[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Gethamane is to the east, across a very large mountain range. Whitewall is far to the southeast. Everything to the north... is ST territory. If you guys have a desire to go to pre-established locations (I know you'll want to go to Whitewall someday), I can move the geography around a bit.

Cyl, what do you mean by Alaura summoning what's needed? Are you referring to the supplies already there?

Also, consider that the oxen drawing the caravans might be a bit stressed out by recent events (explosions, undead things, yikes!). They will need a rest as well. A character with survival could make a Charisma+Survival to check on them, calm them down. May make the trip faster and easier, and if there are any scary events in this pass, they will be better prepared for it.

In short, it would be great for your characters to get a chance to put their skills to use, rather than relying only on what Miss Fang brought with her. Why use items from a store of resources when you can catch what you need for free? In Creation, if you have something you can save, you save it, and you work for things that you can get now, and use now.

In addition, those with Lore or Occult may want to ask Miss Fang to access her books and logs, and do some research on things you have encountered recently. Anything you wish to research, make an appropriate roll and describe the resources you'd like to use. I will give you the information your character would logically discover.

Also, an Intelligence + Lore would help with studying Miss Fang's maps, in case yall are wondering about your next destination.
I meant: summoning an elemental built for the hunt... but as usual... there are very few elementals built with Survival.

I feel so depressed by the total lack of care for elementals in their design.

As for where we need to go, I think Alaura will explain to the others where she intended to go, why, and how... because if Twelve Irons failed to retrieve the heritage of the First Age lost in this area, a full circle of solars will not !

However, I really do not know how she will react with Broken Heron... on one hand he is the one who impatiently freed what she was trying to study and feared to release, on the other hand, he just saved their asses.

Whitewall is probably the next best place for us before going anywhere else.
Whitewall... can do. There will be some distance between where you are and Whitewall. This is all dependent on the decisions of the characters, of course. :wink:

Any particular reason for Whitewall? Why is that the next best place?
Uh...I'd prefer not to go to Whitewall, at least not yet. There's a reason I mentioned Whitewall in Dexten's hearing, then had him shot. >.> I'm hoping he'll bring news of our "destination" to the Hunt and lead them off track.
It is the end of the Holy Road... there is very little Imperial presence there (unlike Wallport), so we will be safe there to get some rest, reload food and stuff, and go on with our next trip.

However, we could also go back to Wallport and get the hell out of the North for at least a year, to let things cool down and come back later. I mean we have the Hunt on our backs now, so... taking off is probably the best idea for us.
cyl said:
However, I really do not know how she will react with Broken Heron... on one hand he is the one who impatiently freed what she was trying to study and feared to release, on the other hand, he just saved their asses.
Alaura suggested (somehow) to free Jorune herself: viewtopic.php?p=50966#p50966

Since we were STbotted into doing that, I would like all the PCs to take equal responsibility.
Try saying something like 'guided' instead of a term with a stigma around it like STbotted.

Just waiting on Licurgo to shoot at Dexten now, or not. His decision.
xarvh said:
cyl said:
However, I really do not know how she will react with Broken Heron... on one hand he is the one who impatiently freed what she was trying to study and feared to release, on the other hand, he just saved their asses.
Alaura suggested (somehow) to free Jorune herself: viewtopic.php?p=50966#p50966

Since we were STbotted into doing that, I would like all the PCs to take equal responsibility.
You are a 100% right, I fully had forgotten about that post I wrote to follow the lead of "freeing Jorune is what we need to do". My subconscious blocked this memory because I deeply believed we should not have freed him. :mrgreen:

So there will be nothing between Alaura and Heron but extended gratitude for the rescue of her friends. :wink:

I'm sorry I had forgotten about this post (getting some rest is hard when people are doing construction work 20 goddamn yards from your goddamn bed 6 fricking days a week), and am glad you reminded me of it ! :)
Actually, I deeply believed myself we should not have freed him.

Aurethius, I should have said "forcibly coerced" rather than "STbotted", but's ok, it's a common theme that the PCs have no intention of swallowing the hook that the ST carefully dangles in front of them, you have no idea how many times it happened to me.

Shit happens. =)

I'm sure next time you'll be fully capable of kicking our arses hard into your plot, without us even noticing.
Nkemdilim tried to stop it, but nooooo.

Of course, that's because Nkemdilim wanted to force the weak, pathetic ghost of a long-dead mortal warlord to be his personal slave, and boy was he wrong in his assessment there. But still. :-p
Arti Marziali.

-sigh-, I should have written MA instead.

Sorry, been sending CVs the whole day.
So what is MA and CV? I'm not keen on Acronyms, I try to keep myself from using them. The military loves them, but its a crutch that's best not used.
xarvh said:
Sorry again.
Martial Arts, Curriculum Vitae.
I think the strange english talking people don't call it a CV, but simply a resume (with a french accent)... :mrgreen:
Xarvh, unless you wish otherwise, feel free to write Broken Heron back to the caravan. I won't throw anything significant at you during the trip, and there will be nothing for you to notice as you travel toward them that I need to write, unless you want to notice the humanoid tracks on the trail. You are ahead of the caravan by whatever distance you would like to be. The goats are now avoiding you.

Cyl, the Mercury Ants are capable of long-distance communication by virtue of their super-ant-hood. It's not perfect, as its a form of communication meant to talk about dirt and rocks, so consider that there will be flaws in the relay. Going from Low-Realm (or any human language) to Ant-Antennae-Telephathy leaves a few things lost in translation.

Of course, you could use your skills to train them!

Occult, Linguistics, Survival, those could all play a part with training the Mercury Ants to communicate easier. Alaura has not spoken much with the Mercury Ants despite all the time they have spent together, but not through lack of effort. The Mercury Ants deliberately keep their words short and concise, not because of some diabolical need for secrecy, it is simply their nature. Brevity and efficiency. Such is the life of the Hivemind.
Forging bonds with the ants is almost impossible, they are too tied to their Queen.

Plus she promised to set them free, and she doesn't want to keep them away from their task.

If there's one thing that Alaura believes in, it's that elementals have a job maintaining Creation (sadly that's not true, the gods are supposed to, but they have been slacking off since the Shogunate era).

So unless the spirit itself is independent (like a water child or Jarod is) -ie created by an imbalance, but free of the necessity to correct it - she's really reluctant to keep them with her past the term of their service or their usefulness.

As soon as the group reaches civilization, she will release them.

But they've been so much fun (and useful) that I definitely will summon them in the future !
Wonderful. In case you did not notice, Nkemdilim is waiting for a response from Alaura.

Licurgo, Mylinnia, you guys there? Need some guidance on what to do? Sapphire is a fantastic archer, maybe Lost Mountain would like to bring her on a short hunt, or at least a scouting of the path ahead? There are those human tracks to inspect...

And let's not forget the possessed woman!
Oh I noticed, posting in 30 mins tops (@ work).

Don't forget everyone that I'm going from friday 18th to the 4th of January.

Dunno if how often I'm going to post once in Santo Domingo.
Myllinnia is back. But this winter... oh wait its not winter yet... but with near negative temps you can bet what I will say next.

My single, stupid, unable remove myself from, ISP is breaking down and I have no idea if its the new cold snap striking my area, or the lack of monies helping the family owned, small area, ISP that is creating it. But well today I have a connection, and tomorrow I should. I will read right now and ... well post... But if it feels disjointed... I'll blame it on the hateful cold. ><
Welcome back Myllinia. =)

Dunno what's happening this year.

We have 12C here, the cold and bad weather sent even the Greeks slumbering... oO
hehe xD Its evil cold! Not just cold but evil cold! Well it certainly is evil when word from the city is even their water pipes are frozen and broken xD Mine are too but I live away from cities... where our pipes freeze every time it hits 32F or less xD
Glad you can post when you can, Mylinnia. I wish you luck.

Cyl, do you have someone in mind to RP Miss Fang while you are gone?

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