[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

If it's a team effort, you give 1 px to each member of the team.

Also, I think it would be a lot better if, once we posted our attack and rolled the dices, you assign the stunt to us and roll the stunt dices for us.
As a point of information, you get the WP for a two die stunt or 4 motes of essence. A three-die stunt would provide a point of WP or 6 motes of essence, or if the ST will allow it, grants a point of XP (this is usually reserved for 3 die stunts that tie to the character's motivation).

Stunts provide dice, not successes, except for defensive stunts. Defensive stunts add directly to the relevant DV, as per the latest errata.

One solution I've hit upon for stunts is to have each person go ahead and roll the stunt dice separately. Since the roller online says which die got which number, it's easy enough to ignore dice in excess of what we actually achieved. Thus, if the roller says you got a 6, 10, and 8 on the three stunt dice, but you only achieved a 2 die stunt, you'd just take the 6 and 10 for two successes.

If you want to keep things even, I like the solution of giving everyone a point of XP whenever anyone gets the 3 die stunt, assuming they're willing to sacrifice the motes/willpower.

Also, I think we're still missing Licurgo. I got him the Exalted books, but I don't think he knows the game is open again.
Miss Fang should act on T7, not T6 (her hottie has spd 4).

Once again I recommend you keep track of time from the on going ticks in the IC thread.

Like this : (assuming we're on T6)


T6: Sapphire, Sapph's Thing, ???, LM's Thing

T7: Miss Fang, Nkemdilim, Thing in Camp, Jarod, Broken Heron

T8: Jubal

...and up everytime you make an intervention.
Sorry guys, took me a little while just to get that one damn post fixed. Okay, just waiting on Sapphire now.

And would someone mind double-checking me? I'm pretty sure I got my math and combat rules right here, but I laid down some nasty-looking damage, and I'm worried I skipped a step.

We do have a 'healer' in the party, right?

Sapphire is up right now before we move on to Tick 8.

I'll post in the backstory threads after I get some rest.

When I have the time, I'll describe to you guys what my daily life is like here, as much as I can, so you can get an idea of what my schedule is like.
Both Nkem and Alaura have a coupla Medicine charms, Nkem is the only one without Seven Shadows Evasion and he's pretty sturdy anyway.
Posting. Me and Patternspider have been having a SQL error fight ^^ It seems to have gone for me now. >>
YAY IC resume!!! =)

Since we can see Saph having troubles, how many ticks would take to sling at full speed against Mr. ???

BH has dex 5, atl 5 and would burn a WP for the action.

Then again, if the thing in the camp threatens more the crew and Alaura, Saph will have to wait...

Mmmh.. I'm a bit lost with the recent layout.
Reposting the Battle Layout description here with modifications.

Sapphire didn't go far from the camp, she is only about 20 yards north of the northernmost edge of the camp area, but she is within some conifers and brush, so she can't be easily spotted, nor can she see the camp clearly. Lost Mountain is not much farther, having circled around from the center of camp seeking some tracks. He is near the northwest corner of the camp, again about 20 yards out, but in a clearing of trees, open area. Miss Fang is in the center of camp with the Mercury Ant and the wolf, and BH, Nkemdilim and Dexten Thaird are on the eastern edge of the camp.

The Thing in Camp is only 'slightly' on fire now. :wink:

Sapphire's Thing is more or less dispatched. That holy-arrow attack really busted it. There's something capable of Shadowlands Circle Sorcery (Only those Knowledgeable in the Occult would know that what happened to Sapph was some kind of sorcery in the first place) on the mountain, who revealed its general location with the release of its spell. Any character in any location has a good idea of where it is. I dictate that to reach that distant target, one would have to take three sprint actions, and only if they are a particularly dextrous character. This target can be fired at with a ranged weapon, but you'll take penalties from firing through the forest. In addition, I'll say the range is about 300-350 meters from the center of camp. A damn good distance. Luckily for the spellcaster (perhaps it planned on this), most spells work by line of sight, and don't require aim.

Only one full sprint action separates each 'combat' zone, except for Lost Mountain, who is TWO sprint actions away from Broken Heron and Nkemdilim, and them only. For LM, all other zones are only one sprint action away.

Next up on Tick 8 is those who are indicated. There's a pretty high concentration of characters in the center of camp, but I'm sure you're all considering rushing to the aid of your comrades.
I don't think Alaura can tell at this distance exactly that necromancy is being used... I have no Sorcerer's Sight yet. :P
No prob.

BH's take is "strange flashy thing, so ask the nerdy girl". =)

No info means he'll go rampage forgoing any stealth as he thinks he can dodge...

Damn, we're going to have TWO injured Solars and no chance of capturing mr dark magic guy...
Ach, if only I had picked usefulness over style, I'd have chosen a bow over a flame piece, and would have nailed the bastard to a tree... archery 2, not even an archery excellency... impossible is definitely not french ! :lol:
I'm at the office, so I don't have my books, but I'm pretty sure the rules for firing into cover and concealment (??? is in some thick woods, and a good distance away) are quite nasty. I had a sadistic grin when I placed it there. I want you all to get some use out of your athletics charms. Maybe someone will pull a tree down and catapult themselves over there?

Don't forget your ants Cyl, or your speedy wolf for that matter. Both of them can cover some distance, the ants when they're underground, and Jarod is designed for this kind of environment.

Of course, thats if you want to send your less-powerful allies up there to attack ???.

Miss Fang, Nkem and BH are up right now. Xarvh, I imagine you want to wait to act until your dramatic time chat with Miss Fang has ended, and Jarod won't act until Fang does, in case she has some special orders for him.

In about 7 hours I'll have my books, at that point I'll have the Thing in Camp act. If anyone wants to take their action before it does, you have 7 hours.

H@B has been out again, so after you all post, I'll post for him.
No athletics roll for Miss Fang, I enjoyed the way you helped readers visualize what you were doing. When you DO make the attack, go for the stunt when you describe it, but you get an added attack success from this movement description.

Xarvh, very interesting move for BH! I hadn't considered that with the monster's jerking, violent movements, I would be providing some of the more agile characters with an impromptu booster board.

Until Tick 11, I'm considering you Airborne. ??? cannot see you, as you are silently sailing through the air above the trees. Enjoy describing your attack when you get there on tick 11, you'll receive your bonuses then.

And don't forget to annotate the costs of channeling Compassion, or the others, on your character sheet. That way when you get them back, or I give you one for good work, it actually DOES something, you know?
I noted them at once. =)

I will consider the action a 2-stunt, worth the recovery of 4 motes.

Also, dunno how did I get the 11 in the first place, but if BH is acting at 7 and this is a misc action (Speed 6) he will act on tick 13.
Alright, I used quite a few 'dramatic actions', which pretty much means miscellaneous stuff. It's lazy, I know, but for the sake of brevity and clarity, I'm just calling it that. Please don't take after me, if you know the proper name for an action and how to use it, do so. What I have in my head doesn't translate well with these buggery combat rules. Blech.

So, the Things (which you can learn more about later) have dissipated into a rolling soil form, and are now attempting to return to ???. The noxious fumes are not having any effect right now, you do not make any rolls or describe how you dodged it. You will do that kind of thing later, when the time for it comes.

This is coming down to a kind of 'boss fight' with the thing on the mountain. The three minions have disappeared and fled back to their master, who will be acting on Tick 11 after Miss Fang and Lost Mountain.

Xarvh, the necromancer WILL be acting before you reach it on Tick 11. After I post its action, your death from above is free to commence.
cyl said:
Glad you liked the description, wait for my next gun fu move 8)
You're like an Exalted Lara Croft! Both your attacks hit the creature as it fled, nice job on the action description. It can be difficult to accurately describe those kinds of movements, but you did a good job. Take a full refund on the essence you spent on Monkey Leap Technique, you'll need the Essence to get to the battle with ??? in time.
Actually it's a scene long charm so the essence is comitted (and its effect are incredibly useful), unless you have an houserule I forgot about. :wink:

And thanks to Xarvh I could improve the description a bit, I had made several mistakes (damned english verbs !!!).

And yes, a bit of Lara Croft in this character, I have no shame... because she was merely human while Alaura's exalted and in time she will have better cinematics with athletics and archery charms.

On another note: no damage rolls... I like your style 8)
I like to take some artistic license with the damage rolls, and other rules. I'm trying to compensate for my inability to use the system well by being realistic. An awesome move like yours SHOULD work, and the monster was already damaged anyway. If you had rolled damage and it was terrible, or if those shots had missed... well that would've just been disheartening, and this is not a time to be disheartening.

Licurgo, I assume you're sprinting towards the impending attack on ???. I will treat your movements as such, as everyone except for Nkem and Sapph (who are trying to back away a bit) are converging on the necromancer, who will soon act. Give me a few hours, then Xarvh can complete his attack.
BH will act at Tick 13, after Nkem.

He started at 7 and used a Misc Action (Speed 6) unless you rule that it was a shorter action.
Yes, that's right. For some reason I had you listed on tick 11. Bah.

Would someone please like to volunteer to take over Nkemdilim while H@B is gone from us? He left for a wedding on the 14th of October, and unless this is some kind of Protoss marriage ritual or it was followed by some ancient Dragon-kin Festival of the Eternal Fire, something happened to his internet.

I don't feel right having him act, knowing what I know, (such as having him carry Sapph away before the monster could erupt, spraying diseased dirt all over her). I'd rather it be someone who has a good idea of Nkemdilim's play style and character, preferably someone who has been keeping up with his backstory as well.
Right now I'm running after too many PCs of mine, I'd rather not take more burden.

BH should be pretty close already to mr ???, doesn't he have a better view? (especially because he's about to attack...)

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