[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Hrms... Give me... a day... (I keep saying this and nothing happens but on the off chance!) I'll give you a point or two for Sapphire's Dream thingamajig.

*Add a priority dot to the list* ^^
I'm going to need more time to write the dream and find the right theme... but if you have nice ideas shoot first.

Though may I suggest we open sub sections of the forum to put the character's sheet and their dreams (if not we're going to have a ton of stuff in here). Haku can do it quite easily (technically I can too, but last time I did I made a terrible mess and her redness became even more red :| ).
Well, Wound Mending Care Techniqure requires about 8 hours of care to be applicable. If Sapphire doesn't want to do anything for those 8 hours, sure, I'll use it, but I didn't want to knock our best ranged combatant out of commission when we might end up in another fight soon. :-/
Well, unless we got something else to do on site, I believe we can leave the place... we have a captive to exorcise, and a wounded comrade.

I'm just waiting on the ST to find the proper procedure for the ritual... it may be rather simple and safe... or not.
True. As soon as we're in a safer location, Nkemdilim will go ahead and use WMCT on Sapphire.

Nkemdilim rolled the following in his 7 dice:

9, 9, 3, 1, 7, 10, 6

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.

Hmm...that ought to fix her right up. :-D
I can continue the linear progression with no problem, and the reasons make perfect sense. I was worried that I was pushing you guys a little too much, but from an OOC perspective, its the best choice. Still, I'll try to guide the story with some flair and panache.

H@B: No problem at all with the dreams. I've had some writing in place for your dreams in your backstory for quite some time. You are quite right about the Wyld Hunt, and if someone would bloody Look Up, then the point would be driven home! :D

For the subforums, I know you all have asked me to do that before. Don't know how I let that slip past me. I'll ask Haku to open some up, one for each character, one for closed Acts and other closed things...

cyl said:
I'm just waiting on the ST to find the proper procedure for the ritual... it may be rather simple and safe... or not.
Hey, if you roleplay it and have fun with it, it will probably work. Unless it breaks the rules. Or godmods a little too much.

If I'm wrong about Flawless Diagnosis Technique, or if I misread it, let me know ASAP.

For characters with at least One or Two in Occult, you know that many kinds of spirits can possess mortals. As long as you have a Wits of at least ONE :D you can infer that because This person used Necromancy... its probably something Undead or Abyssal that's invaded her. With a three in Occult, you know that some kinds of ghosts receive training in how to use charms while in a human host, though Sorcery is really something for a ghost to be capable of, and would a ghost really be able to do this anyway? With a four or five in Occult, you have heard of specially trained ghosts that can control their host completely, and funnel their living essence into charms and abilities in real-time, as opposed to draining their life slowly and piggy-backing on their life-force. Nonetheless, that does not fully explain the level of control and power of this particular possession. If this even IS a ghost, its something more powerful than you've ever heard of, and you'd have to do proper research to know more. IF its a ghost. It might not be.
I could see the argument that Flawless Diagnosis Technique might be able to identify supernatural effects by their impact on the body, but the main point of me using it is to have an excuse to know what you'd pretty much already told us out of character. Stunt fodder, as it were. I'm just fine with FDT giving me exactly as much information as the story requires, even if it's not consistent from ruling to ruling.
HoratioAtTheBridge said:
I'm just fine with FDT giving me exactly as much information as the story requires, even if it's not consistent from ruling to ruling.
Am I not being consistent? If so, lemme know! My work life is very demanding on my brain, so its easy for me to forget things I've done on this game, unless they really stick in my head! :(

In-character, Nkemdilim could see the draining effects on her body, and FDT could verify that the effects WEREN'T physical in nature. The 1-mote charm might not be able to tell him what's wrong, but it can certainly confirm what ISN'T wrong, right?

Trust me, unless I say otherwise, everything is up for discussion. I'm a newbie storyteller with the pleasure of working with some VERY experienced players. I can't help feeling daunted by this. I can't help wanting to slam my fist down and say "This is how it will be!" to save face whenever I am wrong or illogical on a topic, but I am trying not to.

Please, let me know. Tell me where I screw up.
No no no! Sorry. I wasn't saying you were being inconsistent, I was giving you permission to be inconsistent in the future, or even to be inconsistent in this case. In other words, my use of Flawless Diagnosis Technique is an excuse for you to feed us information, and if you needed to give it a one time boost in effectiveness in order to give us plot-critical info, I'm fine with you doing that per an appropriate stunt then disallowing similar abuse in the future. Obviously it's better if we just use appropriate Charms to detect possession, but I didn't want us to get hung up in RP trying to figure out the correct Charm to discover what we already know OOC. Information management can be a bit of a headache, so I was just trying to make it a bit easier.
HoratioAtTheBridge said:
I was giving you permission to be inconsistent in the future, or even to be inconsistent in this case.
I will probably (more like definitely) need this kind of understanding on your part in the future. Thank you. I try, but sometimes its just easier to fudge things and keep everything flowing. :D

Great post cyl, it's interesting to see your character having some First Age memories popping back in, albeit unexpectedly.

I try to be vague with the clues I give you guys, because I know that many of you are very, VERY analytical. Every little piece I hand out is treated as another piece of the story, and I'm glad that I can write this kind of story! All the bits of the puzzle slowly being revealed... but be careful! Unless you confirm information, its only guesswork!
Yup, that was nice cyl!

On another matter, I'm curious to see if the black stain will start reforming under the sorcerer's feet, will fade or will follow us or whatever.

Hopefully, it will give Alaura a better clue on the origin of the possession.
Remember xarvh, you did ask it a question. "What did you just release?"

You got two answers, one from the woman, and one from the possessed. The first term, "Mother Darkness" was the answer to your question. The second was one of the terms with which it refers to Solars, as I'm sure you know.


Lets not forget that the woman is still in Nkemdilim's arms, and he began slowly walking down toward the camp. He has not yet posted another action since after he healed the woman herself, so let's please give Nkemdilim the chance to do something. I'm not saying you have to change your post xarvh, maybe H@B will write something like "Handing the woman off to BH, Nkem says "She dun did bad stuff"

Guh, long day
I imagined that BH didn't let the woman for a single moment, as paranoid as he is...

Ok, I deleted the post and will wait for Nkem to act. =)
bwahahaha! I will have "'Deal Breaker Who Strikes From The Skies" written into my bad-ass leather jacket!
One of the great things about being a legend is that many people have different names for you. Perhaps among the Undead, or at least the ones who work with this possessor, that is your title... Or at least it will be if this guy every escapes from your grasp!

On the subject of identifying this thing, unless anyone is using an extrasensory perception or a charm, I can't ask anyone to make any rolls, except for the ones H@B already made and the Judge's Ear charm that BH used. Until you actually have some evidence to go off of, your knowledge is immaterial. That is why I suggest asking its name, or what its called, so that you can actually put a name to what little evidence is actually available.

Trust me, I didn't think ahead and figure that this was going to be difficult, but now I see it. "Okay, so its inside some lady. What is it?"

"Uhh, you have no idea. Its inside her. :( "

Bleh, sorry folks.
Well, if I may we know several things about the creature:

- it's powerful enough to completely control a living human body over time (usually ghosts prefer dead people to ride)

- it's powerful enough to cast necromancy, which also indicates somehow a connection to either a deathlord or the Neverborn

- it's powerful enought to do both at the same time.

I only have two options:

1/ it's a spirit (of Creation I mean) who has been twisted and now now necromancy, but Jarod ruled that out.

2/ it's a super ghost (kinda like a nephwrack).

It could also be a proxy - someone controlled by a spell - but apparently Jarod's senses ruled that out too.

So it leaves me with the ghost, and there's only one way to free the chick... exorcism... I'd have to check the exact rules for exorcism, but I'm sure it takes time and considering the essence of the ghost (might be around 3/4), I bet it's not going to be easy.

Best call for now is to tie it up, mute it and blindfold it (this way we got no casting problems), get us all out of here, and then ask questions and free the woman later... provided she survives 24h+ of travelling.
SCA works on dematerialized spirit... he's not dematerialized, he's possessing a body, you can't hit him without hitting the body... unless... hmm yes... there's two options:

Spirit-repelling diagram (occult charm) : forces the thing to materialize, so we can beat the crap outta him (was in my to-buy-list, but has 2 prereqs).

Spirit Sword (spell): allows me to strike directly at the spirit. (wow this one's a must for any spirit hunter).

Both are not in the range of availability at the moment.

Of course... I could also summon an elemental skilled in such things as "spirit ass kicking" to rip him out of her, but... he's a necromancer... could be very dangerous for the girl and the elemental.

Third option is using thaumaturgy rites (from the codex) but we haven't worked out with the ST which degrees, arts and rituals Miss Fang would have... considering her occult rating and her negative intimacies for demons and the dead, it might be reasonable to assume that she know how to protect herself and the ones she cares about against those two types of spirits outside of her charm/spell range.
A degree costs 10xp, IIRC, and a procedure 1-2 XP each. Might be a good way to figure out which ones you know.

Necromancy would also be highly effective against the undead. That is, after all, what it was designed for.

Aurethius, would it be possible to find a 1st Circle Demon who knew a few Shadowlands Circle Necromancy spells?
Thaumaturgy is a highly effective tool, though it's extremely subtle. I think it's worth having at least one degree, even at 10 XP. Of course, it might be easier to generate a few thaumaturge followers.
Yup, I messed up on this one. Never had played a twilight before... live and learn.

A bit of a downtime and I'll study a few procedures since it's going to allow some feats impossible with charms and sorcery.

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