[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Unless the 'Strike Team' or the 'Hill Man' have any actions they want to take, the WH is going to move along.
As I said, BH will wait for the WS to approach as close as possible and then release the avalanche.

Of course, if the men attempt to do something to prevent him from doing so, he'll just release it at once.
I shall be assuming that the peak where BH is standing is far higher than the hill where the WSs are.

Avalanche coming in the next post.
Yes, BH used a small frozen depression as ramp to launch himself and the trunk uphill.


Dramatic dilemma.

Does the trunk fly straight on one of the warstriders or it arrives spinning and crushing down some more stuff but with less power?

I leave this to the ST.
That's about 3 miles of distance to travel. I will do some work on this, I wasn't expecting BH to drop the mountain so early.

How far does an avalanche travel? I'm sure its related to the height of the mountain...
With the trunk I can slide a lot farther than where the avalanche can reach.

The avalanche will likely travel the whole length of the slope.

More tilted and/or longer slope give it more kinetic energy, trees and colder temperature dissipate that energy.

The more energy available, the farther the avalanche will reach.

In short: there are enough factors that's largely up to your choice.
Dexten, you take the one with the cube.
errr dude, he's NOT on our side... he tried to mess with us, and screwed us... within the past hours... don't entrust him nothing, don't give him another shot at screwing with us... puh-leeeease ?! :roll:
Would you prefer I gave him the wagon with the injured? Or the one with the supplies? Sadly, we have three wagons, and three able-bodied wagon drivers. Giving him the cube minimizes his ability to screw us over. I fully intend on disposing of him as soon as someone more trustworthy comes along.

For the record, I sent Jubal to help delay the Wyld Hunt. Even if he were here, I'm really not sure I'd trust him over Dexten with any of the wagons...
That cube is the only thing that held a deathlord during god knows how many centuries... and you're entrusting it to the ennemy... tiz no solution...

Might there be someone in Alaura's crew still able to drive (even though slowly) ?
All mortals who were present when Jorune passed by are incapacitated completely. A Deathlord's mere presence (or gaze) is usually instantly fatal for a mortal, but that would've been very cheap on my part. Trust me, none of your followers, even the most hardy, are going to be moving any time soon without some kind of soul-restoring, life-giving effort.

This could be accomplished though, perhaps through roleplaying a ritual or a speech, or a prayer. Who knows. Exalts can do just about anything they put their minds to, even without the use of charms.

And dammit all, could someone tell me how a bloody Lunar actually Exalts from a mortal? Or at least tell me what page its on? Looking at the Lunar book creeps me out.

Xarvh, let me ask you this since I couldn't get ahold of ya on messenger: What do you WANT to happen? Do you want the avalanche to reach all the way out to the Warstriders? Do you want your crazy avalanche-surfing ass to fly through the air and into the midst of the Warstriders on the hill? What is your preferred result of the actions you have taken?
A Lunar exalts exactly like a Solar, only, the triggering condition is often "survival against all odds".

Since I am not sure that a sizable portion of the avalanche will get to the WSs, I am using the avalanche to accelerate a tree and have it hit as badly as possible the WSs and their entourage.

Taking out the WSs with the bow and some troops would be awesome.
Up to this point every thing has been discribed in miles and kilometer, exactly how far off from LM position is the Hunt, cause if they are still that far out a bow is useless and its time to retreat back to camp and implament a strategic advance to the rear.
Just to let you know, Cyl, I'm not really going to leave them behind! I'm playing a game of chicken with Dexten. If he doesn't do something to rescue them before I've rolled out of sight, I'll go back and get them.
So, I'm starting a new Heroic Mortals game over on GiantITP, and I'd welcome any of you to join if you're interested. The Recruitment thread is posted here:

http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthre ... ost7443599

I know that Heroic Mortals are way down on the power curve, but this game should still be pretty epic. It's based on the mystic journey stories like Odysseus, Journey to the West, and Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I'd encourage you to at least check out the full pitch to see if you'd like it or not.
HoratioAtTheBridge said:
Just to let you know, Cyl, I'm not really going to leave them behind! I'm playing a game of chicken with Dexten. If he doesn't do something to rescue them before I've rolled out of sight, I'll go back and get them.
Though Alaura most likely doesn't think very highly of Nkem, yet, you have my complete trust :wink:
Licurgo said:
Up to this point every thing has been discribed in miles and kilometer, exactly how far off from LM position is the Hunt, cause if they are still that far out a bow is useless and its time to retreat back to camp and implament a strategic advance to the rear.
It appears that you WANT to be within bow range, so I will accept that you are within that range. Whatever distance you want to be from the Warstriders, that can be your distance. Consider that if you do want at least LM to be within bow range, that means that he is a good 2-3 miles away from the camp.

I'll delay any post that affects Lost Mountain in this manner until you make a decision.

In bow range, or farther back?

H@B and Mylinnia, I need you to dictate everything that you left behind in order to get the 3 wagons moving early. Even if we've stated it before, I need as complete a list as possible whenever you have the time.
No I'm fine with being outta range, with all the new people I'm leaning more towards the strategic advance to the rear idea, over any other option, we just kinda shaky on just how close they had moved in on the camp
Understood. There's a good 2-3 miles of distance between the Wyld Hunt and the camp.

Feel free to make your posts now.

I will NOT be posting any action for the Wyld Hunt until I get off of work, I need my notes. Xarvh, do NOT post any actions for Broken Heron until I make that post.

To everyone else, if your post does not directly affect the Wyld Hunt on the Hill, ie you use a charm that makes your anima flare up or attack them somehow, you may make a post describing your actions.

Right now, the caravan is successfully fleeing north, with Dexten driving the 3rd wagon. Miss Fang and Lost Mountain are aware of this fact, but Broken Heron is not. Broken Heron is 2-3 miles away from the camp, sitting at the base of Wyld Hill.

And now I wonder... Is anyone else aware of what Broken Heron just did, or his current location!?
LM can pretty much deduce that it was him that caused the avalanche, but wouldn't begin to think he would ride the tide to the hunts doorsteps, so he is expecting to find him with the caravan.
I'm not really sure what Alaura had in the camp to begin with, so I can't really say what we left behind. As for what we brought with us, 1) her followers, 2) the cube, and 3) basic survival equipment. That last one is the confusing bit. I put priority on things to keep us warm (tents, clothing, blankets, sleeping bags, tinder, flint and steel), then on water, then on basic medical supplies (bandages, needles, thread), then on food (including a bow or two for hunting), then on more advanced medical supplies (herbs, poultices, teas, more exotic items), then on weaponry. Finally, if there was space and time, I'd have tossed in a bit of Alaura's mystical gear, firedust, and more important research notes. I would not have brought personal items, bulky research gear such as mining picks or analysis equipment, or comfort items.
That works for me, thank you.

Miss Fang and Lost Mountain are running back to catch up with the caravan, and are accompanied by Jarod and the Mercury Ants.

H@B, Jubal is about to make his move, I haven't forgotten about him. He's just all that speedy, mind you.

And no one knows why Broken Heron hasn't met up with the group yet...

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