (thanks Sun Father for MLT) and flurry, their numbers will fall like flies til the avalanche comes, and then all we'll have to do is to run while the striders will be slowed down by the snow the trees and the mountains.

Damn, we should have ordered the ants to dig trapholes to slow the striders...

*take notes "put some fricking dots in war" !
Forget the "I will wait for the other to post blah blah blah".

Let's f$%&/ rock!!! :twisted:
I figured I'd start a conversation back at camp. Might as well use the opportunity to do some RPing, and Nkemdilim and Sapphire have a history that needs to be explored.
Good thinking H@B.

Xarvh, what is Broken Heron doing in your post? Do you want more details on the striders? Is he watching for any Wyld Hunters separating from the group? What is he using Graceful Crane Stance to do? And how do you plan to start the Avalanche if you decide that's the thing to do?

Are you near to the epicenter of the growing darkness? If the darkness started very near to the peak of the hill, where are you in relation to it? Between it and the camp? On the other side?
BH is in the best possible place to start the avalanche, regardless of the hole.

BH has high Per/Int + Survival, but if you need I can roll it.

He will break some rocks, either kicking either dislodging them with the wood log he has, either breaking an ice slab making it slide down (Thanks Cyl!)

Right now he's just watching the Hunt, Caste Mark visible.
Actually, a Perception + Awareness roll for you and you alone, in this OOC thread (or you can edit your post and make it, adding some RP stuff if you like) would be fantastic right now. You are in a position to see something.

And what do you mean by caste mark visible? Do you mean you are at a certain stage of brightness? If so, which one, and what is your purpose for doing this?

If your anima is at a certain stage, please dictate that in your post.
Broken Heron rolled the following in his 7 dice:

2, 2, 9, 9, 4, 7, 10

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.

Caste Mark is visible 'cause BH just spent 3 peripheral motes, as explicitly declared, and that's the level of display.

I want the WH to spot BH, but without this being an obvious rouse.

I want them to feel proud and excited about spotting a Solar.
For you, I'd do anything! :mrgreen:

Broken Heron rolled the following in his 6 dice:

10, 4, 5, 5, 1, 7

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 3 successes.
Thank you very much. Here's the map again, Up is North, Left is West, Right is East, Down is South. The trail the split party of humans is taking is the one indicated on the right side of the map that runs from WW to the little circle. It’s the same one that Nkemdilim and Lost Mountain traveled on before breaking off and walking to Brinstar. All distances given are approximate, but are generally correct.


Licurgo, the Mercury Ants will be done digging the traps very soon, they are very efficient at their work. What else would you like to do?

Cyl, is there anything that Miss Fang would want to do at this point? Orders for Jarod?

Do you two plan to lie in wait near the traps, or immediately move back to the camp after they are set? Do you plan on taking some pot shots at the approaching Wyld Hunt with your ranged weapons?

Xarvh, if Broken Heron plans on taking any actions (like waving at the group that is approaching Jacob's Peak or something), remember to post it. It is very likely that they are looking at him through one of those telescopes like what Dexten had. ;)

And could you please make me a roll with JUST your awareness?

By ST request, pure Awareness:

Broken Heron rolled the following in his 3 dice:

8, 8, 5

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.

(Today Feacia loves me =)
Alaura is waiting for the ennemies to spring the trap and then she'll do what she can to make them think they're surrounded... I did not realize we were so close to the holy road... hmm maybe we can do it after all, once there they can't touch us.

As she's no warlord, she placed Jarod and the twins under the command of Lost Mountain (not that I don't have any ideas about what to do in this situation... but she wouldn't).
The traps should be sufficent to disable or at least hinder the movement of at least one strider. It would probably work best as a fighting retreat, staying ranged for as long as possible, useing the mercury ants to make our path easy and hinder the striders as much as possible. I dont know much about the lore of these guys so i'm not sure what they are capible of, so right now I'm more of the play it safe, although if they close on LM its probably going to become an all out fight considering his hatred for the Rhealm.
BH will wait and start the avalanche at the last moment, before the troops at East can stop him from starting the avalanche.

I want to start the avalanche when the WSs are as close as possible.

Don't know yet how to describe this, but that's what I'll do.

Hopefully the avalanche will at least block the legs of the WSs, reducing their mobility.

Also, I'm sure there's a frozen river or lake around, and that LM knows the terrain far better than the WH.

It's the perfect natural trap for WSs.

Cyl, Alaura has no War, but she's a smartass and she can brainstorm with LM, so if you have ideas, bring them out.

We're going to teach them not to mess with our Circle.
I whole heartedly agree that it would be suicide, which is why I dont plan on letting them get that close, but if it does come down to it, it plays to LM motivation and compasion to sacrifice himself for the greater whole against the Rhealm.

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