[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

I expected BH to get shot only a few hundred meters away, and have to outrun the WH.

Oh, well.

The avalanche didn't work because I badly botched the description.

I wanted to use a ramp that was far closer to the WH, I find it stupid myself to have a tree flying for one mile.


I do see Exalted as "outrageous and cool", otherwise I'd be playing D&D.

As I just said, I can't take Exalted seriously, just as I can't take seriously most wuxias, martial arts movies and mangas and yet still love them.

To me, roleplaying is about creativity and imagination.

The Rule of Pain... I'm not sure I like the idea of a game where all my efforts are frustrated.

I do that already in real life and it's hard enough.

Honestly, I was expecting a lot more betrayals and raping and desperation from your game.

I think you should have explicitly asked us to make "not so good" PCs at chargen, the default for Solars is to be good heroes, albeit crazy, and we stuck to that.

I have no troubles with BH getting killed when deserved and making a new Solar, wicked, bitter and dark.

Also, I do like the drama, in fact I have already prepared a really dark past for BH, and he'll have to struggle a lot against it.

H@B, PCs NEVER die.

Especially with unexperienced STs.

I invested a lot in BH, but the greatest end for a hero is a heroic death.

Knowing the danger gives meaning to the risk.

Also, the investiment is a reward in itself, I love writing.

Torture and rape bothers you because you don't see that in TV.

I find it strange that we can write about a kid being slaughtered with a sword and not about cocks and pussies.

For the rest, I largely agree with Cyl.

Aurethus, you did an awesome game so far, we all are committed and happy.

Also, if you want to play the bad guys, I'm still tempted to ST a game with the worst Dragon Blooded the Realm can offer.
I'm not complaining about the characters, I'm just openly accepting and understanding the characters that I have. I'm not changing anything. Let's continue on. All of you be sure to TALK with me, repeatedly if need be. I need to hear what you want, and what you like, so I can continue to do it.

I will say this. I do NOT want anyone to tell me what experienced Storytellers do. I do not care what experienced Storytellers do, because I am not an experienced Storyteller, nor do I want to be. I want to be Aurethius. That's it. :mrgreen:

Don't worry about it too much folks. Many of your characters have lost some things, but they will be made stronger for their losses.
I AM an experienced ST and you are probably better than me anyway.. =)

As alternative, you can let us play the antagonists of our own PCs, I'm sure Jorune has a few Abyssal Exaltations spared...

(So I can finally and completely fuck up my brain by playing against myself).

Now the struggle to avoid jokes about BH flying...

"Hey, I can see my house from here!"

It's bird! It's an airplane! No, it's a gorgeous Solar! (activates Mastery of Small Manners)

Rolling Socialize against a group of flying ducks.

Ducks (to BH): "Qwaaack!"

Flaring and screaming "I'm a comeeeeeeeeeeet!!!"

All the snow around... This is soooo xmas! =)

LM, Alaura and Nkem can be the Magi, Jubal the Holy Child and Saph the Holy Spirit!

I think I just offended someone.

Aurethius, how can I ever take this game seriously? :mrgreen:
xarvh said:
H@B, PCs NEVER die.
Especially with unexperienced STs.

I invested a lot in BH, but the greatest end for a hero is a heroic death.

Knowing the danger gives meaning to the risk.

Also, the investiment is a reward in itself, I love writing.

Torture and rape bothers you because you don't see that in TV.

I find it strange that we can write about a kid being slaughtered with a sword and not about cocks and pussies.
It has more to do with ongoing trauma than cocks and pussies. I can put some emotional distance between myself and death and failure, perhaps because I've seen it on tv, but I don't feel I'm really up to dealing with someone being broken and inconsolable in a RP game (which, in my experience, is the result of the issues I've listed). While I think that a role-playing game could be a good place to work out those issues I'm just not at a point where I'm ready to get that vulnerable on the internet. I'm really not even ready to get that vulnerable with my closest RL friends.
H@B, would it be different if the character was raped and then killed?

Anyway, I don't think what you describe is different for anyone else of us.

But what we can or cannot tolerate is entirely cultural: while we may not feel comfortable in slaughtering our own food, our grandparents would.

Many players have no problems in having their characters slaughtering humans, but would not have them touch a puppy.
Nkemdilim would absolutely kill a puppy. *.0 <--crazy eye

Personally, I think people are more likely to commit violence in a game if they believe that it is justified, even if it's just a thin veneer of justification. I think the number of people who would RP cold blooded murder are a lot rarer than people generally assume. RPG violence is about heroes fighting to defend others, or at the very worst it's a revenge story where at least you know that the bad guys generally deserve what they're getting. That's why the bank robber at the beginning of Dirty Harry didn't die, but the mass murderer at the end did (and if I spoiled anything, I'm afraid you've passed the statute of limitations on that movie).
HoratioAtTheBridge said:
RPG violence is about heroes fighting to defend others, or at the very worst it's a revenge story where at least you know that the bad guys generally deserve what they're getting.
You have never played Abyssal.

(Yay crazy eye! *.O =)
That is correct. Though, even with Abyssals, there are quite a few things which are designed to make them more sympathetic protaganists. Ancestor cultists are fairly sympathetic when ghosts really do suffer if their descendants don't honor them, and even serving the Neverborn can be sympathetic if you come at it from the point of view of a physician trying to find a way to end their pain (which will, hopefully, not involve destroying the world).

Even games like Grand Theft Auto are played with a certain degree of cartoonish detachment, and the worse violence is reserved for other criminals or those who "deserve it." Americans may be violent, but it's more a reflection of our belief that violence is an acceptable means to pursue justice than it is that violence is acceptable in and of itself.
Sorry if I don't respond to this topic, as my ISP has not died once but twice in a 72 hour period I have lost entirely the topic. So with that said! I think its all good xD . I absolutely enjoy BH's crazy moments of insanity as he seems to want to be a bird. (Tsk should have been a Lunar, should have been :P )
"Look, a shooting star!"

"Quick, make a wish!"

"I wish BH to rejoin us!"

-shrill whistle indicative of descent-

As mostly everything in exalted, Abyssals are designed to be extremely flexible and appeal to a wide range of concepts.

You can have the cursed hero, yes, you can have the renegade in search of redemption, yeah, but a fair deal of them are outright sadistic sociopaths.

I'm not familiar with GTA, but AFAIK you can kill innocent bystanders in several gruesome ways.

Of course, the worst deaths are reserved for the important characters, and in GTA they happen to be bad guys, but's a matter of drama more than "justice".

Not sure what you mean with Americans.

While gunslinger justice may have been imported from the US, many europeans happily buy into it too.
xarvh said:
Aurethius, how can I ever take this game seriously? :mrgreen:
I know how, and I'm working on it.

Xarvh, you have a chance to make some kind of action, even a stunt, to help you in your fall to Creation.
You can gruesomely kill bystanders, but it's played more for laughs than true evil. The game is rife with jokes. That's what I meant by cartoonish detachment--the player isn't meant to experience the true horror of their actions.
H@B: Point taken.

Removed the stupid post.

Tomorrow I'll write something decent.

But I want to wait for Dexten Drama to come to a point.
The only way to save Jackob's Peak and Dexten's family is to kill Dexten in the most horrific, gruesome way possible, leaving him as a warning for the WH.

This way, he will safely be an enemy of us and hailed as a hero.
Allowing H@B, Mylinnia and Cyl an opportunity to say something to Dexten, if they so desire. Also, xarvh is still deliberating on his landing.
BH landed in a quite high place, otherwise the landing speed would have been something close to 700Km/h.

I'll describe in the next IC post the various injuries suffered by BH, he'll be likely unable even to walk for a while.
BTW, I don't think the WH, and the Realm, can afford to burn down and destroy every town where an Anathema appeared on non-hostile terms, and neither kill powerful, experienced Dragon Blooded that happen do their best to salvage the Realm assets.

It's just a matter of resources management.

If this is not the case, I have an Moonshadow Abyssal concept that will take down the Realm single-handedly.
Aurethius said:
Allowing H@B, Mylinnia and Cyl an opportunity to say something to Dexten, if they so desire. Also, xarvh is still deliberating on his landing.
Nothing to add further you honor. :mrgreen:
xarvh said:
The only way to save Jackob's Peak and Dexten's family is to kill Dexten in the most horrific, gruesome way possible, leaving him as a warning for the WH.
This way, he will safely be an enemy of us and hailed as a hero.
Yeah, that's something of what I had in mind. Except if we don't kill him, it's a great way to feed misinformation to our enemies.
Alrighty, H@B and Licurgo have a plan for Dexten, it would seem. I will wait to continue the caravan until it is resolved.

The trip through the mountain pass will not be a short one. It's going to be cold as your characters travel further north, and the winds and snows are channeled down into the pass, making things even more frigid. I recommend a character do some work on getting some extra cold weather items from the wagons.

Nkemdilim, Sapphire and Dexten were thorough in their salvage of the camp, but a character may wish to try and hunt for some warmer food. Mountain goats, though tough and muscly, still have some meat on them. A character with decent survival could make an attempt to hunt or gather edible plants. Warm food cooked on a fire is better than chilled dried meats and nuts from Miss Fang's food stores. Her supplies do include items for cooking, but fresh meat is fresh meat. A character could make a Dexterity+Survival check to hunt successfully, or if you see it as a roleplaying opportunity, we could so some extended work as the caravan moves, up to you. If your character would like to scavenge for plants, make an Intelligence+Survival instead to go plant-hunting.

The unconscious mortals may need another check-up, just to make sure they are recovering steadily. With the strength mystically stolen from their bodies, the frigid temperatures are especially dangerous. An Intelligence+Medicine roll, requiring about 5 minutes of dramatic time, would be appropriate for this. A character checking on the mortals would still be able to take part in conversations.

Some of your characters may be feeling exhaustion, depression, or pain from wounds recently received. Consider this as you make your next few posts. How would your character react to recent events? What would your character do to help others cope? A character with sufficient Presence or Socialize might decide to make a speech with an accompanying roll, and this speech might help his Circle regain some motivation and Willpower. ;)

Above all, soon everyone will have a chance to talk to eachother without major stressors. Look back over the conversations you have already had with the circle, and consider what your character would say next. No matter his or her feelings, all of you are in the same caravan, and unless you want to ride in silence, someone is going to want to say something. Remember the intertwining relationships as well. Nkemdilim and Sapphire have the only obvious prior relationship, but Broken Heron has unknowingly encountered the bandit group that Sapphire once led, before she moved it to An Teng and turned it into Star Transport Services. All characters, if they so choose, have heard of the fanatical Anathema cult leader of Whitewall Fame (Nkemdillim), so you know something of him. This is a great chance for the characters to get to know eachother, so take it slow and enjoy it. There will be events in the pass, but we have time for some roleplaying, and for some characters to put their survival skills to use.

Your next destination should probably be a town. A character with decent Bureaucracy should be in charge of shopping in that instance, and I believe Sapphire has a fantastic talent for acquiring things in an urban setting.

Remember, if there are any requests or questions, about upcoming scenes or anything at all, let me know.
The trip through the mountain pass will not be a short one. It's going to be cold as your characters travel further north, and the winds and snows are channeled down into the pass, making things even more frigid. I recommend a character do some work on getting some extra cold weather items from the wagons.
'tis why I have blessed the coats of my crew and the tents and some spares with RoEE (fire) so we all get bonuses vs cold :wink:

Don't worry about food or shelter, Alaura will summon what's necessary to provide for us... and Jarod will find us a nice spot, or the twins will make us one (undaground cave :) ). but we need to stop at some point, so whenever our characters feel secure enough (I think a few hours) we will make a camp.

The way I see it Nkem and Alaura should stay and take care of the wounded while the other go hunting.

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